Use "al qaeda" in a sentence

1. Al qaeda: ISIS: Ayman al Zawahiri

2. Origins of Al qaeda The primary founder of Al qaeda, Osam a bin Laden, was born in …

3. Al Qaeda: War with Israel is'jihad '.

4. Al qaeda on Democracy and Reform

5. "Senior al Qaeda leader killed in Somalia".

6. To reach the leaders of al-Qaeda, they had to go deep into areas under the control of al-Qaeda.

7. But Al qaeda also faced major setbacks.

8. Qaeda founder Osama] bin Laden and other senior Al qaeda leaders.” 1 This report will not analyze all Al qaeda-inspired movements worldwide, but it will address Al qaeda’s relationship with some of its known affiliates

9. Why don't you think he's Al Qaeda, Agent Snyder?

10. 21, 2017 Bombing reportedly killed three Al Qaeda operatives

11. Al Qaeda lost the first phase of this war.

12. We're about projecting American power now, degrading Al-Qaeda militarily.

13. This is the epicenter of violent extremism practiced by al Qaeda.

14. I think the shipping company is an al-Qaeda front.

15. Question: There are reports indicating Al-Qaeda related bases in Spain.

16. Al - Qaeda coped just fine when oil was $ 10 a barrel.

17. They said there was no link between Iraq and Al Qaeda.

18. But it finds some progress in Sunni insurgents fighting al - Qaeda.

19. Al qaeda founders to reaffirm their leadership roles and the role of the Al qaeda organization as the vanguard of an emergi ng, loosely organized international jihadist movement

20. Al qaeda: Facts About the Terrorist Network and Its History of Attacks

21. For example, the group is known as Al qaeda in West Africa

22. It turns out that al Qaeda, too, is not without its bureaucracy.

23. The strait also been identified as a potential target by Al - Qaeda.

24. WASHINGTON — Last week was a bad week for Al qaeda around the world

25. America's invasion has given al - Qaeda a new cause , battlefield and haven.

26. According to reports by a former al-Qaeda member, he has worked in the al-Qaeda organization since its inception and was a senior member of the group's shura council.

27. To date, we've arrested or otherwise dealt with many key commanders of al Qaeda.

28. Al qaeda has also suffered heavy losses from defection or destruction, Watts says

29. In a recent interview, Nazir said he was a member of al Qaeda.

30. I'm gonna need some really, really low - level al qaeda contacts, all right?

31. Such hatred grants victory to al Qaeda and Besmirches the memory of those who died.

32. Al qaeda is believed to have other groups which are directly affiliated with the group

33. Al qaeda maintains affiliates in regions across Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia.

34. Al Jazeera television broadcast a purported audio tape by al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden's deputy Ayman al-Zawahri, vowing to defeat the "infidel" United States.

35. Numerous countries introduced anti-terrorism legislation and froze bank accounts they suspected of al-Qaeda ties.

36. He established the al-Qaeda training facility at Ras Kamboni in Somalia near the Kenyan border.

37. Ammar al-Baluchi is a senior member and planner for al-Qaeda currently being held by the United States in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba

38. ( Khobar Rampage : ) " Don ' t Be Afraid , We Won ' t Kill Muslims " Al - Qaeda ' s Limits The Terror - Aiding Prof ( : Sami Al - Arian )

39. 8 Al Jazeera television broadcast a purported audio tape by al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden's deputy Ayman al-Zawahri, vowing to defeat the "infidel" United States.

40. Afghanistan's invasion was justified: that was where bin Laden lived and al Qaeda had its training camps.

41. This operation brings to closure an almost decade-long search for the head of the Al Qaeda.

42. The Malian government has accused the movement of having links to Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb.

43. Ansar al Islam, an Al qaeda affiliate in Egypt, was suspected of ties to two roadside bombings of tour buses near the Giza Pyramids

44. However little action was seen, with no Al-Qaeda or Taliban forces being found or engaged.

45. Shortly thereafter, US President George W Bush issued a series of demands to the de facto government of Pakistan — specifically demanding that the Taliban assist the US in Apprehending key al-Qaeda personnel and shutting down al-Qaeda operational bases.

