Use "alan greenspan" in a sentence

1. In 2000, Alan Greenspan raised interest rates several times.

2. Alan Greenspan has argued that the rule of law is the linchpin of market economics.

3. Alan Greenspan, the chairman of the Federal Reserve, is worried about the sharp slowdown in monetary growth.

4. Mr Reagan did not reappoint Mr Volcker again, putting Alan Greenspan in charge of the Fed in 19

5. The Age of Turbulence: Adventures in a New World is the title of a 2007 book by Alan Greenspan.

6. Alan Greenspan, chairman of America’s Federal Reserve, can help by avoiding tight money but he cannot undo this structural shift.

7. And it may have made it harder to challenge the purist free-market views of Alan Greenspan, the Federal Reserve chairman until 2006 whom Mr Cassidy partly blames for the dotcom and housing bubbles.