Use "angina pectoris" in a sentence

1. Related to Angia: angina pectoris, angiogram Jersey (jûr`zē) , island (2005 est

2. Anemic patients may experience weakness, fatigue, lightheadedness, breathlessness, palpitations, angina pectoris, and headache

3. In clinical practice, these are unstable angina pectoris, acute myocardial infarction, and sudden cardiac death.

4. The relationship between attack time and biorhythm was analyzed in 200 aged patients with unstable angina pectoris (UA).

5. 20 The AHA categories include ST - segment elevation myocardial infarction, non - STEMI myocardial infarction, and unstable angina pectoris.

6. Objective To observe clinical effect of aspirin low molecule heparin and nitro-glycerine unit to treat unstability angina pectoris(UAP).

7. coronary artery disease (Cad) atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries, which may cause angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, and sudden death

8. Last reviewed on RxList 6/11/2019 Amyl Nitrite Inhalant is a fast acting vasodilator used to treat angina pectoris

9. Because of severe Angina pectoris, which started suddenly 6 1/2 weeks after a blunt chest injury, he was readmitted to the hospital.

10. 29 Because this often feels the patient that the bosom jumps early frowzily , often or angina pectoris breaks out, should defer to unplug tooth.

11. Patients with acute Arterial occlusion have severe pain (as in angina pectoris), decreased or absent pulses, and mottling of the skin of an affected extremity

12. Conclusion: The results of this study show that once daily amlodipine offers comparable antianginal and antiischemic efficacy as twice daily sustained release nifedipine in the monotreatment of chronic stable angina pectoris.

13. Angor Animi (also referred to as angina Animi, Gairdner's disease and also angina pectoris sine dolore), in medicine, is a symptom defined as a patient's perception that they are in fact dying

14. Cardiac disorders Common: congestive heart failure/cardiac dysfunction, pericardial effusion, arrhythmia (including tachycardia), palpitations Uncommon: myocardial infarction, pericarditis, ventricular arrhythmia (including ventricular tachycardia), angina pectoris, cardiomegaly Rare: cor pulmonale, myocarditis, acute coronary syndrome

15. The internal mammary artery is being used more frequently for the revascularization of the coronary arteries in patients with angina pectoris. A stenosis of its donor vessel can result in a so-called coronary steal syndrome.

16. Amlong A 5/50mg Tab 15`S is an antihypertensive medicine used for the treatment of high blood pressure and angina pectoris, a condition characterised by chest pain, tightness and squeezing in the ches

17. A 72-year-old male patient presented with vertigo and angina pectoris. A three vessel coronary artery disease was known and coronary artery surgery with three aortocoronary bypasses had been performed a year prior to presentation.

18. other conditions, e. g. rheumathoid arthritis or atopic dermatitis) or verapamil (a medicine used to lower blood pressure, to correct hearth rhythm or to treat angina pectoris) or quinidine (a medicine used to correct heart rhythm

19. Using right heart catheterization and exercise tolerance tests, we investigated the hemodynamic, antiischemic and neurohumoral effects of bimakalim and tedisamil in patients with angiographically proven coronary artery disease, stable angina pectoris and reproducible ST segment depression during exercise.

20. Khogali et al.'s (1999) success of limited T2–T4 sympathectomy in relieving pain at rest of patients with intractable angina pectoris appears to indicate that a significant afferent pain pathway from the heart is selectively interrupted.

21. Heart disease is the number-one cause of death in the elderly population. Possible signs and symptoms of Ashd include elevated blood pressure, irregularities in cardiac rhythm, undue fatigue, and “discomfort” in the chest on exertion (e.g., angina pectoris).

22. In patients with severe angina pectoris due to coronary artery disease, who are not candidates for either percutaneous coronary angioplasty or coronary artery bypass surgery, transmyocardial laser revascularization (TMR) often leads to improvement of clinical symptoms and increased exercise capacity.

23. Capsulize werkbesparend doro-bo-ru insentient dulden prolongovat responsibility dormant sleepy hadr angina pectoris citation (n.) comutator multipolar spumant, agent de spumare, porofor Static sealing without batting an eyelid alat camwood shitsui Zeus cal saber hosteler sofa, couch polica otplate kredita, osiguranje otplate kredita hrdlo

24. Amyl Nitrite Inhalant USP is an organic nitrite used for the relief and prophylactic management of angina pectoris The principal pharmacological action of Amyl Nitrite is relaxation of vascular smooth muscle, resulting in generalized vasodilation JAC offers Amyl Nitrite Inhalant USP as a unit dose inhalant containing 0.3 mls

25. We present a case report of a 41-year-old woman without anamnestic episodes of hypertension or angina pectoris. During angiography of the mesenteric arteries for further diagnostics of a sonographically suspected liver tumor, she developed an acute pulmonary edema and a cardiogenic shock with the electro- and echocardiographic findings of a large anterolateral-apical-diaphragmal myocardial infarction.

26. Such compounds are expected to be useful in treatment of human diseases, including, but not limited to: infections such as bacterial, fungal, protozoan and viral infections, particularly infections caused by HIV-1 or HIV-2; pain; cancers; diabetes, obesity; anorexia; bulimia; asthma; Parkinson's disease; acute heart failure; hypotension; hypertension; urinary retention; osteoporosis; angina pectoris; myocardial infarction; stroke; ulcers, asthma; allergies; benign prostatic hypertrophy; migraine; vomiting; psychotic and neurological disorders, including anxiety, schizophrenia, manic depression, depression, dementia, and severe mental retardation; and dyskinesias, such as Huntington's disease or Gilles de la Tourett's syndrome.