Use "appeal to" in a sentence

1. I appeal to Caesar!”

2. “I Appeal to Caesar!”

3. I appeal to Caesar!’”

4. I appeal to Caesar.”

5. He doesn't appeal to her.

6. Appeal to customers on mobile

7. Does that message appeal to you?

8. Do these paintings appeal to you?

9. Of sufficient appeal to Argentinize the newcomers

10. The book will appeal to young readers.

11. I was Constrained to appeal to Caesar

12. (b) Do such conditions appeal to you?

13. The prospect of camping didn't appeal to me.

14. Her more measured response will appeal to voters.

15. Bst has freight lanes that appeal to everyone

16. I appeal to you to vote against him.

17. We need to appeal to them through advertising.

18. We have to appeal to the Republicans as well.

19. Intervene, appeal to the U. N., or do nothing?

20. Today, warring nations often appeal to God for support.

21. An unsuccessful applicant could appeal to the regional committee.

22. So we thought we'd appeal to their olfactory senses.

23. Bribery to bribee bribee, having huge appeal to briber.

24. The novelty bets appeal to those kinds of bettors.

25. This product did not appeal to the German market.

26. Shakespeare's plays have a timeless appeal to all audiences.

27. The party needs to broaden its appeal to voters.

28. In the following Appeal to children question, select Yes.

29. Advertisers appeal to the ego; they work on the emotions.

30. Advertisers use a variety of techniques to appeal to you.

31. • Ask participants what messages in smoking advertisements appeal to them?

32. An effective defense against Satan’s appeal to pride is humility.

33. Works dealing with some aspect of spirituality appeal to her.

34. They made a direct appeal to the government for funding.

35. Makes an emotional appeal to misguided youth to shun violence.

36. Commercial interests constantly appeal to people’s greed to enrich themselves.

37. 1 The party needs to broaden its appeal to voters.

38. The entertainment value of Bloodstains may appeal to some Ripperologists

39. (8) They appeal to people of all walks of life.

40. A Warm Appeal to Heed Warning Examples for Our Day

41. It will appeal to all honest people of all lands. . . .

42. This book will definitely appeal to teenagers and young adults.

43. You have the right of appeal to the Constitutional Court.

44. Zap bikes also appeal to police departments for patrol work.

45. Right of appeal to CAS Athlete, IF/ADO, WADA CAS

46. Their policies appeal to the broad mass of the population.

47. Independent films are, Broadly defined, movies that appeal to sophisticated audiences

48. They appeal to and are priced for, India's aspirant middle class.

49. An appeal to the Administrative Tribunal shall only be admissible if

50. If a shirt doesn't Appeal to you, you could also say …

51. His music is highly individualistic and may not appeal to everyone.

52. An appeal to the Administrative Tribunal shall only be admissible if:

53. Solicit means to invite entice, appeal to, or request another person.

54. 15 This book will definitely appeal to teenagers and young adults.

55. Her appeal to common sense was what finally carried the day .

56. Circumstantial ad hominem, also known as “appeal to motive” and “appeal to personal interest”, is a logical fallacy and one of the different types of ad hominem arguments.

57. Books and TV programs dealing with self-help appeal to the masses.

58. Paul used this same word when he declared: “I appeal to Caesar!”

59. Does the idea of working for a venture company appeal to you?

60. He will appeal to the state for an extension of unemployment benefits.

61. But above and beyond ... did that enemy face perversely appeal to her?

62. An example of this type of Ambiguity is: Prostitutes appeal to Pope.

63. The owner can appeal to the court to adjudicate on the matter.

64. An appeal to parents to supervise their children may help the situation.

65. The hospital has launched an appeal to raise money for new equipment.

66. Chillum will appeal to home buyers that use several methods of transportation

67. It may also appeal to the latent chauvinism of many ordinary people.

68. Mr Mates said the party must broaden its appeal to younger voters.

69. Overall, self Checkouts benefit the grocery store and appeal to the customer

70. Argumentum ad Baculum definition is - argument to the cudgel : appeal to force.

71. The residents hope that an appeal to reason will end the rioting.

72. This explores historical discoveries and topical issues likely to appeal to pupils.

73. It's an appeals process, so we will attempt to appeal to them.

74. Why did the concept of transmigration of souls appeal to Hindu sages?

75. I find politics infinitely depressing: none of the parties appeal to me.

76. We made an appeal to the villagers for money to build the bridge.

77. 12 Mr Mates said the party must broaden its appeal to younger voters.

78. Only when a juggler misses catching his ball does he appeal to me.

79. He argued that art should appeal to the senses rather than the intellect.

80. 20 I find politics infinitely depressing: none of the parties appeal to me.