Use "anapests" in a sentence

1. A list of words that start with Anapests (words with the prefix Anapests)

2. Synonyms for Anapests in Free Thesaurus

3. We also have lists of Words that end with Anapests, and words that start with Anapests

4. What are synonyms for Anapests?

5. Meaning and definitions of Anapests, translation in Hawaiian language for Anapests with similar and opposite words

6. We search a large scrabble dictionary for scrabble words starting with Anapests - we take the letter or word you enter, and generate all words starting with Anapests.In addition there is a list of Words that end with Anapests, words that contain Anapests, and Synonyms of Anapests.

7. Anapests are rare in spoken English, and in English-language poetry Anapests are far less common than dactyls, iambs, and trochees.

8. However, three Anapests are also used in other lines

9. Metheus' Anapests relative to those in Aeschylus' other plays may therefore be due to their being mostly actors' Anapests.4 On the other hand, the passages of choral Anapests in Prometheus Bound and in the fragments of Unbound exhibit patterns which conform almost exactly to Aeschylus' norms for choral Anapests.

10. Amphibrachs do not mix well with dactyls or Anapests

11. The other feet are: trochees, Anapests, dactyls, and spondees

12. Also find spoken pronunciation of Anapests in Hawaiian and in English language.

13. A list of words that contain Anapests, and words with Anapests in them.This page brings back any words that contain the word or letter you enter from a large scrabble dictionary

14. In such a structure, a line contains 12 syllables consisting of four three-syllable Anapests

15. Some three-syllable words, like "contradict" and "interrupt," are Anapests

16. Garrison is no propagandist making Anapests of her cant.; Edgar Lee Masters ( 1869-1950 ) sometimes dispensed poetry in iambics and Anapests.; Henry Livingston, however, lifted frequently from such bawdy Anapests, by Foster's analysis.; Instead the Bach works represent " a triumph of the anapest, " which has a joyous rhythm.; Say it aloud and listen to the satisfying anapest rhythm

17. Anapests in Lear's "There was an Old Man with a Beard" The poet Edward Lear is famous for his limericks —short, humorous poems consisting of four lines that make use of Anapests to create a lighthearted, comedic effect

18. A "dactylic" line may feature dactyls, Anapests, or spondees, because these are all equal (L + s + s)

19. Anapests can be seen throughout English poetry and verse plays, but they are most frequently employed in comic verse, such as limericks.

20. First, the chorus leader chants in Anapests (eight feet per line) about some important, topical issue, usually ending with a breathless tongue twister

21. Anapests Yet she was a goddess, as you know, and the offspring [ genos ] of gods, 835 while we are mortals and mortal-born [ genos ]

22. But a line with iambs and trochees cannot feature dactyls or Anapests, and vice versa, because they are not equal in length

23. When poets string a series of Anapests together in a single line, they are usually attempting to pull off a poetic structure known as anapestic tetrameter

24. In order to understand Anapests in more depth, it’s helpful to have a strong grasp of a few other literary terms about poetry

25. We cover each of these in depth on their own respective pages, but below is a quick overview to help make understanding Anapests easier.

26. Pre-examine Antiseptize sequestrating ,tear-purchased re-lease Malurinae mastodontic smatterer volumetrical gladify dexterity Ruyter nectarin ,Horus hearthpenny Java Sugartree pancreaticoduodenostomy chaplainship anapests subversions patine comatosity ,

27. The Anapests continue with "-mas when all" and "through the house." This pattern continues in a driving "da-da-DUM" rhythm throughout the poem

28. In poetry, an anapest is a metrical foot consisting of two unstressed syllables followed by one stressed syllable. You may be familiar with Anapests from the limerick, a comedic form written in anapestic trimeter

29. Mixing Iambs and Anapests (and also Trochees and Dactyls) works really well in a story because, as in the lines above, a reader never really notices (unless they are specifically looking) if there are one or two UNstressed syllables in between the STRESSED ones.

30. Each line of a poem contains a certain number of feet of iambs, trochees, spondees, dactyls or Anapests. A line of one foot is a monometer, 2 feet is a dimeter, and so on--trimeter (3), tetrameter (4), pentameter (5), hexameter (6), heptameter (7), and o ctameter (8)

31. Parodos: Anapests or spondees Some scholars refer to the poetry and choral songs delivered by the chorus (or, as sometimes happens, the chorus in dialogue with individual characters in the drama delivering their lines in choral meters), the sections of a given drama, generally as cantica , from Latin, but parodos is the Ancient Greek term for

32. I don't know whether it's in Anapests with the opening syllable missing from every other line, or in amphibrachs (the foot of limericks) with a syllable missing at the end of every other line; and most people would consider it sentimental Victoriana (though not "light," I don't think -- it intends to jerk tears); by some measures it was the most popular American poem in the 19th century