Use "alcaptonuria" in a sentence

1. Report of a 61 year old female patient suffering from alcaptonuria showing the corresponding changes of the vertebral column and the joints.

2. Cystinosis; Homocystinuria (main symptom ectopia lentis); Mucopoly-saccharidoses (classical forms, special forms); Lipidoses (Tay-Sachs, Niemann-Pick, Gaucher, Fabry, Sulfatidosis, Refsum, essential hypercholesterinemia); Albinism, Alcaptonuria, Porphyria, Hypophosphatasia; Wilson’s disease.

3. The melanin-forming strains of the species Pseudomonas aeruginosa are not regarded as variants containing a tyrosinase but as mutants with a genetic defect of homogentisicase in analogy to the alcaptonuria in metabolic diseases of men.

4. Also disclosed is a method for treatment, amelioration or prophylaxis of a disease selected from the group consisting of phenylketonuria (PKU, Følling's disease), hyperphenylalaninemia (HPA), alcaptonuria (black urine disease), tyrosinemia, hypertyrosinemia, myasthenia gravis, histidinemia, urocanic aciduria, maple syrup urine disease (MSUD), isovaleric acidemia (isovaleryl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency), homocystinuria, propionic acidemia, methylmalonic acidemia, and glutaric aciduria Type 1 (GA-I), galactosemia, comprising administering to the gastrointestinal tract of a patient in need thereof an effective amount of a composition of molecular imprinted polymers (MIPs), said composition being capable of binding a symptom provoking agent of said disease.