Use "antigenically" in a sentence

1. Method of determining antigenically active amino acid sequences

2. Antiegoistically antiegotistically antiempirically antienthusiastically antievolutionally antiexpressively antifemininely antiferromagnetically antigenically antigrammatically antigravitationally antihierarchically antihistorically antihygienically antihypnotically anti-idealistically anti-ideologically

3. Antiecclesiastically antieducationally antiegoistically antiegotistically antiempirically antienthusiastically antievolutionally antiexpressively antifemininely antiferromagnetically antigenically antigrammatically antigravitationally antihierarchically antihistorically antihygienically antihypnotically anti …

4. As the RBC ages it may change antigenically, acquiring senescent antigens and losing its flexibility due to impaired ATP production.

5. The occurrence and location of proteins antigenically related to human pregnancy specific β1-glycoprotein (SP1) and to human placental tissue proteins (PP5, PP8, PP9, PP10, PP11, PP12) were studied in the afterbirth (placenta, membranes, decidua, and umbilical cord) of cynomolgus monkeys with use of an immunoglobulin enzyme bridge (PAP) technique.