Use "albumen paper" in a sentence

1. The Collodion negative was most commonly printed on albumen paper

2. Albumen paper requires several items somewhat unique to alternative processes

3. During the 25 year span 1860-1885 Albumen paper was in virtually exclusive use as …

4. After overcoming many difficulties, this method is now the equal of the other quantitative methods of albumen paper chromatography, in fact it is superior in some respects.

5. Albumen paper, light-sensitive paper prepared by coating with Albumen, or egg white, and a salt (e.g., ammonium chloride) and sensitized by an aftertreatment with a solution of silver nitrate

6. The first requirement is a negative with a density range of 1.8 to 2.0, as the extreme tonal range of Albumen paper will cause a “normal” negative to print very flat.