46. But the al - Qaeda leader still felt the need to compose a detailed , 200 - page rebuttal of antagonist.

47. Before September 11, 2001, many Americans knew little of Al qaeda or its founder, Osama bin Laden.

48. When asked if they would vote for al-Qaeda, just 1% of Pakistanis polled answered in the affirmative.

49. Meanwhile, al Qaeda continued to operate from along that border and operate through its affiliates across the world.

50. The al-Qaeda aerial attack on the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York.

51. Keep in mind it helps Al Qaeda to have that kind of Ambiguousness, because then it can feel larger.

52. Notable among them was a young Saudi named Osama bin Laden, whose Arab group eventually evolved into al-Qaeda.

53. Sunni militant groups such as Lashkar-e Jhangvi, an Al-Qaeda affiliate, have conducted numerous attacks targeting civilians.

54. Al Qaeda, too, has an interest in crippling Karzai's government and is happy to exploit its Achilles heel.

55. A lot of reporters come to Yemen and they want to write a story on Al- Qaeda or terrorism.

56. The groups are also known as Al qaeda but have the name of the region they operate in

57. Al qaeda had a command and control structure which included a majlis al shura (or consultation council) which discussed and approved major undertakings, including terrorist operations

58. At the height of its power, Al-Qaeda in Iraq, like its parent organization, was a highly Bureaucratized group.

59. A lot of reporters come to Yemen and they want to write a story on Al-Qaeda or terrorism.

60. President Barack Obama had earlier warned Mr Jones the proposed burning would be " a recruitment bonanza " for al-Qaeda .

61. The US administration has protected the Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist group, which is a unit of al-Qaeda that has staged the most terrible terrorist attacks in US history.

62. A US Airstrike in northwestern Syria is believed to have killed seven leaders of al Qaeda affiliates, a military official said

63. For example, they charged Saudi foreign fighters substantially more than Libyans, money that would have otherwise gone to al Qaeda.

64. While Al qaeda has not been able to replicate an assault like 9/11, that’s also a naive metric of success

65. 2- He was Alluding to the growing sway in rebel-held areas of Al-Qaeda loyalists and more extreme jihadist groups

66. ISIS, an al Qaeda offshoot, has been collaborating with the Syrian rebels whom the Obama administration has been Arming in their efforts to overthrow Syrian President Bashar al …

67. Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden urged European countries to end their military cooperation with US forces in Afghanistan, in an audio tape aired by Al Jazeera television on Thursday.

68. Overseas mission to thwart the resurgence of al Qaeda and ISIS is a critical national security objective, a more important Counterterrorism challenge …

69. Several people associated with al Qaeda were killed, as were some Pakistani officers who were reported to be there to train Kashmiri terrorists.

70. According to news reports Ansar-Al-Islam, the Bangladesh chapter of Al-Qaeda in the Indian Sub-Continent, has claimed responsibility for the killing of blogger Niloy, terming him an enemy of Allah.

71. 10/22/2014 Paying Ransoms, Europe Bankrolls Qaeda Terror -

72. Afghanistan remains an important partner of the United States in the fight against terrorism, working with us to eliminate al-Qaeda, ISIS-Khorasan …

73. Even today, the leading Republican presidential candidates suggest that the rule of law is an unaffordable luxury in the battle with al-Qaeda.

74. * Al qaeda had ties to other "terrorist organizations that operated under its umbrella," including: the al Jihad group based in Egypt, the Islamic Group, formerly led by Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman

75. We did everything we could to stop al Qaeda and the foreign fighters that came in as suicide bombers and as accelerants to the violence.

76. Blee is a CIA officer who successfully obstructed investigation of Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden in the run up to the 9/11 attacks

77. 11, 2001, understanding the Al qaeda organization—its strategy, ideology and leadership structure—has become a major preoccupation of both scholars and security specialists

78. I was in Yemen recently, where -- it's the home of the last al Qaeda franchise that still aspires to attack America, attack the West.

79. Al qaeda, its affiliates, and local jihadist groups have long put them in their crosshairs, and the Islamic State is likely to do the same

80. The legal basis for the war against Al qaeda and its successors is aging and frayed, but how to replace it has long bedeviled lawmakers