Use "alms-house" in a sentence

1. In the 12th century was the "alms house" for the population.

2. Next we see La Casa de l ́Almoina (Alms House), which is a rare example of civil Gothic architecture on Mallorca.

3. The original building was sold to the city of Albany, and new property was purchased on the grounds of the Albany Alms-House.

4. After that, the house became the colonists' alms house as well as a pharmacy run by doctor Lachaine, a close friend of Augustin-Norbert Morin.

5. Bedlam, wrote Ward in his journal, “is an alms-house for madmen, a showing-room for whores, a sure market for lechers, a dry walk for loiterers”

6. Following my post on the Templars’ ruined ‘alms-house’ at Gislingham in Suffolk, Dr Paul Webster has pointed out that the kings of England maintained ‘Almonries’ from which alms were dispensed

7. On an inmate of a hospital, alms-house or asylum, or any establishment of education, correction, internment or detention, who is under, the supervision or control of or dependent upon the accused person; or

8. Attending Accoucheurs to lodge with the Commissioners of the Alms- house a notice of their respective residences, to attend during childbirth, free of all chargq such females of their respective districts as shall produce a certificate from a Commissioner of the Almshouse of their