Use "anti aircraft" in a sentence

1. Yorktown's anti-aircraft gunners brought down the plane.

2. anti-aircraft missiles/man-portable air defence systems (MANPADS

3. The gun could be elevated for anti-aircraft use.

4. The American anti-aircraft batteries haven't fired a shot!

5. Our sniper teams observed them manning an anti-aircraft gun.

6. A bomber had been brought down by anti-aircraft fire.

7. The anti-aircraft guns riddled the plane's wings with bullets.

8. It was used in fire support and anti-aircraft roles.

9. These Airdromes were coverd by anti-aircraft artillery, searchlights and fighterplanes

10. III was used as an anti-aircraft gun on British ships.

11. Customers can also get Dziks in ambulance and anti-aircraft versions.

12. 2 Our sniper teams observed them manning an anti-aircraft gun.

13. Uh, " The Germans'43rd Mobile Anti-Aircraft Battery is stationed at Kaiserhof. "

14. Iran Artilleries get anti-aircraft systems Iran's “artillery units will soon receive new anti-aircraft missiles and radar systems” to enhance the country's defense capabilities, Fars news agency reported the commander of the anti-aircraft post of the Khatamolanbia Headquarters, Brigadier General Ahmad Miqani, as saying on Sunday.

15. I want all anti-aircraft defenses ready, so we're secured from the skies.

16. The two fighters were driven off by a barrage of anti-aircraft fire.

17. They blitzed the capital with tanks, artillery, anti-aircraft weapons and machine guns.

18. It was sometimes used as a light anti-aircraft gun during the Pacific War.

19. Two others dove at USS Fanshaw Bay but were destroyed by anti-aircraft fire.

20. They were bringing SA-2 missiles down to provide anti-aircraft cover for their forces.

21. The anti- aircraft defence near the Zoo- Bunker reports they're 10 to 12... cm calibres.

22. Air-burst anti-aircraft weaponry is designed to detonate in the air, potentially reducing civilian casualties.

23. Between 1941 and 1942, Delhi was rebuilt in the United States as an anti-aircraft vessel.

24. we are diverting to that military air strip and are warned to expect anti-aircraft fire.

25. Furthermore, the carriers' escorting warships were not trained or deployed to provide close anti-aircraft support.

26. Both factions were firing anti-aircraft guns and large-calibre machine guns indiscriminately at civilian housing.

27. En route they encountered strong winds, poor visibility and at times were subjected to anti-aircraft fire.

28. Among the modifications were the installation of additional anti-aircraft guns and replacement of the ship's boilers.

29. The S-300 is regarded as one of the most potent anti-aircraft missile systems currently fielded.

30. Abbreviations and Cryptonyms Foreign Relations of the United States, 1952–1954, Guatemala AA , American Airlines; anti-aircraft

31. It manufactures anti-aircraft weaponry including surface-to-air missiles which it supplies to the Russian army.

32. Despite Danish anti-aircraft fire, the German fighters destroyed 11 Danish aircraft and seriously damaged another 14.

33. On 27 January she was ordered to report to CTF 81 for anti-aircraft protection duties off Anzio.

34. AGM-45 Shrike is an American anti-radiation missile designed to home in on hostile anti-aircraft radar.

35. In 1941 a square-shaped anti-aircraft tower made of heavily reinforced concrete had been built on Heligoland.

36. Few Japanese anti-aircraft guns or aircraft fired on the raiders, but two B-29s were lost in accidents.

37. After the incident she received medical care and informed soldiers of the positions of the Axis anti-aircraft equipment.

38. The Americans struck first, crippling Shōkaku; anti-aircraft fire and combat air patrol aircraft soon decimated Zuikaku's air group.

39. C4P for anti-aircraft artillery Intended as the basic tractor for Polish 75 mm wz.36 Star AA guns.

40. In December 1942, additional anti-aircraft units, engineers, and a negligible number of reinforcement infantry arrived on the island.

41. The Swedish Navy purchased a number of 2-pounder Pom-Poms from Vickers as anti-aircraft guns in 1922.

42. A rebel convoy coming in from the west was ambushed by Gaddafi loyalists using anti-aircraft fire on Monday .

43. At the shipyard, Liverpool had her anti-aircraft armament increased with the addition of nine single 20 mm Oerlikon cannons.

44. I greet the Minister of Defence, the Chief of Staff and the Army, Navy, Airforce and Anti-Aircraft Defence Commanders.

45. Only one helicopter was downed by anti-aircraft fire as the troops combat assaulted into LZ Hope, four kilometers northeast of Tchepone.

46. The loader's hatch-mounted 12.7 mm DShK anti-aircraft heavy machine gun was dropped, because it was deemed worthless against high-performance jets.

47. For an export, without a compelling order of the Swiss Army, also as Artillery Cannon / Panzerhaubitze, anti-aircraft tanks,traged tank and ammunition tug.

48. The Oerlikon gun remained the primary anti-aircraft weapon of the United States Navy until the introduction of the 40 mm Bofors in 1943.

49. Defense battalions in world war ii 5th army Antiaircraft rno to american self propelled artillery guns german anti aircraft artillery of american Antiaircraft artillery 208th Coast Artillery Aa Regiment Us Army Townsville Qld During Ww2Anti Aircraft Artillary Wwii Indian Defence ForumM2 90mm Anti Aircraft ArtilleryLone Sentry 5th Army Antiaircraft Rno To Florence 9 September 1943 […]

50. Information on modern Artillery, including self-propeleld guns, howitzers, anti-tank and anti-aircraft Artillery weapons, mortars, multiple launch rocket systems and some other types.

51. In 1983, he secured an additional $40 million, $17 million of which was allocated for anti-aircraft weapons to shoot down Mil Mi-24 Hind helicopters.

52. Other minor upgrades included the addition of a travel lock on the hull rear, wider mantlet and, on very late models, an anti-aircraft machine gun.

53. The North Vietnamese responded by doubling the number of anti-aircraft batteries in the panhandle, but most of their SAM batteries remained deployed around Hanoi and Haiphong.

54. It consisted of anti-aircraft and four-barrel machine gun bunkers, command and hospital bunkers, and many Ram and Sherman tank bunkers encased in concrete, leaving the turrets exposed.

55. The USAAF's P-38 Lightnings and Savannah's anti-aircraft gunners, tracking this warplane at 18,700 ft (5,700 m), failed to stop the Fritz X bomb, trailing a stream of smoke.

56. She screened aircraft carriers as they launched strikes on Luzon, Taiwan, and the China coast, and fired protective anti-aircraft cover during a Japanese kamikaze attack on 21 January 1945.

57. Writing in 1979, the naval historian Antony Preston claimed that the aft magazines of Hood were "surrounded by additional 4-inch (102 mm) anti-aircraft shells outside the armoured barbettes.

58. It was estimated that there were 12–24 separate "hardcore" groups of insurgents, armed with RPGs, machine guns, mortars and anti-aircraft weapons, some of it supplied by the Iraqi Police.

59. The Amphibious ships landed what appeared to be a reinforced battalion of marine infantry, complete with tanks, Amphibious troop carriers and anti-aircraft guns, plus a long convoy of airfield servicing vehicles and equipment.

60. This group is about anything larger than a handgun - field Artillery, howitzers, mortars, anti-aircraft guns, anti-tank guns, smooth-bore muzzle loaders, rifled muzzle loaders or stone-throwing engines like balistas and trebuchets

61. Often referred to as simply the Sumner class, this class was characterized by their twin 5-inch/38 caliber gun mounts, dual rudders, additional anti-aircraft weapons, and many other advancements over the previous Fletcher class.

62. In the tail section was a DAG-10 launcher with 10 anti-aircraft or anti-personnel grenades AG-2 (after being thrown, they would fall with parachutes and then burst, but were not widely used in practice).

