Use "among themselves" in a sentence

1. The children babbled excitedly among themselves.

2. European farm ministers disagree among themselves.

3. They respect the Bible and have love among themselves.

4. Among themselves, ecclesiastics have become eminently sophisticated and erudite.

5. People began to talk among themselves, others to drift off.

6. They decided among themselves they needed to lay the groundwork.

7. When she had departed, they fell to fighting among themselves.

8. Three gangs feeding the hatred... and the hostility among themselves.

9. 12 The allies found it hard to agree among themselves.

10. Montenegrin tribes once again engaged into blood feuding among themselves.

11. 32 This illustrates the fact that archaeologists often differ among themselves.

12. His many generals quarreled among themselves as they grabbed for territory.

13. The Democrats, now smugly confident, may start to bicker among themselves.

14. They kept silent, for “they had argued among themselves who is greater.”

15. 5 The Democrats, now smugly confident, may start to bicker among themselves.

16. The monarchists are a small fringe group who quarrel fiercely among themselves.

17. • In fact, they tell a story among themselves that Aptly describes their burden.

18. ◆ What probably prompted Jesus’ encouragement for the apostles to have salt among themselves?

19. Sub-groups have limited affinities among themselves but strong links to other groups.

20. Among themselves, Jesus’ followers used no titles to distinguish position, or station, in life.

21. In bid rotation, suppliers agree among themselves to take turns at being the lowest bidder.

22. They kept silent, for on the road they had argued among themselves who is greater.”

23. Elders can keep peace among themselves by displaying the peaceable and reasonable “wisdom from above.”

24. Bioethicists disagree among themselves, both in the clinical setting and on matters of public policy.

25. The creatures were jabbering Agitatedly among themselves as they hurried in, and they wasted no time.

26. Chivalric authors differed among themselves as to which type of love was the best form of courtly love

27. Tumbling among themselves like kittens, they wrestle, pounce on their playmates, and jump about in the tall grass.

28. They established a fixed rate of exchange among themselves but floated as a bloc against the U.S. dollar.

29. The embarrassed disciples remained silent, for they had argued among themselves about which one of them was greater.

30. As we learned in Chapter 6 of this book, they argued among themselves about who was the greatest.

31. + 10 They took the word to heart,* but discussed among themselves what this rising from the dead meant.

32. You may remember that these men even argued among themselves about which one of them was the greatest.

33. The old nomes grumbled among themselves, and scanned the sky anxiously for the first signs of robins or reindeer.

34. Despite Moroni’s efforts to unite and defend the people, the Nephites lost many cities because of contention among themselves.

35. Bickered Sentence Examples His wives sometimes Bickered among themselves and even once engaged in a petty plot against him

36. The jockeys then completed nearly a circuit at a gradually increasing pace before deciding among themselves to pull up.

37. They may induce enemy soldiers to fight among themselves or fool them into isolating themselves from the main fighting force.

38. They kept quiet because on the road they had argued among themselves about who was greater. —Mark 9:33, 34.

39. Bondes D are fungible among themselves as long as they mature on the same date, regardless of their issue date

40. Among themselves, Christians were acting in a manner resembling the way those in the world often deal with one another.

41. St Paul was surely right when he exhorted the early Christians to resolve their disputes among themselves without recourse to the court.

42. Bomb’s founders—New York City artists and writers—decided to publish dialogues that reflected the way practitioners spoke about their work among themselves

43. Guidance: bid rigging occurs when bidders agree among themselves to eliminate competition in the procurement process, thereby denying the public a fair price.

44. An authentic spirit of fraternity overcomes the individual selfishness which conflicts with people’s ability to live in freedom and in harmony among themselves.

45. As I followed some "anons" over internet relay chat (IRC) on Tuesday, they voted among themselves not to attack the "UK metro police".

46. To divide into parts.Co-owners of property may decide to Apportion maintenance costs among themselves, according to the percentage of ownership enjoyed by each

47. To divide into parts.Co-owners of property may decide to Apportion maintenance costs among themselves, according to the percentage of ownership enjoyed by each

48. The available information suggests that the aquatic plants of various growth forms differ greatly among themselves in their responses and adaptations to competition and allelopathy.

