Use "armenian church" in a sentence

1. The Armenian Church celebrates Epiphany, but not Christmas.

2. The Catholicos represents the centralized authority of the Armenian Church

3. Peter Armenian Church Glendale, CA [email protected] Archpriest Fr

4. The roots of the Armenian Church go back to the 1st century.

5. I CAME from a family of Armenian descent and belonged to the Armenian Church.

6. 1 day ago · Azeri Vandalism to Armenian Church Incites Plea for Protection

7. Catholicos Aram I was ordained as a celibate priest in 1968 and obtained the title of Vartabed (Doctor of the Armenian Church) in 1970

8. It was the second Armenian church to be built, following the Etchmiadzin Cathedral and was the seat of the diocese in the 10th century.

9. It became the standard anaphora of the Armenian church before the end of the 10th century and is a translation of the Greek version.

10. The election of the new Catholicos took place in 1943 and the Primate of the Armenian Church in North America, Archbishop Karekin Hovsepiantz, was elected Catholicos

11. Archbishop Aghan Baliozian Dies At 66 In Australia PanARMENIAN.Net September 22, 2012 - 10:48 AMT PanARMENIAN.Net - Australian-Armenian journalist/foreign correspondent Arthur Hagopian issued a statement on the death of Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian Church of Australia and New Zealand Archbishop Aghan Baliozian.

12. BeatitudeUsed as a title and form of address for a patriarch in the Armenian Church or a metropolitan in the Russian Orthodox Church: Your Beatitude. [Middle English, from Old French, from Latin beātitūdō, from beātus, happy; see beatific.] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition.