Use "anno regni" in a sentence

1. Das Pflanzenreich :regni vegetablilis Conspectus

2. Anno Domini softens a man.

3. Anno 2205 is a futuristic city-building video game similar to Anno 2070, as opposed to the previous installments which feature a historical setting.

4. Automobilen - til glede og nytte anno det glade femtitallet

5. 224 rows  · Example: "Obiit anno Domini MDCXXXVI o (tricensimo sexto), [anno] Aetatis suae XXV o …

6. Alii etiam ad regni Affectationem eastrahebant de colore ipso, nam candidae et cretatae

7. Albani, Amphibali et Sociorum, anno DXC Anglice scripta, v

8. Albani, Amphibali et Sociorum, anno DXC Anglice scripta, v

9. Common abbreviations took new meanings in his eyes, and had sole reference to them. A. D. had no concern with Anno Domini, but stood for anno Dombei and Son.

10. From Acta Sanctorum, "Albani, Amphibali & Sociorum anno DXC Anglice scripta

11. The Colonists is a relaxing settlement building game inspired by classics like Anno and The Settlers

12. Anno Aetatis suae definition is - in the (specified) year of his/her age.

13. Lines Written As A School Exercise At Hawkshead, Anno Aetatis Poem by William Wordsworth

14. Years in this calendar are designated A.H. for Anno Hegira or the Hijri year.

15. Agnes retired to a convent, and the government was placed in the hands of Anno.

16. Edward crossed the English Channel to France in January, leaving Gaveston as his custos regni in charge of the kingdom in his absence.

17. Anno Aetatis suae definition, in the year of his age; in the year of her age

18. The caption on the only known contemporary portrait of the mathematician reads: ANNO 1550 ADAM RIES SEINS ALTERS IM LVIII.

19. Dal 1950 tre generazioni di un'azienda impegnata nella distribuzione di carburanti, Combustibili e lubrificanti in tutto il Veneto Litri erogati ogni anno Comuni serviti Clienti Soddisfatti Consegne effettuate ogni anno Puntualità, precisione e qualità sono i punti di …

20. Il primo del 2021 e vuole essere Augurale per un anno più semplice di quello passato

21. Hideaki Anno wrote the first movie and is the general director and manager for the entire project.

22. C.E. denotes “Common Era,” often called A.D., for anno Domini, meaning “in the year of our Lord.”

23. The Colonists is a settlement building game inspired by classic titles like The Settlers and the Anno series

24. 9th, 11th Accountment Exams 2021, Date Sheet 2021, Government Announcement 2021, Exams 20219th, 11th Accountment Exams 2021, Date Sheet 2021, Government Anno

25. The Colonists is a relaxing settlement building game inspired by classic titles like The Settlers and the Anno series

26. Esce oggi ELESTART, il nuovo disco di Antiphone progetto elettronico al quale sono legato anima e corpo ormai da qualche anno

27. Korea, geographically near China, produced Sino-Korean words by adopting Chinese Characters as its own national characters early before Anno Domini.

28. Exemplar huius editionis solum nobis servatum notas manu scriptas praebet quae Attributionem Roberti Greene praetendunt, comoedi ac satyrici anno 1592 mortui.

29. Elizabeth How, for Afflicting Mercy Lewis ) [+ June 29, 1692 ] Anno Regis et Reginae Willm et Mariae: nunc Angliae &c: Quarto

30. Christendom measures time by the Anno Domini calendar, the Year of the Lord era, this starting with the year designated A.D. 1.

31. The Anno Domini system of reckoning years was originally based on setting year 1 as the first full year of Jesus' life.

32. Integratio Europaea Conformationem consilii Europae et unionis Europaeae in Europa occidentali promovit, quorum ambo ad orientem expandebantur post casum unionis Sovieticae anno 1991

33. Armoriale, vulgo Wappenbuch, liber a Conrado de Grunenberg ab anno fere 1483 conscriptus et pictus, est enumeratio insignium heraldicorum.Huius libri octo exemplaria manu scripta cognoscuntur

34. Bezants OF THE LATIN KINGDOM, OF THE FIRST PHASE, MINTED IN ACRE AND IN JERUSALEM Röhricht, in his Regesta regni Hierosolymitani,1 calendars a letter written to Everard, Master of the Temple, after the death of Raymond

35. Il 18. Brumale, anno VIII Summary Italian print published on the occasion of Napoleon's coming to power in France, November 9, 1799, following his successful campaign in Egypt

36. AD (or A.d.) is an abbreviation for the Latin expression "Anno Domini", which translates to "the Year of Our Lord", and equivalent to C.E

37. Die Kasusfunktionen (semantische Funktionen) Name Frage Beispiel; Ablativus temporis (der Zeit) wann? anno tertio im dritten Jahr: Ablativus separationis (der Trennung) wovon? aliquem (ab) oppido prohibere jemanden von der stadt fern …

38. In gracia et misericordia dei hic jacent corpora Nicholai Carew Armigeri et domini quondam hujus ville Isabelle uxoris sue et Thome filii corundum qui quidem Nicholas senex et plenus dierum in pace quievit quarto die mensis Septembris anno domini mccccxxxii.

39. Ut autem a Ledore confpici poiHnt, quas a Geo - metris hac de re confcripta fiiere, brevem Cycloidis Hiftoriam exponam, Primus omnium Galilasus animo, quo erat, geometrico Cy - cloidem Vulgarem confideravit: ipfe enim fcribens Torricellio anno 1659

40. Sacerdotii nostri primordia uberibus suavibusque cumulata solaciis, eventum, quo penitus vehementerque commoti sumus, Nobis in memoriam reducunt: sacra scilicet sollemnia die 8 Ianuarii anno 1905 in Petrianae Basilicae maiestate habita, cum Ioannes Maria Baptista Vianney, humillimus Galliae sacerdos, Caelitum Beatorum fastis adscriptus est.

