Use "allergic reaction" in a sentence

1. It's probably an allergic reaction.

2. Tom had an allergic reaction.

3. About 10% develop an allergic reaction.

4. Anaphylactic shock is a life-threatening allergic reaction.

5. Barrier methods have a risk of allergic reaction.

6. He died of an allergic reaction to chlorpromazine.

7. The symptoms that result are an Allergic reaction.

8. The bite itself sets off an allergic reaction.

9. Buckyballs may be used to trap free radicals generated during an allergic reaction and block the inflammation that results from an allergic reaction

10. Allergenic A substance capable of causing an allergic reaction.

11. He's having an allergic reaction to some bad medication.

12. An allergic reaction to the dye given during the Angioplasty

13. An allergen can be anything that causes an Allergic reaction

14. You may have an allergic reaction to a certain drug.

15. Furthermore, some people have an allergic reaction to certain antibiotics.

16. BeneFIX: allergic reaction A 10-year-old boy with hemophilia B (Factor IX deficiency) had an allergic reaction while receiving an infusion of BeneFIX (recombinant Factor IX).

17. • Anaphylactic shock is an extreme allergic reaction that can be fatal

18. Antihistamines target histamine, which your body makes during an allergic reaction

19. Adjective of or relating to allergy: an Allergic reaction to wool.

20. Anaphylaxis is a severe systemic allergic reaction that is potentially fatal.

21. * if your daughter has had a severe allergic reaction to yeast

22. But why does pollen trigger an allergic reaction in some people?

23. 2 The most severe allergic reaction, anaphylactic shock, can kill through suffocation.

24. Hypoallergenic: Barbets do well with allergy sufferers by causing fewer allergic reaction

25. He was in anaphylactic shock, some massive allergic reaction to sesame oil.

26. When baby has an allergic reaction , the result can be a rash .

27. What does Allergin mean? Something that provokes an allergic reaction, an allergen

28. A severe allergic reaction ( anaphylaxis ) can produce shock and life - threatening respiratory distress.

29. 🔊 In order to Counteract any allergic reaction, the child carried injectable epinephrine

30. Word on the street is he's having a serious allergic reaction to bullets.

31. If you have a non-severe Allergic reaction to a COVID-19 vaccine

32. A common cause of Basophilia in mammals is an allergic reaction—immediate or delayed. The source of the allergic reaction can be any common allergen, including drugs, foods, inhalants, and insect stings/bites

33. If I don't have an allergic reaction and go into shock, we're halfway there.

34. Developed anaphylaxis, or a severe Allergic reaction that can be life-threatening if left …

35. Allergic reaction • As a result, more people became sensitized to latex and developed Allergic reactions.

36. According to the leading experts in allergy, an Allergic reaction begins in the immune system

37. According to the leading experts in Allergy, an allergic reaction begins in the immune system

38. Anaphylaxis is a fulminant, unexpected, IgE-mediated allergic reaction which can be triggered by multiple agents.

39. Severe Allergic Reactions Anaphylaxis (an-a-fi-LAK-sis) is a serious, life-threatening Allergic reaction

40. In allergic Asthma, the attacks occur when substances known as allergens are inhaled, causing an allergic reaction.

41. An allergic reaction to a certain food is typically a response to a protein in that food.

42. Epinephrine can restart the beat of my heart, or it could stop a life-threatening allergic reaction.

43. Still can't I.D. The trace elements that caused the allergic reaction in Petty Officer Bick's lung tissue.

44. allergic reaction (e. g. anaphylactic reaction, angioedema including swollen tongue, tongue oedema, face oedema, pruritus, or urticaria

45. A severe allergic reaction ( anaphylaxis ) is also very rare , but can result within minutes of being vaccinated .

46. If you have allergies, you likely look for products marked “hypoAllergenic” to avoid triggering an allergic reaction

47. Allergic conjunctivitis is an eye inflammation caused by an Allergic reaction to substances like pollen or mold spores

48. Anaphylaxis, or Anaphylactic shock, is the most serious allergic reaction and can cause death without prompt medical attention

49. Uncommon side effects (seen in more than # in # people taking Parareg): seizures indigestion (dyspepsia) diarrhoea allergic reaction (hypersensitivity

50. Allergens are substances that are foreign to the body and can cause an allergic reaction in certain people

51. * IPV should not be given to kids who had a severe allergic reaction to a previous IPV shot .

