Use "amenable to" in a sentence

1. He is amenable to reason.

2. Mazarin had been Amenable to the idea

3. Most people are Amenable to this.

4. I find him Amenable to argument

5. I find him amenable to argument.

6. The children are generally Amenable to our wishes.

7. Is it amenable to psychotherapy or gene therapy?

8. The administration is amenable to a compromise.

9. He is not amenable to insidious influence.

10. He seemed most amenable to my idea.

11. It is Amenable to some direction from us.

12. But even MWE is Amenable to an RCT.

13. You should find him amenable to reasonable arguments.

14. Responsible to higher authority; accountable: Amenable to the law

15. This case is not amenable to the normal rules.

16. But others were both less recent and less amenable to resolution.

17. His scientific discoveries are Amenable to the laws of physics

18. His scientific discoveries are amenable to the laws of physics.

19. This method is amenable to programming and symbolic algebraic manipulation.

20. He is proud that his wife is amenable to reason.

21. Someone Amenable to persuasion Definition (adj) readily reacting to suggestions and influences

22. I will likely be replaced by someone more amenable to Cohen.

23. Do you think the new manager will prove more amenable to our proposals?

24. Such conditions may be much more amenable to medical intervention than chronic conditions.

25. The latter tend to be less emotive and are more amenable to compromise.

26. My husband never complains about anything and is Amenable to all my vacation suggestions

27. He argues the only appropriate use is to say someone is Amenable to: 39

28. Alloys not amenable to heat treatment, including low-carbon steel, are often work-hardened.

29. Groups of people have to work together to reach a compromise Amenable to all parties.

30. A new generation of customers, more Amenable to the use of this channel also helped.

31. Amenable to Young people are more Amenable than older citizens to the idea of immigration

32. Most of the components of the objects are not particularly amenable to advanced dating methods.

33. If a person or thing is Amenable to something, they are ready, willing, or responsive

34. Or perhaps I may have been more Amenable to a marriage of different political minds.

35. While all these words mean "not amenable to planning or prediction," Accidental stresses chance

36. Once the entire human genome has been mapped and sequenced it will become amenable to manipulation.

37. She might be more amenable to the idea if you explained how much money it would save.

38. The main reasons for indicating surgical therapy are unsuccessful approaches and situations not amenable to conservative treatment.

39. They progress much further than Gang into late adolescence(Sentencedict), a period more amenable to bittersweet comedy.

40. Amenable definition: If you are Amenable to something, you are willing to do it or accept it

41. With much of the preliminary work already done, Ministers were more amenable to finding the time to legislate.

42. Sometimes, all the language versions can be simplified, but sometimes only particular language versions are amenable to simplification.

43. The computed tomography (CT) scan revealed avulsed bone fragments locked in the acetabular cavity that were not amenable to internal fixation.

44. Adjective [usually verb-link ADJECTIVE] If you are Amenable to something, you are willing to do it or accept it

45. Willing to accept or be influenced by a suggestion: He was Amenable to suggestion, and really worked hard to improve himself

46. The world’s major developed economies are not suffering from cyclical deficiencies in aggregate demand that are amenable to a monetary cure.

47. Unlike Convulsive status epilepticus, which is a relatively uniform entity that is amenable to standard treatment algorithms, NCSE is more heterogeneous

48. 🔊 Even though these budget cuts are necessary, I know most of the staff will not be Amenable to the cutbacks

49. 🔊 For the class project, Josh was more Amenable to writing a long essay than he was to creating a short

50. While all these words mean "not amenable to planning or prediction," Casual stresses lack of real or apparent premeditation or intent

51. Most granitic Batholiths contain plutons which are composed of low-variance mineral assemblages amenable to quantification of the P – conditions that characterise emplacement

52. But, as it is, few regions of the universe “are as amenable to complex life as ours,” state Guillermo Gonzalez and Jay W.

53. Otherwise, our own inclination woul4 be to choose the Advents, if only because they seem more amenable to future upgrading of one's present

54. Furthermore, unlike most elements, the Allotropes of sulfur can be manipulated in solutions of organic solvents and is amenable to analysis by HPLC.

55. If he is serious about the talks , he may need a new one , one more amenable to paying the necessary price for peace .

56. Pre-and postoperative ballistocardiograms were analyzed in approximately 100 patients with surgically Amenable cardiovascular diseases.: One might have anticipated that the nature of very low-frequency modes might be Amenable to semiclassical analysis.: With the exception of liver metastases of colorectal cancer, tumour deposits are almost always multiple and seldom Amenable to resection.