41. 19 Dicembre 30 Settembre Agostino Agosto Alessandro Amministratore Andrea Angelo anno Antonio Apostolico Aprile Arcivescovo Battista Benedetto Brasile Buon Canonico Card Cardinale Carlo Cesare Chierici circa Città Clemente Coadjutoria Collegio Concistoro Confraternita Congregazione Consigliere Console Conte creato l'anno dell'Ordine Dicembre

42. “B.C.” stands for the English phrase “before Christ,” but “A.d.” stands confusingly for a Latin phrase: anno domini (“in the year of the Lord”—the year Jesus was born).If the calendar actually changed with Jesus’ death, then what would we do with the years during which he lived?

43. Whereof I Samuel Wales and Margaret Burjust Have Interchangably Sett their hands and Seals this Third day November Anno Dom: 1753, and in the twenty Seventh year of the Reign of our Soveraig'n Lord George the Second of great Britain the King

44. Abbot abridged Acta Sanctorum Albani Martyris Amen Amphibali Anglorum anno appears Apud Archiepiscopi auctore Batav Bibl Bibliotheca Bishop Bodl Book Brigidæ Brit Britain called Cant Capgrave's Nova Legenda Catalogue cent century Christi church circa Colgan Coll collection Confessoris contains copy Cott David dble Deus died Domini du Roi

45. Verborum Christi Domini deducta, atque asacerdote prolata, ad fidelium Acclamationem: C.6: fore confidimus, ut hoc ipsum achristifidelibus quasi subsidium ad mutuam : C.13: hac Nostra praescripsimus vigere incipient adie xxx proximi mensis Novembris: C.14: Novembris hoc anno, id est aDominica I Adventus

46. Su iniziativa dell’allora sindaco di Lisse e di alcuni importanti coltivatori ed esportatori di Bulbose, nel 1949 fu organizzata un’esposizione floreale all'aperto, un avvenimento che da quella prima volta si ripete ogni anno e attira sempre un grande flusso di visitatori da tutto il mondo.

47. In Testimony whereof I Samuel Wales and Margaret Burjust Have Interchangably Sett their hands and Seals this Third day November Anno Dom: 1753, and in the twenty Seventh year of the Reign of our Soveraig'n Lord George the Second of great Britain the King

48. Last-but-two adj Antepenultime lasting adj durabile, permanente adj permanente, durabile ~ one day adj diurne ~ , durable adj durabile ~ , enduring, permanent adj permanente ~ , enduring, permanent adj permanente (ppr of permaner) last-year n le anno passate latch n pessulo late (be ~) v esser in retardo

49. Memorandum; that I, harry Edmondes, haue delyuerd to Ioh'n Russell', now new chosyn chyrchwarden, þe sum Aforeseyd In the presens of Master Smert, Stevyn saunderson, William Roche, William Ryvell' & mo othyr, þe xx 10 Ianuar Anno 1507: ix l'i: viij s: iij d

50. But as such Anno Mundi time systems became very popular, they created a huge problem: end-of-world fever, caused by a threatening Seventh Day that equated to the end of the 6000-year period and corresponded to a date 500 years after Christ's birth year.

51. Papers relating to the lives and lamentable deaths of the late Lord Durisdeer, and his elder brother James, commonly called Master of Ballantrae, Attainted in the troubles: entrusted into the hands of John M'Brair in the Lawnmarket of Edinburgh, W.S.; this 20th day of September Anno Domini 1789; by him to be kept secret until the revolution of

52. WILLIAM ANGELL, Sargent of the Acatery, Citizen of London 1629 Prerogative Court of Canterbury Ridley #156 In the name of god, Amen the tenth daie of September anno domine 1629 in the fifte yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne lord Charles by the grace of god, king of England,

53. The following inscription is on his tomb in the chapel: "Hic Jacet Edmundus Beaupre, Armigeri, Filius et Heres Nicholai de Beaupre, Armigeri et Margaretre uxoris ejus unius flliarum et here du Thomae Ffodringaie quondam De Brockley in Commitatus Suffolke, Armigeri, qui obit quarto decimo die menses Februari Anno Domini, Millesimo Quingentesimo

54. From A genealogical and heraldic history of the extinct and dormant baronetcies By John Burke: Sir Thomas Molyneux, of Haughton, in Nottinghamshire, was of the privy council to Henry IV, and behaving valiantly in the expedition into Scotland, anno 1482, was made a knight Banneret, by Richard, Duke of Gloucester, at Berwick;He m

55. Apologia pro casuistis liber francogallicè conscriptus sub titulo Apologie pour les Casuistes contre les calomnies des jansénistes (Apologia pro casuistis adversus calumnias Iansenistarum), opus est theologiae moralis quod a "theologo professoreque quodam iuris canonici" cuius nomen non liquet in lucem prodiit mense decembri anno 1657 Lutetiae Parisiorum e praelis Caspari Meturas.

56. The Colonists - The Colonists is a relaxing settlement building game inspired by classic titles like The Settlers and the Anno series.Take on a series of individual campaign missions, play randomly generated maps, compete on player-designed creations or build your colony unfettered by any constraints in the sandbox mode.You take control of a team of self-replicating robots built to simulate

57. Épp a napokban jelentették be a Vissza a jövőbe-trilógia díszdobozos Blu-ray kiadását, melynek extrái közt helyet kapott pár, korábban soha nem látott felvétel is a három-négy évtizeddel ezelőtti meghallgatásokról – tudtátok például, hogy Ben Stillert és Jon Cryert (Két pasi – meg egy kicsi) is meghallgatták anno Marty McFly szerepére?