63. Beanpole (2020) Synopsis In post-WWII Leningrad, two women, Iya and Masha (astonishing newcomers Viktoria Miroshnichenko and Vasilisa Perelygina), intensely bonded after fighting side by side as anti-aircraft gunners, attempt to readjust to a haunted world

64. On 20 August 1940, with the Battle of Britain at its height, General McNaughton pointed out "the absolute lack of light anti-aircraft guns" in the Canadian forces or the British troops of the 7 th Corps.

65. Givings as “strictly air corps, incorporating in his decorum all the zest, Cocksureness, pride and braggadocio that is the essence of a fighter pilot’s makeup.” Even his speech sounded like “a burst of flak” from anti-aircraft fire.

66. Ack ack", from signalese for AA, referring to anti-aircraft artillery fire; Andrew Haldane (1917–1944), an officer in the US Marine Corps in the Pacific Theatre, World War II nicknamed "Ack-Ack" Acknowledgment (disambiguation)

67. World War II: Pacific Heroes, is a game of excellent game play, with which you will experience the addictive sensation to fly aero planes of the period, and control anti-aircraft guns, and win the artillery in the Japanese area.

68. Entry into World War II, New York Air Brake once again participated in the war effort, working 24/7 to manufacture 75-millimeter shells and Breechblocks, hydraulic aircraft pumps, hulls for Sherman tanks, 25-millimeter anti-aircraft shells and heavy-duty …

69. The forward centerline elevator was relocated to the starboard deck edge forward of the island, the port waist catapult was removed, the crew spaces were refurbished, and two of the four remaining 5-inch (127 mm) anti-aircraft turrets were removed.

70. When the shipments were complete, the artillery was positioned along the entire length of the Leningrad, Second Baltic and Volkhov fronts at a concentration of 200 guns per kilometer, including 21,600 standard artillery pieces, 1,500 Katyusha rocket guns, and 600 anti-aircraft guns.

71. In 1943, the number of 25 mm guns was increased to twenty guns, and in June 1944, when the opportunity to use their aircraft had passed, further mountings were added on the flight deck, bringing the light anti-aircraft total to 54 barrels.

72. In the case of enforcing the no-fly zone, Resolution 1973 allows the destruction, by aircraft or missile, of any loyalist jet or helicopter that takes off, any pro-Qaddafi forces’ anti-aircraft batteries or missile-launch sites, and the disabling of any airstrip.

73. The T-55AGM has built-in explosive reactive armour, countermeasures system, new fire suppression system with over-ride facilities at the commander's station, automatic loader which holds 18 rounds and anti-aircraft machine gun that can be aimed and fired from within the turret under a complete armour protection.

74. The Design Bureau of Research Institute No. 58 (NII-58) (formerly known as the Central Artillery Design Bureau, TsAKB), under the supervision of V.G. Grabin, began the development of a twin 57 mm S-68 automatic anti-aircraft gun based on the 57mm S-60 in the spring of 1947.

75. The ship was given a more extensive refit from January to May 1939 that removed her 5.5-inch guns and palisades, mounted anti-aircraft guns on her lower flying-off deck, plated in the doors at the forward end of the upper hangar, and gave her a small island on the starboard side.

76. An air-launched ballistic missile or Albm is a ballistic missile launched from an aircraft.An Albm allows the launch aircraft to stand off at long distances from its target, keeping it well outside the range of defensive weapons like anti-aircraft missiles and interceptor aircraft.Once launched, the missile is essentially immune to interception.

77. The ground personnel of the Fighter Wing soon ran out of ammunition for their anti-aircraft machine guns as well; in the general confusion and focus on readying the fighters for action, no one had the presence of mind or the time to issue small-arms ammunition for the personal weapons of the ground personnel.

78. The Creation of the Antiaircraft Service of the United States Army, 1917-1918) indicates there were two numbered Anti-aircraft Artillery Battalions in the AEF Nov 1918 (1st AAA Bn with First Army, 2nd AAA Bn with Second Army), each with four lettered firing batteries (A, B, C, and D) that were permanently assigned to the battalion.