Use "allusion" in a sentence

1. Allusion f (plural Allusions) allusion, innuendo En parlant ainsi, il faisait allusion aux mœurs de son temps

2. Allusion f (plural Allusions) Allusion, innuendo En parlant ainsi, il faisait Allusion aux mœurs de son temps

3. Allusion and Intertext.

4. Allusion definition: An Allusion is an indirect reference to someone or something

5. Definitions The noun Allusion means …

6. His brows clouded at the allusion.

7. A little literary allusion, for another.

8. When an author uses an Allusion

9. (2007) ‘Oath and allusion in Alcaeus fr

10. Nothing I said made any such allusion.

11. She made no allusion to the incident.

12. He resents any allusion to his baldness.

13. The title is per-haps an allusion to AIDS.

14. Definition and a list of examples of Allusion

15. Her poetry is full of obscure literary allusion.

16. He made no allusion to his term being near.

17. The allusion served as a timely reminder to Darnay.

18. Harry was hurt by an allusion to his failure.

19. He probably intended it as an exact classical allusion.

20. Motto: “Or et fer” (no allusion to Ophir or Auriferous)

21. Thus, Allusion is an effective way to help you get …

22. Download our 5 ready-to-use Allusion worksheets that are perfect to test student knowledge and understanding of what Allusion is and how it can be used.

23. Allusion definition, a passing or casual reference; an incidental mention of something, either directly or by implication: The novel's title is an Allusion to Shakespeare

24. Our terms of reference contain no allusion to Canada's native populations.

25. An Allusion is an indirect reference, whereas an illusion is …

26. An Allusion is an indirect reference to an historical person or event

27. She was made uncomfortable by his veiled allusion to the previous night.

28. He made an allusion to a secret plan in his speech.

29. (David Copperfield, by Charles Dickens) His brow Clouded at the allusion

30. Allusion Shelties is always striving to improve the quality of the breed

31. It provides a basis of fuller understanding of allusion, implication and inference.

32. Allusion is a reference to an object outside of the work of literature.

33. That's our fun now, not fun itself, only a tired allusion to it.

34. The committee made no allusion to the former President in its final conclusions.

35. His statement was seen as an allusion to the recent drug-related killings.

36. In the arts, a literary allusion puts the Alluded text in a

37. In the arts, a literary Allusion puts the alluded text in a

38. Less direct forms of allusion are practised in different sections of society.

39. Another word for Allusion: reference, mention, suggestion, hint, implication Collins English Thesaurus

40. Allusion (pronounced ah-LOO-zhun) is basically a reference to something else

41. Perhaps blue eyelashes are this allusive sign , virginal behavior this fragile allusion.

42. The ram refers to the family name, an allusion to the patriarch Abraham.

43. He looked like his allusion as he raised his eyes to Mr. Lorry's face.

44. It could also refer to something that happens earlier in the text; this is often called an "internal Allusion" (as opposed to a regular, or "external," Allusion).

45. An instance of indirect reference: an Allusion to classical mythology in a poem

46. These words conceal an allusion to two fundamental texts of the Old Testament.

47. Allusion offers you endless eyewear choices – one for every mood, one for every tone

48. An Allusion is a figure of speech that references a person, place, thing, or event

49. The sign of his hostelry was in allusion to one of his feats of arms.

50. This looks like a thinly veiled allusion to the power struggles of contemporary Europe.

51. In allusion to cheat, this paper proposes a secure electronic commerce identity verification protocol.

52. A Cultural world in which allusion is defined as theft seems an awfully impoverished one

53. In speaking thus, he was alluding [literally making Allusion] to the mores of his time

54. The earliest allusion to engraving in Scripture may be the reference to Judah’s seal ring.

55. Since you use an Allusion to refer it to known knowledge, it becomes relatable to your audience

56. The Allusion does not give much detail about the reference-it does not describe things in detail.

57. The act of alluding; indirect reference: Without naming names, the candidate criticized the national leaders by Allusion

58. The whole thing seethed, illusion and allusion swinging from branch to branch like gibbons in the treetops.

59. Such Biblical allusion was in stark contrast to the welter of less printable comments being Bellowed …

60. An author uses Allusion in his or her writing to add description and make a comparison

61. The similar-sounding words Allusion and illusion are often confused, though their meanings are quite different

62. In literature, an Allusion is an unexplained reference to someone or something outside of the text

63. Another hypothesis is an allusion to chickens frequenting the Macta River, behind the dunes of Marsat El Hadjadj.

64. Allusion Tibian Tie Information Abbott and Costello: Costello, the abbot of the White Raven Monastery is probably an Allusion to the comedy duo Abbott and Costello.: Aleister Crowley: Alistair Cropwell was an explorer who discovered a city full of black magic

65. Allusion is a short, informal reference to a famous person or event: You must borrow me Gargantua's mouth first

66. 10 And even the allusion to the energetic properties of the Zabaglione seems to refer to the name Tiramisu.

67. 1857, Thomas Hughes, Tom Brown's School Days Chapter 4 The allusion to his mother made Tom feel rather Chokey

68. Their next album, Goodbye to the Machine, would be an allusion to the band's negativity towards major record labels.

69. It does not mention the sacrifice of Iphigenia, and makes only a dubious allusion to the Judgment of Paris.

70. 'Bone dry' clearly derives from an allusion to the dryness of bone after being left in the sun

71. Allude definition, to refer casually or indirectly; make an allusion (usually followed by to): He often Alluded to his poverty

72. Allusion and illusion are both related to the Latin term lūdere meaning “to play,” along with their linguistic cousin delusion

73. I should like to point out that his question and his allusion to me is mistaken and very wrong

74. A good portion of what he said was either a quotation from or an allusion to the Hebrew Scriptures.

75. This is evidently an allusion to the prophetic Psalm 110, Jesus Christ having earlier shown that this psalm applied to him.

76. An Allusion is an a reference or mention of person, event, statement, piece of art, history, myths, religion, or popular culture

77. Allusion is a figure of speech, in which an object or circumstance from unrelated context is referred to covertly or indirectly

78. The definition of "Allusion" is a brief, usually indirect reference to another person, place, or event—real or fictional

79. Allusion, in literature, an implied or indirect reference to a person, event, or thing or to a part of another text

80. Coattails (State Dept./D.Thompson) The expression “Coattails” is an allusion to the rear panels (or “tails”) of a man’s coat