Use "archeological site" in a sentence

1. Baalbekis the name of an archeological site in Lebanon.

2. An archeological site is at Pu Asa on a mountain top.

3. Located in southern England, Stonehenge is an archeological site of mystery.

4. Aksum is an archeological site that covers the remains of an influential city of ancient Ethiopia

5. The skeletons were uncovered in 2005 in a group of graves at an archeological site in the Eulau region.

6. During the visit, Chirac admired the archeological site where thousands of objects have been dug up, including bronze animals and statues.

7. The thesis discusses the planning of Liangzhu Culture Residence as a measure for the conservation of Liangzhu Archeological Site and the design of Liangzhu culture museum.

8. Ancient archaeological finds discovered in Nakhchivan ISLAMABAD -- Buddhist Archeological site of Bhamala is considered a significant Archeological discovery of Ghandhara civilization; however, the right bank of river Haro, adjacent to the heritage site, is attracting more visitors than the Buddhist era stupas and statues.

9. That has a high probability of containing Archaeologic al artifacts, shall have a qualified archeologist, as approved by the administrator, prepare a site study to determine the effect that any proposed action may have on the archeological site and recommend necessary treatment and mitigation measures