Use "animal rights" in a sentence

1. Abolitionising Single Issues Abolitionising Single-issues Alliance Politics Always For Animal Rights Amnesty International Andrew Linzey Angela Barnes Angus Taylor Animal Aid Animal Liberation Animal Liberation (book) Animal Liberation Front Animal Pity Animal Rights Animal Rights Conference (Luxembourg) Animal Rights Movement Animal Rights

2. We actively campaigned for animal rights.

3. Animal rights supporters were incandescent with rage.

4. Recently, the animal rights group stirred controversy with Billboards …

5. Tell an animal rights activist you use a badger's Bristle …

6. Historically, different views of the scope of Animal rights have

7. Heather Aligned herself with an animal rights group and began promoting veganism

8. Concerns have been mounting about the increasing militancy of animal rights activists.

9. 55 Arctic foxes were released from a fur farm by animal rights Activists

10. Emil Amok: Animal Rights? Peter Singer wrote the book, “Animal Liberation.” In interview him here.

11. Petrosino became known also for her animal rights advocacy, keeping scores of abandoned dogs and cats.

12. The coronavirus pandemic has brought Spanish Bullfighting, long reviled by animal rights campaigners, to a standstill

13. Yet despite its cultural significance, Bullfighting continues to face increasing scrutiny in light of animal rights issues

14. Here are some excellent Bioethics paper topics that should work great for 2021: Discuss animal rights in California

15. Music is meant to be about escapism, not dreary boring subjects like the miners' strike and animal rights.

16. At a rodeo in Billings, organizers offer literature defending their treatment of livestock to counter animal-rights objections.

17. To use live penguins, while adding an audible dimension, might incur the wrath of the animal rights lobby.

18. Due to the harm done to the animal subjects, this testing is opposed by animal rights activists and others.

19. This brings us to another group of alleged animal rights which relate to its functioning as a biological organism.

20. Crass popularised the anarcho-punk movement of the punk subculture, advocating direct action, animal rights, feminism, anti-fascism, and environmentalism.

21. Last night's dramatic incident in Grand Central is an example of what animal rights wackos have been shouting for years:

22. In the 1960s, the Civil Rights Movement inspired the movements for women's rights, children's rights, gay rights and even animal rights.

23. Antivivisection adjective Referring to animal rights activism, see there; opposed to the act or practice of performing experiments on living animals.

24. The one thing that can be said in favour is that it sends vegans and animal rights activists incandescent with rage.

25. ANIMAL activists lament the abuse of animal rights and the suffering and indignities inflicted on the millions of animals used in experimentation.

26. There’s a group of networks spread world-wide and the trend globally is for support of the more aggressive animal rights movements.”

27. "Blackfish" is the newest example of subgenre of documentaries that could be the 21st century animal rights version of abolitionist pamphlets

28. Ryder was a member of a group of intellectuals in Oxford, England, the nascent animal rights community, now known as the Oxford Group.

29. From combatting human rights abuses to protecting animal rights, Boycotts exert economic pressure on some of the biggest companies to change their practices

30. Spain's traditional custom of Bullfighting has once again caused anger as supporters of the cultural event clashed with animal rights groups in Spain

31. A selection of people who have been prominent Activists in the field of civil rights, peace, women’s rights, animal rights and other political causes

32. Barker is a huge animal lover and decided to donate millions of dollars to animal rights activism, a causes he feels very passionate about

33. In addition, some animal rights activists and environmental extremists have touted Agroterrorism as a potential means to end animal testing, animal consumption, and genetic engineering.

34. Linda Louise McCartney, Lady McCartney (née Eastman; formerly See; September 24, 1941 – April 17, 1998) was an American musician, photographer, and animal rights activist and entrepreneur.

35. The aggressive militancy of many animal rights or "Antivivisectionist" groups is causing great consternation but little action on the part of medical and surgical researchers

36. At one point he had to defend himself against early animal rights activists who objected his promotion of the "wearing of dead animals" in his fashion notes.

37. If you are an animal rights activist, you would probably Condemn someone for wearing fur. Condemn originally comes, through Old French, from the Latin word Condemnāre, "to sentence, Condemn."

38. 1 day ago · GARY — After discovering a series of inspection reports for a Region animal Breeding center, a global animal rights organization has called on local law officials to …

39. Man who grabbed fry-stealing seagull Amuses TikTok, enrages animal rights supporters The TikTok user who caught the seagull claims he didn't mean to harm it, and is actually quite scared of birds

40. Animal rights, moral or legal entitlements attributed to nonhuman Animals, usually because of the complexity of their cognitive, emotional, and social lives or their capacity to experience physical or emotional pain or pleasure

41. LGBT Activist Gilbert Baker designed the Rainbow Flag that is often used as a symbol of pride in LGBT rights marches while philosopher Tom Regan is a prominent proponent of animal rights movement

42. The Artivist Film Festival & Awards is an international film festival and awards ceremony dedicated to recognizing activist efforts of filmmakers, specifically in the areas of human rights, child advocacy, environmental preservation, and animal rights.

43. 1 day ago · Auctioning off Confiscated property is a common practice in law enforcement, but the plans to auction off the cats has drawn criticism from animal rights activists, particularly Thai Animal Guardians Association

44. ‘He was an exceptionally tall man, dressed in a long black overcoat with Astrakhan collar and cuffs.’ ‘Animal rights activists in Great Britain and elsewhere are launching new protests against Astrakhan, lambskin derived from lambs that are killed shortly after birth …

45. Six pedigree cats valued at thousands of dollars were Confiscated in a Thai drug network raid on suspicion they were being used to launder money, police said on Tuesday, as animal rights activists protested a plan to auction them off

46. We are Complying respectfully with the collective cocreation of peace, harmony, balance, redistribution of income, unconditional love, truth, justice, animal rights, human rights and all types of rights that are necessary for a sustainable world that ensures the shared health and prosperity for all.

47. Aesthetics AI Alain Badiou Alfred North Whitehead Ali Alizadeh Alice Gaby alterity A Madman's Diary Amaleena Damlé Amélie Nothomb android android app animal ethics Animality Animal Rights anthropocene Anthropocentrism Anthropophagism Antonio Damasio Anzac Anzac day Arabic A report to an academy Artificial Intelligence atheism Autonomy Avant

48. ‘These four Boyos are all united by a total disregard for their own personal safety and a burning desire to destroy the boundaries of taste and decency.’ ‘As for the New Wave Boyos, well, how dated are they when you listen to them now?’ ‘Perhaps pharmaceuticals and biotech stuff, if the animal rights Boyos …