Use "air raid" in a sentence

1. Air raid!

2. MAN: Air raid!

3. Air- raid alert!

4. [ Air raid siren ]

5. Air raid shelters.

6. Air-raid Drill!

7. An air-raid shelter?

8. My air raid shelter.

9. It's an air raid.

10. Like an air-raid drill.

11. It's an air-raid shelter.

12. This is an air-raid drill.

13. We have air-raid drills here

14. Air- raid shelters from the second war

15. is the air raid alert still going?

16. I ran to the air-raid shelter.

17. The air raid seems to be over.

18. On their way to air raid shelter

19. The air raid siren has begun to sound

20. This is in regard to air-raid precautions.

21. Everybody must participate in the air raid drill.

22. So much for your little air raid, Captain.

23. Maybe she was in an air raid shelter, Colonel.

24. Building an air-raid shelter is hungry work, Grace.

25. Ladies and gentlemen, this is an air raid shelter!

26. Tom and Mary ran into the air-raid shelter.

27. So now it's an air-raid shelter, is it?

28. So where could we place an air-raid shelter?

29. I saw you in that air raid drill yesterday.

30. 13: RAF launches an air raid against Essen, Germany.

31. The Air Raid on el Arish, 18th June 1916

32. There was an air raid during our reception, and...

33. Ladies and gentlemen...... the air raid warning has just gone

34. So is this, an air raid casualty that' s terribly

35. Renting out bomb shelters and changing air raid siren batteries?

36. We met in a small restaurant during an air- raid

37. The "air-crews, rightly, regarded it as a terror raid".

38. While at the Riihimäki railway station, an air-raid alarm sounded.

39. We well remember the air-raid shelters of World War II.

40. Air-raid shelters became ovens, baking and shriveling those huddled within.

41. The air-raid alarm went on drilling away from the gate.

42. 20 I howl with the blaring of the air raid sirens.

43. January 30 Royal Air Force de Havilland Mosquitos make the first daylight air raid on Berlin.

44. During the second air raid on 6 December 1944 44 people died.

45. Simultaneously the national air raid siren system would be brought into service.

46. I will call for the air-raid drill at 10:35 exactly.

47. the basement holds the garage, storage rooms, and an air raid shelter.

48. Then in World War II they were used as air raid shelters.

49. He got the Council to let us use these air raid shelters.

50. I figured you'd come here if you knew about the air raid.

51. He remembers his mother taking him to air-raid shelters for safety.

52. Citizens are believed to have been burnt alive in air-raid shelters.

53. 16: German air raid on Scapa Flow causes first British civilian casualties.

54. Shelter of Cervantes, a air-raid bunker of the Spanish Civil War (1938).

55. He died in an air raid a week after that portrait was painted.

56. The club in the one-time air-raid shelter doesn’t exist any longer.

57. When we heard the air raid siren, the two of us would hide together.

58. Bombproof buildings··An air-raid shelter, a structure designed to give protection against air raids and bombs

59. During a break on the sports field, many prisoners escaped during an air raid.

60. The first night we, uh, broke into this air-raid shelter and slept there.

61. Those pictures were made in an air-raid drill before Japan was at war.

62. And Mrs Barden's got me doing all sorts for the new air-raid shelter.

63. In the air raid on Kassel on 22 October 1943, the central station was destroyed.

64. Heretics would scurry into their bomb shelters, while air raid sirens warned of incoming bombers.

65. The audience is requested to go to the air raid shelter at number 104, 104.

66. Those who did not leave had to seek refuge in air-raid shelters under ground.

67. The French ambassador and his attachés building an air raid shelter near the Berlin embassy.

68. The spire of the Tallinn's Town Hall burst into flames in the first air-raid.

69. The air raid shelter and the reception hall were designed to form a static symbiosis.

70. If necessary, it was announced, the building could be used for an air raid shelter.

71. In the night of 4 December 1943, the building was destroyed by a British air raid.

72. “I was part of the student mobilization arrangement assigned to construct air-raid shelters,” he explains.

73. It is either a room for gassing already dead corpses, or it's an air-raid shelter?

74. According to the guidelines a transistor radio should be part of any air raid shelter's equipment.

75. When he ran out of money, Ter Braak committed suicide in a public air raid shelter.

76. All's I know are them crew guys said they didn't catch no air raid the last time.

77. The extra pressure bearing down on these intersections added strength and stability to the air raid shelter.

78. Their nightly ritual was that of trying to sleep in the dreary confines of air-raid shelters.

79. Why won't our Commander nor Chief leave their air-raid shelters to lead this Kamikaze mission themselves?

80. It was here I learned that my brothers had died the previous day in an air raid.