Use "aristarchus" in a sentence

1. Aristarchus crater is located on the southeast edge of the Aristarchus Plateau

2. Aristarchus Patrinos teaches in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

3. Of Aristarchus, freedman, A nomenclator.” Description

4. Aristarchus Of Samothrace, (born c

5. Aristarchus lived from 310 – 230 BCE

6. Little is known of Aristarchus’ subsequent habitation.

7. Aristarchus Crater is the largest impact on the

8. How did Aristarchus and Gaius react to persecution?

9. And so do Mark, Aristarchus, Demas and Luke, my fellow workers.

10. Aristarchus was with Paul when the ship they sailed on to …

11. This inscription marked the columbarium niche of Aristarchus

12. Aristarchus of Samos was an ancient Greek astronomer and mathematician

13. Aristarchus is a Menaphite scholar who currently resides in Pollnivneach

14. The name Aristarchus occurs five times in the New Testament

15. Although Aristarchus put forth an appealing hypothesis and nothing more.

16. Aristarchus and Epaphras are referred to as Paul’s ‘fellow captives.’ ( Colossians 4:10, 14; Philemon 23, 24 ) For a time, therefore, Aristarchus apparently shared Paul’s prison bonds

17. (3rd century BC), Greek astronomer; known as Aristarchus of Samos

18. The only main reference of Aristarchus’ work is Archimedes’ book named ‘The Sand Reckoner’.

19. Facts about Aristarchus inform you with the Greek mathematician, scholar and astronomer

20. Although Scripture mentions Aristarchus only a few times, and his background and later life are unknown, we know that Aristarchus was a faithful follower of Christ and served alongside Paul.

21. See authoritative translations of Aristarchus in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations.

22. The Aristarchus Plateau has fascinated lunar observers since before the space age

23. Nearly 2,000 years before Galileo, Aristarchus of Samos posited the notion of heliocentrism

24. Aristarchus’ martyrdom under the reign of Nero is also part of church tradition

25. Aristarchus broke with the popular trend which adhered to the geocentric model of astronomy

26. Greetings from Aristarchus are conveyed in Paul’s letters to the Colossians (4:10) and Philemon (23, 24).

27. Aristarchus, the famous ancient astronomer and mathematician born in Samos: Aristarchus (310 BC-230 BC) was a famous Greek mathematician and astronomer, popular for his theories regarding the heliocentrism of our solar system

28. Aristarchus (the best ruler), a Thessalonian, ( Acts 20:4; 27:2) who accompanied St

29. Aristarchus of Samos is credited as the first person to present the Heliocentric model

30. Luke and Aristarchus demonstrated their love for Paul at cost and risk to themselves.

31. Aristarchus Aristarchus used simple geometric arguments to show that the Moon was about 70 times the radius of the Earth away, and that the Sun was about 18-20 times the Earth-Moon distance away

32. Aristarchus is talking about intersections of spheres, cones, and planes, and is doing proto-trigonometry

33. This name was borne by Aristarchus of Samos, a 3rd-century BC Greek astronomer and mathematician.

34. Aristarchus my fellowprisoner saluteth you, and Marcus, sister's son to Barnabas, (touching whom ye received commandments: if he come unto you, receive him;) Philemon 1:24 View whole chapter See verse in context Marcus, Aristarchus, Demas, Lucas, my fellowlabourers

35. And the whole city was filled with confusion: and having caught Gaius and Aristarchus, men of Macedonia, …

36. 706), nor from saying that by Athetizing lines in which Homer apparently departed from Aristarchus’ standards for poetry

37. Aristarchus accompanied Paul on the voyage to Rome, but how he secured passage is uncertain, perhaps as a slave for Paul

38. Aristarchus worked with the holy Apostle Paul in order to enlighten others with the written works of the Gospel.He was St

39. Aristarchus is celebrated as being the first man to have propounded a heliocentric theory, eighteen centuries before Copernicus

40. The mob dragged Aristarchus and Gaius into the theater and kept shouting: “Great is Artemis of the Ephesians!”

41. Superimposed on the plateau is a spectacular channel (or rille), and the very young Aristarchus Crater (regional overview)

42. Aristarchus of Samos: The Ancient Copernicus Paperback – August 1, 1981 by Thomas Health (Author) 4.0 out of 5 stars 1 rating

43. 1Already in the second century B.C., Aristarchus (Arn/A) suggested Athetizing line 407 because he thought it conflicted with line 418

44. Antinationalization Antipatriotically antipopularization antirevolutionaries antireligiosity antirevolutionary antirealistically antiscientifically antispiritualistic antisupernaturalist antisupernaturalism antiutilitarian apogeotropically archiepiscopality aristarchus of samothrace artificial insemination arytenoepiglottic aryepiglottidean

45. Aristarchus ăr ĭs tär’ kəs (̓Αρίσταρχος, G752, best ruler).A Thessalonian Christian who was a close companion of Paul

46. Biography Aristarchus of Samos does not seem to have had the attention from historians of mathematics which he deserved until recent times

47. The strength of the antithesis drawn by Athene in this allusion leads Michael Apthorp to agree with Aristarchus on Athetizing line 808

48. Paul’s companions for this part of his missionary tour included Aristarchus, Gaius, Secundus, Sopater, Timothy, Trophimus, and Tychicus. —Acts 20:3, 4.

