Use "approximates" in a sentence

1. The Arytœnoideus approximates the Arytenoid

2. Approximator (plural Approximators) Something that approximates; Translations

3. What does Approximator mean? Something that approximates

4. Each Approximator approximates the system's unknown functions independently

5. To view a woman with only erotic eyesight approximates impudicity.

6. The actual level of production may be used if it approximates normal capacity.

7. This leads to good approximates of the coefficients of the singular functions.

8. Total expenditure includes tax payments and asset accumulation and hence approximates income.

9. This technique approximates the parallax that can be observed on uneven surfaces.

10. This permits the use of an exchange rate that approximates the actual rate.

11. This permits the use of an exchange rate that approximates the actual rate

12. The effect has a corresponding affine transformation that approximates the non uniform scaling function.

13. Synonyms for Adjoins include joins, abuts, borders, touches, borders on, neighbours, verges on, annexes, approximates and flanks

14. 22 The yearly output pf the portable computers in the factory approximates to 000.

15. These pelts are larger than those of Broadtail and have hair that approximates that of karakul

16. This technique approximates the parallax seen when moving the eye relative to an uneven surface.

17. These pelts are larger than those of Broadtail and have hair that approximates that of karakul

18. The prime number theorem of Gauss and Legendre approximates the number of primes less than x.

19. Besmoke is a grid-based Navier-Stokes fluid simulation that approximates the fluid dynamics in a stable and computationally inexpensive way

20. If the actual outcome approximates 2003 instead, the tribunals could end the year even further in debt.

21. Its shape very roughly approximates a right triangle, with the hypotenuse corresponding to the peaks of the Sobaek mountains.

22. 6 Generally, one approximates a blackbody in the laboratory by a hollow insulated enclosure which contains a small hole in the wall.

23. Average definition, a quantity, rating, or the like that represents or approximates an arithmetic mean: Her golf Average is in the 90s

24. 1 day ago · Appreciating the Power off the Adolescent Crush Intense romantic attraction to someone barely known approximates early love

25. The two main types are the pressure Altimeter, or aneroid barometer, which approximates altitude above sea level by measuring atmospheric pressure, and the radio Altimeter, which measures

26. It is a synthetic mineral that closely approximates the performance of natural Greenland Cryolite and is used as an active filler in grinding wheels

27. That multiple is the inverse of the Fed's legally imposed minimum reserve requirement on different types of banks, a minimum which now approximates 10 percent.

28. A function f is only differentiable at a point x 0 if there is an Affine function that approximates it near x 0 (Chong et al., 2013).

29. The feedback network (40) presents an impedance matrix producing a negative feedback such that the transfer admittance matrix of the multiple-input and multiple-output amplifier approximates a given admittance matrix.

30. The feedback network (40) presents, in a known frequency band, an impedance matrix producing a negative feedback such that the transfer admittance matrix of the multiple-input and multiple-output amplifier approximates a given admittance matrix.

31. The Antiknock index of a fuel approximates the road octane ratings for many vehicles, is posted on retail dispensing pumps in the United States, and is referred to in vehicle manuals.

32. Quarter Jockey: Asians: Asians that go to arcades and play one game for hours off of a single quarter: Raisin: Asians: Approximates "Rolling Asian." Refers to an Asian who rolls X-tacy, e.g

33. The Better Bedder, when used with a flat sheet roughly approximates what we experienced with a deep-pocket contour, namely, it starts smooth but loosens until after 3 or 4 nights until it is a mass of wrinkles.

34. Bigram The Bigram model, for example, approximates the probability of a word given all the previous words P(w njw 1:n 1) by using only the conditional probability of the preceding word P(w njw n 1)

35. The Better Bedder, when used with a flat sheet roughly approximates what we experienced with a deep-pocket contour, namely, it starts smooth but loosens until after 3 or 4 nights until it is a mass of wrinkles.

36. Proposed is an adaptive method for predicting demand for energy, the method calculating a predictive value that approximates the actual energy consumption by calculating the predictive energy variation according to the economic index, employment rate, regional characteristics or industrial structure, and managing so that the calculated predictive energy variation continuously follows the actual energy consumption.

37. Columella - a small column (or structure resembling a column) that is a part of a plant or animal pillar , tower , column - anything that approximates the shape of a column or tower; "the test tube held a column of white powder"; "a tower of dust rose above the horizon"; "a thin pillar of smoke betrayed their campsite"

38. Vascular grafts (Microvel Double Velour Dacron, l = 10 cm, d = 6 mm) were placed in the carotid arteries of sheep. Twenty weeks post-operatively the synthesis capacity of the neo-intima for PGI2 approximates 0.3–0.6pg/mm2/5 min (equivalent to 10% of the normal vascular wall; Fritsche 1980) in the vicinity of the anastomoses (30 mm), where endothelial-like cells predominate (SEM).