52. The most common cause of itchy red Blotches on the legs is due to an allergic reaction to something

53. Hay fever is an allergic reaction to pollen, airborne chemicals and dust particles and causes great irritation to sufferers.

54. Allergy shots (immunotherapy): Allergy shots work by improving an individual’s tolerance to the substance that causes an allergic reaction

55. These act as receptors, and if they recognize the allergen, they release their contents, causing an immediate allergic reaction.

56. NoseBleeds may be caused by infection, injury, allergic reaction, nose picking or an object being pushed into the nostril.

57. Allergic rhinitis, also called hay fever, is an Allergic reaction that causes sneezing, congestion, itchy nose and sore throat

58. For this reason, people who are allergic to horses are more likely to suffer an allergic reaction to antivenom.

59. A hypersensitivity reaction (serious allergic reaction) has been reported in about # in every # patients who have been treated with abacavir

60. Most of the time, these Bumps indicate an allergic reaction or clogged hair follicles, neither of which is usually a …

61. Applebee's cannot ensure menu items do not contain ingredients that might cause an allergic reaction or impact other dietary restrictions.

62. He said it also reduces the possibility of an allergic reaction . . . that it reduces the more serious reactions of shock . . .

63. The composition of the infiltrate supports the hypothesis that purpura pigmentosa progressiva is an allergic reaction of the delayed type.

64. Anaphylactic shock is a rare but severe allergic reaction that can be deadly if you don't treat it right away

65. An Allergic reaction occurs when the body misreads something that’s typically harmless as being dangerous, explains Kevin McGrath, MD, spokesperson for …

66. The allergic reaction “can produce symptoms ranging from runny noses and rashes to life-threatening anaphylactic shock,” states the magazine Prevention.

67. Blotchy skin can sometimes occur when you’re experiencing stress, or suffering from an allergic reaction such as eczema or contact dermatitis

68. When he took the medicine, he developed an allergic reaction causing an itchy rash and watery blisters over his entire body.

69. Many different types of Allergens can trigger an allergic reaction, requiring clinical care by a physician or other health care professional

70. Potential complications of an Arteriography procedure include an allergic reaction to the dye, occlusion of an artery, or damage to the kidneys

71. It’s the active ingredient in Benadryl, an Antihistamine meant to treat symptoms of an allergic reaction like itchiness, watery eyes, and sneezing

72. Other causes of red Blotches on the lower legs can arise from an allergic reaction to certain foods or contact with poisonous plants.

73. People with Allergies A health care worker in Alaska was among several people who’ve had a severe allergic reaction to the Pfizer vaccine

74. Anaphylaxis is a severe Allergic reaction that can be triggered by a vaccine, as well as by food, medication, insect stings and latex

75. Other causes of red Blotches on the lower legs can arise from an allergic reaction to certain foods or contact with poisonous plants

76. An allergen is a substance that can cause an allergic reaction. In some people, the immune system recognizes Allergens as foreign or dangerous

77. A 39-year-old female patient presented with an intense allergic reaction and shock after ingesting sunflower seeds and simultaneously acetylsalicylic acid (ASA).

78. This explains why you could eat a new food without any apparent reaction but eat the same food again and experience an allergic reaction.

79. It can also be used as part of a treatment strategy for the control of flea allergy dermatitis, an allergic reaction to flea bites

80. An Allergen is a usually harmless substance capable of triggering a response that starts in the immune system and results in an allergic reaction