49. Visit for more math and science lectures! In this video I will explain how Aristarchus calculated the distance between the Earth an

50. Aristarchus was persuaded that such verses, although he Athetized them, really did belong in the base text that we call the “vulgate.” Aristarchus treated the “vulgate” Homer text in much the same way that a neo-Aristarchean editor like Origen treated the Septuagint in his hexapla edition of the Hebrew Bible: the Septuagint was Origen

51. Aristarchus was born in about the year 310 BC, probably on the Greek island of Samos, the same island Pythagoras was born on 260 years earlier

52. Aristarchus is best known for two things: his belief that Earth orbits (revolves) around the Sun and his work attempting to determine the sizes and …

53. Aristarchus of Samos was a Greek mathematician and astronomer, born on the island of Samos, who was the first to propose a heliocentric theory, with Earth revolving around the Sun

54. Africanus includes lines Athetized by the Homeric scholar Aristarchus, but excludes without comment lines included in other editions, in addtion to the wholesale interpolation of obviously anachronistic Egyptian material

55. There Luke would have been in contact with some of Paul’s other fellow workers —Tychicus, Aristarchus, Mark, Justus, Epaphras, and Onesimus, to mention a few. —Colossians 4:7-14.

56. Aristarchus has known that during a lunar eclipse (when the Sun, Earth, and Moon, are set in a straight line in that order) the Moon “disappears” somewhere for 2 hours

57. Aristarchus, who lived from 310 BC to 230 BC, postulated that the planets orbited the Sun - not the Earth -- over a thousand years before Copernicus and Galileo made similar arguments.

58. Aristarchus ar-is-tar'-kus (Aristarchos, "best ruler"): He was one of those faithful companions of the apostle Paul who shared with him his labors and sufferings

59. For example Heath begins Volume II of his history of Greek mathematics with the words [5]:- Historians of mathematics have, as a rule, given too little attention to Aristarchus of Samos

60. In such cases, Aristarchus follows the procedure of recording his judgment by Athetizing the given verses in his base text and then by commenting on his judgment in his hupomnēmata

61. Aristarchus was influenced by Philolaus of Croton, but he identified the "central fire" with the Sun, and put the other planets in their correct order of distance around

62. 217 bc —died 145 bc, Cyprus), Greek critic and grammarian, noted for his contribution to Homeric studies. Aristarchus settled in Alexandria, where he was a pupil of Aristophanes of Byzantium, and, c

63. The edition of Anacreon’s poetry known to later generations was probably prepared in Alexandria by Aristarchus in the 2nd century bce and divided into 9 or 10 books on the basis of metrical

64. Aristarchus of Samos was inspired by the work of Philolaus of Croton, who put forth the idea that the cosmos existed because unlimited fire is found at the center of a cosmic sphere

65. Aristarchus knew (as any natural philosopher at the time would have known), that on average twice a year, the surface of the full Moon became dark for a period ranging up to about two hours

66. Unlike Zenodotus, however, Aristarchus in his edition of Homer refrained from Athetizing the verses describing the images on the Shield at I.18.483–608 (HC 2§198, with reference to primary and secondary sources).

67. Aristarchus is best known for two things: his belief that Earth orbits (revolves) around the Sun and his work attempting to determine the sizes and distances of the Sun and Moon relative to each other

68. Aristarchus was a Macedonian of Thessalonica and a traveling companion of Paul.He was manhandled together with Gaius when Demetrius stirred Ephesus into an uproar and accompanied Paul on his subsequent missionary journey to Macedonia and Greece ().

69. Aristonicus, an Aristarchean scholar who flourished in first century BCE, has this to say about the verse, in the scholia A for Iliad II 319 (a1): ἀθετεῖται ‘it is Athetized’—that is, this verse is Athetized by Aristarchus.

70. Aristarchus (310 BC – about 230 BC), was an ancient Greek astronomer and mathematician.His is the first known model that put the Sun at the center of the known universe with the Earth revolving around it (see Solar system).

71. All the NT references doubtless relate to the same man (Acts 19:29; 20:4; 27:2; Col 4:10; Philem 24).Aristarchus, a Macedonian from Thessalonica (), first appeared as Paul’s companion during the riot at Ephesus.As “Paul’s companions in travel,” he and

72. Aristarchus ( *)Ari/starxos), the most celebrated GRAMMARIAN and critic in all antiquity, was a native of Samothrace.He was educated at Alexandria, in the school of Aristophanes of Byzantium, and afterwards founded himself a grammatical and critical school, which flourished for a long time at Alexandria, and subsequently at Rome also.