49. babble verb (TALK) [ I or T ] to talk or say something in a quick, confused, excited, or silly way: The children Babbled excitedly among themselves.

50. Instead of bidding against each other, members participate in joint negotiations and agree among themselves the financial and other conditions for the acquisition of rights.

51. Babble verb (TALK) [ I or T ] to talk or say something in a quick, confused, excited, or silly way: The children Babbled excitedly among themselves.

52. The Missourians feared losing political control, they were suspicious of the Church’s unfamiliar religious beliefs, and they disliked the Saints’ tendency to trade among themselves.

53. babble verb (TALK) [ I or T ] to talk or say something in a quick, confused, excited, or silly way: The children Babbled excitedly among themselves.

54. This Project envisages connecting 53 nations of the African Union through a satellite and fibre optic network that will provide effective communication and connectivity among themselves.

55. B) Clitics are quite strictly ordered both with respect to their hosts and among themselves, whereas in the ordering of words speakers always have a degree of freedom

56. The MEM meeting actually includes sixteen economies who among themselves represent a major part of the global economy and, therefore, have the capacity to push this discussion forward.

57. Blighters (or "Umazheh" or "Umazeh" in their own language) are a primitive and violent race of hominids, split in many tribes often fighting among themselves

58. ‘Not satisfied with the elected councilors squabbling among themselves they Altercate like belligerent magpies over over who gets to peck the bottletop, and lick the cream of the milk.’

59. (1 John 4:10, 11) In fact, Jesus said that the way his true followers can be identified is by the love they have among themselves. —John 13:34, 35.

60. They were long Blase on oaths; they numbered among themselves veterans and virtuosi of perjury. THE EIGHTEENTH BRUMAIRE OF LOUIS BONAPARTE KARL MARX He had what Carley called the New York masculine face, Blase …

61. It artificially creates – as in France – socially homogenous poor neighborhoods where the unskilled live among themselves, disconnected from others, making it harder for them to benefit from the agglomeration economies that would boost their productivity.

62. 46 And they said among themselves, If the good man of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched, and not have suffered his house to be broken through and the loss of his goods.

63. "Let the expressed juices be boiled into the Consistence of a sirup." Consistence Agreement or harmony of all parts of a complex thing among themselves, or of the same thing with itself at different times; the harmony of conduct with profession; congruity

64. 2016 February 8, Marwan Bishara, “Why Obama fails the leadership test in the Middle East”, in Al Jazeera English‎[1]: And regardless of their differences, they always act with such Camaraderie and complicity among themselves.· A spirit of familiarity and closeness 1838, Caulincourt, Napoleon

65. Coalitional Games •A Coalitional game with transferable utility is a pair (N, v), where •N is a finite set of players, indexed by i; and • : t𝑁→ associates with each coalition S ⊆N a real-valued payoff v(S) that the coalition’s members can distribute among themselves

66. Coalitional Games •A Coalitional game with transferable utility is a pair (N, v), where •N is a finite set of players, indexed by i; and •𝑣: t𝑁→ associates with each coalition S ⊆N a real-valued payoff v(S) that the coalition’s members can distribute among themselves

67. ‘Until the mid-seventeenth century, Bourgeois and nobles in many regions used the local tongue among themselves, and even wrote literary works in them.’ ‘Just as nobles and Bourgeois were defined by their lifestyle, so too were workers, with the common economic feature that they all worked with their hands.’

68. These small compact women, who remind me of my own grandmothers years ago, are not, as one might expect, from Silhanoukville nor are they even Cambodian. I overhear them talking among themselves in Viet, in the heavy, flat southern accent that hangs well in the humid air. When I inquire about their “que” (home village), most gestured eastward to Chau Doc, a port town on the Cambodian border. They have left home and journeyed to a neighboring country for the small privilege of selling tidbits of food from their yoke-baskets. For a moment, I wonder unreasonably if Bao, my long-lost childhood friend might be among them—a reflex or, perhaps, an affliction of trauma. So, day after day, for weeks on end, I gravitate to beach to eat grilled squids and to hear their stories.