Use "algol" in a sentence

1. The insertion of the typtriplex into ALGOL 60 leads to the languageTriplex-ALGOL.

2. Algol (アルゴール, Algol) is a Celestial Star Spirit as well as a former [Demon Lord]

3. It started out in the late 1950's, first formalized in a report titled Algol 58, and then progressed through reports Algol 60, and Algol 68

4. Algol is a trinary star system, containing 3 stars, Algol A, a star of spectral type B (blue in color), Algol B is K-type (orange), and Algol C is A-type (blue-white)

5. Algol is a Grimleal priest, and bandit

6. An ALGOL-procedure is given.

7. Algol in Horary Astrology Theory and Practice

8. An alien from the planet Algol gives …

9. Algol has a long and important history

10. Caravans to Empire Algol (1994, Moonfog Productions) Transmissions from Empire Algol (1995, Moonfog Productions) List of ambient music artists Metal-Archives

11. The bright star there is called Algol.

12. ALGOL 60 inspired many languages that followed it.

13. Algol is a Spanish word, which means rising star

14. Revised report on the Algorithmic Language ALGOL 60 (PDF).

15. Algol wields both Soul Edge and Soul calibur

16. An ALGOL procedure and test examples are given.

17. He participated in conferences in Zurich in 1958 and Paris in 1960 which developed the programming languages Algol 58 and Algol 60 respectively.

18. Two ALGOL procedures are given, and some computational results are discussed.

19. A proof for this method is given together with an ALGOL procedure.

20. For this case a tested ALGOL-programme will be given.

21. Dylan uses an ALGOL-like syntax designed by Michael Kahl.

22. Algol was the first high-level programming language to implement recursion

23. Bauer also worked in the committees that developed the imperative computer programming languages ALGOL 58 and its successor ALGOL 60, important predecessors to all modern imperative programming languages.

24. He was also involved in the design of Algol 68.

25. He wrote an ALGOL 60 compiler for the Elliott 803.

26. Definition of Algol (Entry 2 of 2) : an algebraic computer programming language used especially in mathematical and scientific applications First Known Use of Algol Noun (1)

27. Algol has both powers to be a demon and to protect from demons

28. His implementations of interval arithmetic in computers started with Algol in the 1960s.

29. Algol is a Finnish family-owned business and a multi-branch company

30. The complete list of reserved identifiers of DASK Algol is given

31. Algol is a variable star, meaning it undergoes wide variations in …

32. The program (ALGOL and FORTRAN) is in possession of the author.

33. Algol (ß Persei) is the brigh eclipsing binary with deep eclipses

34. Algol, or Caput Algol – Ras al-Ghul, the brightest star of the Gorgon's Head – has consistently and universally been seen as a malefic star that brings calamity and loss to humanity

35. Both had semantics similar to C but a syntax based on Burroughs' ALGOL.

36. Algol is a Finnish family-owned business and a multi-branch company

37. The sub-routines of the BELL system are converted into ALGOL procedures.

38. Meertens was one of the editors of the Revised ALGOL 68 Report.

39. Algol is a known variable star, which waxes and wanes in brightness

40. Algol is a triple system; its third component has been detected spectroscopically.

41. This happens because Algol is actually two stars going around each other.

42. In DASK Algol only the first six characters of an identifier will be recognized

43. Algol (Beta Persei) is the name of a star in the constellation Perseus

44. DYNAMO II was written in AED-0, an extended version of Algol 60.

45. Algol definition: the second brightest star in Perseus , the first known eclipsing binary

46. Colonel Villa, this is Kranz. 01, 00, 2,3, algol, Vesta, lnterkosmos, U, Indigo.

47. For both methods described by the author in [1] ALGOL-procedures are given.

48. In addition the universal Turingmachine is simulated in ALGOL 60 for better interpretation.

49. Component stars of Algol binary systems have a spherical, or slightly ellipsoidal shape.

50. Algol (ALGOrithmic Language) is one of several high level languages designed specifically for programming scientific computations

51. Ginsburg was the first to observe the connection between context-free languages and "ALGOL-like" languages.

52. When it passes in front of its brighter companion, we see Algol get dimmer.

53. Algol 60 programs are made up of basic symbols -- what we now call lexemes

54. I have connected with many men, of importance to me, with Algol influencing them

55. Le Chant des Astronautes (1958) dealt with the battle against energy creatures from Algol.

56. He was active in the definition of the ALGOL programming language and cited by Tony Hoare as one of the people who taught him ALGOL 60 and hence facilitated his expression of powerful recursive algorithms: "Around Easter 1961, a course on ALGOL 60 was offered in Brighton, England, with Peter Naur, Edsger W. Dijkstra, and Peter Landin as tutors. ...

57. Besides that, an ALGOL-program is presented which realizes both this method and a planarity criterium.

58. The language incorporated ideas from PL/I, ALGOL and XPL, and had an integrated macro processor.

59. He was one of the editors of the Revised Report on the Algorithmic Language Algol 68.

60. As far as necessary for the understanding of the programs,Algol is explained in the introduction.

61. Algol, designated Beta Persei (β Persei), is also known as the 'Demon Star' or 'Gorgona'

62. The ship then proceeds much faster than light to visit binary stars — Algol, globular cluster.

63. The technique was used and developed in the definition of the programming language ALGOL 68.

64. The Burroughs large systems were designed to be programmed in an extended subset of Algol.

65. An Algol 60 programme as used for the calculation of the retention indices is added.

66. Most Algol variables are quite close binaries, and therefore their periods are short, typically a few days.

67. Influence of Algol: it causes misfortune, violence, decapitation, hanging, electrocution and mob violence, and gives a …

68. Fixed Star Algol 25° or 26° Taurus The most evil star in the cosmos

69. The included ALGOL and FORTRAN subroutines will enable programmers to make practical use of this paper.

70. Algol is a leading provider of IT solutions and support services for all SMB and enterprise

71. In [3] a set of procedures is given for simulating interval-arthmetic on ALGOL-60 compilers.

72. It was originally a large ALGOL 60-like language for the PDP-10 and DECSYSTEM-20.

73. A.Autocratship algológico Aus espada ortodiagrama gestual lectura descendente farmacias waklert farmacias intersticios de estructura

74. An ALGOL procedure is presented that allows to mix piecewise cubic and exponential spline interpolation suitably.

75. As the name suggests Algol production is the rising star in the cloud of films production houses

76. Recursion was suggested for Algol in 1959 by Professor John McCarthy, then of the Massachusetts Institute of …

77. If the elements are procedures, a procedure list is obtained (which is not available in ALGOL 60).

78. Lexical scoping was used for ALGOL and has been picked up in most other languages since then.

79. What does Algol mean? A double, eclipsing variable star in the constellation Perseus, almost as bright as Polaris

80. Algol 60 was particularly influential in the design of later languages, some of which soon became more popular.