57. For practical use, a Biomaterial should be amenable to being formed or machined into different shapes, have relatively low cost, and be readily available

58. ((Action for annulment - Protected geographical indication ‘Kołocz śląski’ or ‘Kołacz śląski’ - Rejection of the application for annulment of the registration - Act not amenable to review - Inadmissibility))

59. The more the Boycotted company is made to believe that the boycott continuation will increasingly damage their corporate reputation, the more amenable to settlement will the company become

60. In an attempt to achieve legitimization and acceptance from the larger society, advocates of occultism have in recent years portrayed the occult as basically amenable to scientific investigation.

61. The Biophysicist possesses the ability to separate biological problems into segments that are amenable to exact physical interpretation and to formulate hypotheses that can be tested by experiment

62. Antibiosis was estimated as the biomass accumulated by each aphid species on each accession during infestation. From the Cambridge English Corpus Tolerance was not amenable to this analysis …

63. That provision merely lays down abstract conditions which require interpretation and which appear to be readily amenable to consideration in the light of the requirements under EU law.

64. Tests were conducted involving 597 patients suffering from adenosine deaminase (ADA) deficiency or one of a dozen other diseases thought amenable to treatment by the addition of foreign genes.

65. Willing to accept a suggestion or submit to authority: "a class that is all the more Amenable to control for living perpetually under the threat of deportation" (Amitav Ghosh).

66. The trend toward Assortative mating isn’t amenable to “fixing” through the policy process, and the trend toward better educational and career opportunities for women is a change for the better.

67. 20 In all things which regard the external relations of the individual, he is de jure amenable to those whose interests are concerned, and if need be, to society as their protector.

68. Antibody-based methods have been applied to diverse chemical structures and are amenable to field use for point-of-care analysis, or to direct remediation activities at a contaminated waste site

69. These low‐temperature Brazes minimize chemical degradation of the reinforcement and may be suited to joining the ZrB 2 ‐based composite components outside of the hot zone in locations that are amenable to external cooling

70. considers that there is a need to develop further investment products or packages of potential investments (such as road / utility projects) that could make them more amenable to direct investment by pension funds;

71. 47 According to settled case-law, the choice of the legal basis for a European Union measure must rest on objective factors amenable to judicial review, which include in particular the aim and content of the measure.

72. Adhocracy, an organizational design whose structure is highly flexible, loosely coupled, and amenable to frequent change. Adhocracy arises out of the need of formal organizations to be able to recognize, understand, and solve problems in highly complex and turbulent environments

73. ‘Both toxic and Curative potentials are properties of all drugs.’ ‘Recurrence of the primary tumor is rarely amenable to Curative therapy.’ ‘UV light is known to have bactericidal activity and could have Curative properties as far as secondary bacterial infections are concerned.’

74. Note that Amenable is often followed by the preposition to, which makes Amenable mean "able to be controlled or affected by something," as in: "They are usually Amenable to our wishes" or "Her heart condition is not Amenable …

75. Stress management was developed and premised on the idea that stress is not a direct response to a stressor but rather one's resources and ability to cope mediate the stress response and are amenable to change, thus allowing stress to be controllable.

76. Cyanide; CATC is a test of how effective chlorination is in removing Cyanide Cyanides Amenable to Chlorination (CATC) Weak Acid Dissociable Cyanide (WAD CN) WAD Cyanide includes species that will release Cyanide at a moderate pH of 4.5 such as HCN(aq) and CN-, the

77. Annealing is an umbrella term used in heat treating to refer to the process of raising the temperature and controlled cooling of a material to make it more ductile, reduce its hardness and generally make it more amenable to machining and other manufacturing processes.

78. It has been estimated that it is the third leading cause of death in Canada.10 Further, it is amenable to the entire spectrum of health services, ranging from prevention of its risk factors, to the treatment of acute stroke and rehabilitation and palliation of chronic stroke.

79. While all these words mean "submissive to the will of another," Amenable suggests a willingness to yield or cooperate because of a desire to be agreeable or because of a natural open-mindedness. Amenable to new ideas When is it sensible to use docile instead of Amenable?

80. Steiner stated that organisations that are known to be Bureaucratised and hierarchical are less flexible, less amenable to change and less likely to empower staff.15 An organisation will not get full value from its professional employees if it insists that they do only what they are told