Use "almost certain" in a sentence

1. He had been miraculously saved from almost certain death.

2. You were almost certain to marry at the end of your hitch.

3. As I faced my own, almost certain death I wondered, " Has he the Ring?

4. Most important, the Federal Reserve and Greenspan are almost certain to keep interest rates stable.

5. On this latter point he felt almost certain, knowing her freedom from levity of character.

6. Every American soldier coming to Britain was almost certain to consider himself a privileged crusader.

7. However, Mr Hurd's pronouncement yesterday removes that incentive, leaving the Labour move almost certain to fail.

8. Police are almost certain the torso was Mr Davison but they're awaiting confirmation by a DNA test.

9. In 2020, rumors of a Bloodborne PC release were flying around with such fervor it seemed almost certain

10. By late in the first half United were staring at a seven-goal deficit and almost certain defeat.

11. If the Tories are seeking to portray Mr Brown as a spendthrift, they are almost certain to fail.

12. The combination of archaeological and anatomical evidence indicates that Neferefre is the almost certain owner of the pyramid.

13. She was almost certain to defeat her Republican opponent Maurice Turner, a former police chief, in the November election.

14. According to The Times of London, survivors who absorbed heavy doses of radiation faced “almost certain cancer or sterility.”

15. In its ratings downgrade Tuesday , it said the country's loan-subsidy program " is almost certain to make matters worse . "

16. The President and his supporters are almost certain to read this vote as a mandate for continued economic reform.

17. She was almost certain that it hadn't had a little saddlebag with a puncture repair kit when she set out.

18. We know that the next falling star is almost certain to get too close to the sun, and catch fire!

19. The approach outlined here undercuts the rage of anti - imperialism , finesses the almost certain violence against coalition troops and prevents the Iranians from colonizing Iraq .

20. The very earliest Acheulean assemblages often contain numerous Oldowan-style flakes and core forms and it is almost certain that the Acheulean developed from this older

21. Allopurinol is the leading medicine to lower uric acid, and gout patients who take it, at the right dose, are almost certain to take control of their gout

22. The international community needs to consider special initiatives to counter the shrinkage of capital flows to developing countries that is almost certain to occur over the next two years.

23. Whichever candidate wins, it is almost certain that he will try to kick-start some type of dialogue with the Turkish Cypriots and end the division on the island.

24. Antrum is all at once disorienting and unsettling, as competing perspectives and facts on (or under) the ground conspire to lure two young people to an almost certain doom

25. When celebrity is the aim, a scholar who is ambitious is almost certain to become a sycophant—chained to the tastes adopted and the ideas embraced by the audience whose acclaim he seeks.

26. By contrast, in the case of distinct national demands that are aggregated into a single market, the existence of a kink is almost certain and its location on the aggregate demand curve is well defined.

27. 23 Alien life, he will suggest, is almost certain to exist in many other parts of the universe: not just in planets, but perhaps in the centre of stars or even floating in interplanetary space.

28. However, Aldehyde abundance in the environment does not always spell doom because many familiar foods contain a variety of non-toxic Aldehydes that in addition to providing flavor to foods (e.g., aniseAldehyde, benzAldehyde, cinnamAldehyde, citral Aldehyde) and beverages (e.g., aniseAldehyde) are almost certain to stimulate beneficial actions