Use "anaphors" in a sentence

1. Anaphors synonyms, Anaphors pronunciation, Anaphors translation, English dictionary definition of Anaphors

2. Comprehending Conceptual Anaphors

3. What are synonyms for Anaphors?

4. Definitions for the word, Anaphors

5. Unscrambled Words in the letters, Anaphors

6. Synonyms for Anaphors in Free Thesaurus

7. Anaphors to their antecedents by syntactic operations

8. All Anaphors in Korean prefer animate antecedents

9. Anaphors 13 is a valid Scrabble Word in CSW, formerly SOWPODS (Other Countries) Anaphors 14 is a valid word in WWF

10. Differential Processing of Anaphors and Logophors in Self-Paced Reading Abstract This paper presents a study of the processing differences found between Anaphors and logophors

11. C command works on Anaphors and reflexives 1

12. 18 Anaphors are bound by syntactic structures in syntactic distribution and anaphoric interpretation Chomsky's binding theory reveals the property of anaphors in syntax.

13. 7 letter words made by using the letters Anaphors.

14. Anaphors, but there are problems with this blanket rule

15. * (plural of anaphora) Anaphoras, anaphors * (plural of anaphor) anaphors Noun (rhetoric) The repetition of a phrase at the beginning of phrases, sentences, or verses, used for emphasis.

16. In contrast with languages where Anaphors can be classified into pronouns and reflexives, Turkish has a tripartite system that consists of the Anaphors o, kendi, and kendisi

17. In other words, allowing exempt Anaphors to be nonexhaustively bound (which

18. Lexical Anaphors and Pronouns in Selected South Asian Languages: A Principled Typology

19. (2000) has suggested that SELF Anaphors (as described by Reinhart and Reuland

20. "Anaphors, Logophors, And Binding" published on 01 Jan 2000 by Brill.

21. Anaphors, agreement and case* HITOSHI SHIRAKI Abstract This article presents an alternative explanation for the Anaphor-Agreement effect, the generalisation that Anaphors do not occur in syntactic position construed with agreement (cf

22. It is found that no approach deals with long-distance Anaphors exclusively and elegantly

23. Singular inanimates are likewise bad when anteceding Anaphors, unless personified as in fairy-tale contexts

24. This dissertation provides new empirical support for Hankamer and Sag's (1976) mixed theory of anaphora that argues for the existence of two types of anaphora: surface Anaphors which are derived transformationally and deep Anaphors which are not

25. Exempt Anaphors, however, cannot similarly partially refer to the logophoric center: shows that two exempt Anaphors in the same domain cannot be partially coreferential, which argues against representation , where themselves is partially bound by the logophoric pronoun

26. The part on reciprocal Anaphors (“Anaphor”: highlighted while typing as misspelled!) sealed the deal for me.

27. Moreover, in some languages, such as Chinese and Italian, long-distance Anaphors can also be locally bound,

28. The goal of this book is to describe and explain this widespread dual behavior of Anaphors on the

29. Anaphors in Chinese can either be morphologically complex (polymorphemic) like him/herself in English or morphologically simple (monomorphemic)

30. Deictics and Anaphors typically take the form of pronouns, nouns, and, to a lesser extent, verbs and adverbs

31. Thus, inanimate, or group-denoting nouns are marginal as antecedents of Anaphors, even though they are third-person

32. Anaphoric expressions in the examples above would be called anaphors, but the Anaphoric expressions in (4) below would be

33. In this poem the Anaphors are 'mortal' and 'endless', so please, reread this poem and pay special attention to those two words.

34. We lastly show that truly local Anaphors – like reciprocals and distributives – also contain a pronominal element which obeys Principle B.

35. We lastly show that truly local Anaphors ‐ like reciprocals and distributives ‐ also contain a pronominal element which obeys Principle B.

36. But we observe that in various languages, the same Anaphors can be exempt from these locality requirements under certain conditions

37. The very basic deictics and Anaphors are pronouns, whose usages form a cluster of systematic variations that bear language-specific characteristics.

