Use "allantoid" in a sentence

1. The invading fungus forms an allantoid primary infection vesicle in the penetrated epidermal cell.

2. Secondary allantoid sporidia of Tilletia indica released from mycelial colonies germinate and multiply on sterile soil.

3. Groves and is characterized by simple, solitary, brown pycnidia, integrated polyphialides, and hyaline, allantoid, aseptate conidia.

4. Those from spruce in Japan represent O. penicillatum, and are characterized by allantoid, slightly curved conidia.

5. It differs mainly from the other members of the genus by the shape of the sporangiospores which are cylindrical to oblong or allantoid; the average size is 0.7×2.1 μ, usually they are three times longer than wide.

6. There were hypoplasia of amniotic cavity, abnormal connection of amnion to the embryo body, disturbed topographic position of the embryo in the embryo membrane, lack of internal organ rudiments, hypoplasiy of the allantoid stalk and of chorion frondosum.