Use "amitabha" in a sentence

1. Amitabha...

2. Amitabha!

3. Amitabha.

4. 15 Friend, your car look great, but why no number plate? AMITABHA!

5. And there are Buddhists who believe devotion to Amitabha Buddha will bring them to rebirth in the Pure Land

6. A 9th-century sandstone statue shows Tara with a small figure of Amitabha seated in her hair above the forehead.

7. 19 Many figures of Kuan Yin can be identified by the presence of a small image of Amitabha in her crown.

8. 13 Another adjustment that became particularly influential in China and Japan is the doctrine of the Pure Land to the West, created by Buddha Amitabha, or Amida.

9. The Five Dhyani Buddhas are called Vairochana, Amoghsiddhi, Ratnasambhava, Amitabha, Akhshobhya. Over the centuries they have been given diverse attributes and are used in various ways by different people

10. Có nhiều tên gọi Phật A Di Đà, tuy nhiên, Amitabha là tên thường được dùng nhất để gọi Phật Vô Lượng Quang và Vô Lượng Thọ.

11. There are several names for "A Di Đà Phật" in several other languages; however, Amitabha is the most commonly used name for the Buddha of Infinite Light and Infinite Life.

12. Followers of the Pure Land sects of Buddhism in China and Japan believe that by endlessly reciting “Amitabha,” the name of the Buddha of Unlimited Light, they will be reborn in the Pure Land, or Western Paradise, where they will live in supreme happiness.