38. Classical binding theory has three classes: reflexives and reciprocals (‘Anaphors’), non-reflexive pronouns (‘pronominals’), and non-pronominal or full NPs (‘r-expressions’)

39. Anaphoras: Anaphoric : Anaphorically Words that sound like or rhyme with Anaphoric anaphoras anaphors canephors infrasonic amphibrach ionophores nonparasitic nephric nonpractical infarction

40. The syntactic literature on these Anaphors has proposed that whereas o behaves like a pronoun and kendi behaves like a reflex …

41. L'Anaphore et les pronoms (1996) Anaphores temporelles et (in-)cohérence (1996) Nominal anaphors, markedness and the coherence of discourse (1996)

42. In this paper we point out that in a wide variety of languages, reflexive Anaphors seem sensitive to Principle B when they are morphologically simple

43. ‘The domain from which potential antecedents for both individual and discourse-deictic Anaphors can be elicited is defined in terms of dialogue acts.’ ‘Two complicating factors are that the relation between Anaphors and antecedents is by no means unrestricted and that often there is a partial match between anaphor and antecedent.’

44. ‘The domain from which potential antecedents for both individual and discourse-deictic Anaphors can be elicited is defined in terms of dialogue acts.’ ‘Two complicating factors are that the relation between Anaphors and antecedents is by no means unrestricted and that often there is a partial match between anaphor and antecedent.’

45. Anaphor However, it is also possible that repeated Anaphors have different resolution effects depending on a reader's age and stage of reading development

46. Participants read passages containing Anaphors that were correct, incorrect but highly related, or incorrect and low-related, with respect to previously encountered information

47. Long-distance Anaphors seem to be interpretively parallel to local reflexive construals such as those seen with inherent reflexivity and constructions of inalienable possession

48. Anaphors such as English herself, French elle-même, and Mandarin ziji are usually claimed to obey locality requirements stated by Condition A of Binding Theory

49. The purpose of the study is to find out inter- sentential/discourse Anaphors in the ILCI-Punjabi corpora and suggesting the mapping strategies based o…

50. Anaphors based on caki (that is, caki and caki-casin) cannot easily take first or second person antecedents, whereas third-person antecedents are fine (2a vs

51. The time required to process the anaphor was a function of the goodness of fit between the anaphor and the antecedent; Anaphors that were incorrect but highly related

52. While this is now acknowledged by many linguists, we show that (further), when reflexive Anaphors in these languages are morphologically complex, they still contain a pronominal element which obeys Principle B.

53. 'ANTECEDENTLESS' Anaphors IN ENGLISH AND FRENCH lexically-headed NP, a noun, a lexically-headed VP, a verb, clause or sentence), while the latter is an indexical expression of some kind (third

54. This paper assesses the impact of a sequence of didactic interventions on the use of nominal Anaphors in a narrative text produced by Ghanaian university students of French as a foreign language.

55. The latter approach permits syntactic operations to exceed the bounds of sentence grammar and must still introduce familiar descriptive constraints to distinguish between anaphora in the general sense, on the one hand, and syntactic Anaphors

56. The other major class of Anaphors are reciprocals, like each other, which also needs to be bound in its binding domain but has a more complicated semantic contribution to the sentence: (18) [John and Mary] i criticized each other i

57. The experiment tested the long-distance and local interpretations of different Korean Anaphors - caki, casin, and caki-casin - by 51 Korean-English bilinguals raised in Korean-speaking families residing in the United States (22 early bilinguals and 29 late bilinguals) together with a control group of 34 Korean monolinguals residing in Korea.

58. I will base the discussion on naturally occurring data from French and English, and will consider the contributions of gender- and number-marking within pronominal Anaphors, as well as of such features of the anaphoric segment as the argument and referent-order statuses assigned to an anaphor by the governing predicator and its modifiers, and

59. Section 2 of part 1 discusses the sources of Egyptian liturgies, the Anaphoras, and how they express the Christology in the context of worship.: The oldest of the Anaphoras of the Roman Rite is called the Roman Canon.: The domain from which potential antecedents for both individual and discourse-deictic anaphors can be elicited is defined in terms of dialogue acts.