Use "angle of attack" in a sentence

1. Find the angle of attack.

2. Angle of Attack (Alpha) Figure 1:

3. The angle of attack is all wrong.

4. Relative airflow on blade angle of attack;

5. Angle of attack indication, stall warning systems;

6. Angle of attack indication, stall warning systems.

7. The screed thus becomes lighter and its angle of attack decreases.

8. High/low blade angle, reverse angle, angle of attack, rotational speed;

9. — Generation of lift and drag: angle of attack, polar curve, stall.

10. Generation of lift and drag: angle of attack, polar curve, stall.

11. However, the extremely high angle of attack of the body (30 ° angle has been observed during breaking flight before landing) still remains lower than the critical angle of attack.

12. I can still make out the angle of attack of each strike.

13. The optimum angle of attack of the wings was 16° Λ=7,2.

14. Keune for steady flow around low aspect ratio bodies at zero angle of attack.

15. It keeps the angle of attack optimal at each point of the wing's path.

16. Applications of low lift to drag ratio Aerobrakes using angle of attack variation for control Several applications of low lift to drag ratio Aerobrakes are investigated which use angle of attack variation for control

17. He surveyed the locale for two days to identify the most promising angle of attack.

18. The geometrical angle of attack and the torsion of the hand region changed only gradually.

19. Generation of Lift and Drag: Angle of Attack, Lift coefficient, Drag coefficient, polar curve, stall;

20. Angle of Attack, Lift coefficient, Drag coefficient, polar curve, stall; Aerofoil contamination including ice, snow, frost.

21. Increasing the angle of attack increases the area of the Aerofoil facing directly into the wind


23. Intercycle ice Accretions, a major shortcoming was that the data were acquired at fixed angle of attack

24. See also: Attack, of angle of Attack The position of an airplane as it moves through the air

25. Designed with our 'Angle of Attack' philosophy, the Airframe Pro is uniquely outfitted for an aggressive riding posture.

26. During the analysed downstroke the geometrical angle of attack generally decreased with increasing distance distally along the wing.

27. This is achieved by increasing amplitude of flapping, angular velocity and geometric angle of attack of the wings (Figs.

28. Although the maximum angle of attack is limited by the canards, the FBW acts as an additional safety mechanism.

29. Several configurations at different angle of attack and side-slip were tested to assess the aerodynamic performance of helicopter components.

30. The YF-23 was tested to a top speed of Mach 1.8 with afterburners and achieved a maximum angle-of-attack of 25°.

31. Stall recovery usually involves reducing the angle of attack to "break" the stall, and, if the aircraft is powered, adding power to increase airspeed.

32. Finally the code was run for transonic flow (M∞ = 0.84) over a rectangular wing at angle of attack of 3.06° and aspect ratio of 14.

33. What is our angle of Attack, Captain? Are we going to be able to land this plane as planned? See also: angle, Attack, of Attack

34. The twisting oscillation of the wing (adjustment of the angle of attack) is steered actively by muscular forces and by the special construction of the joint.

35. The flight envelope consists of the range of combinations of flight parameters such as speed, altitude and angle of attack in which the aircraft remains aerodynamically stable.

36. The researchers first specified the desired characteristics of efficient signal processing algorithms for measuring true air speed (TAS), angle of attack (AOA) and side-slip angle (SSA).

37. Typically lift-off is around 30-50kts depending on your Autogyro and some forward stick is required to accelerate and prevent a high angle of attack situation developing

38. In aerodynamics , a stall occurs when the critical angle of attack is exceeded, causing loss of lift and a large increase in drag due to disruption of airflow.

39. The two-dimensional, stationary, isentropic flow around wedges with large opening angles, at zero angle of attack in a parallel flow withM∞=1, is studied in the hodograph plane.

40. Very high efficiency propellers are similar in aerofoil section to a low drag wing and as such are poor in operation when at other than their optimum angle of attack.

41. The terms: camber, chord, mean aerodynamic chord, profile (parasite) drag, induced drag, centre of pressure, angle of attack, wash in and wash out, fineness ratio, wing shape and aspect ratio;

42. Burble occurs over an airfoil operating at an angle of attack greater than the angle of maximum lift (i.e., stalling angle), resulting in a loss of lift and an increase of drag

43. (1) The parameters necessary to determine altitude, airspeed, heading, acceleration, pitch and roll attitude, radio transmission keying, thrust or power on each engine, configuration of lift and drag devices, air temperature, use of automatic flight control systems and angle of attack;

44. The thrust wing is trimmed by an upwind auxiliary vane (7), freely pivoted upwind of its centre of pressure, the angle of attack of the auxiliary vane being controlled by the position of a secondary control aerofoil (15) positioned downwind from the auxiliary vane.

45. An apparatus and method for estimating the angle of attack of wheels, wheelsets, trucks and railway (6) vehicles traveling over a track employing a wayside system having a plurality of sensors ( 2 and 4), adjacent to rails of track, for detecting the passing of each wheelset of each truck.

46. Canted vertical stabilizers are another distinguishing design element, one among several other such elements that enable the Hornet's excellent high angle of attack ability, including oversized horizontal stabilators, oversized trailing-edge flaps that operate as flaperons, large full-length leading-edge slats, and flight control computer programming that multiplies the movement of each control surface at low speeds and moves the vertical rudders inboard instead of simply left and right.

47. A wing is a type of fin that produces lift while moving through air or some other fluid.Accordingly, wings have streamlined cross-sections that are subject to aerodynamic forces and act as airfoils.A wing's aerodynamic efficiency is expressed as its lift-to-drag ratio.The lift A wing generates at a given speed and angle of attack can be one to two orders of magnitude greater than the total

48. The invention relates to a gyropter having coaxial contrarotating rotating aerofoils, in particular, one having two crown rotors (2,1) that rotate in opposite directions about a pod (6) either provided in the form of a drone or of a manned pod with a machine piloting process involving the control of the angle of attack of the blades by control rings. The safety is advantageously increased by adapted structures, by a multifunctional protective envelop (27), and by a lift system between the crowns (2,1) and the pod (6) with regard to both the radial forces as well as the axial forces, assisting in the optimized control of stresses.