Use "ahmadinejad" in a sentence

1. And Ahmadinejad himself is not exactly known as a Cinephile.

2. During his presidency, Ahmadinejad launched a gas rationing plan to reduce the country's fuel consumption.

3. Iran had worked hard to widen the opposition to sanctions, but Mr Ahmadinejad seemed untroubled.

4. Fidel Castro has criticised Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for what he called his anti - Semitic attitudes.

5. Iran considers Israel its archenemy, and Ahmadinejad has called for the destruction of the Jewish state.

6. It cartographically achieved exactly what Ahmadinejad called for : the elimination of the Jewish state .

7. 13 Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iran's president , sounds almost as if goading Mr Bush to attack.

8. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad dismissed the leak as US propaganda which would not affect Tehran 's relations with its neighbours .

9. 7 Most take a dim view of Mr Ahmadinejad, who denies that the Holocaust happened but makes veiled threats to unleash another one on Israel.

10. 3 Calling on Ahmadinejad to resign, they said the election results were a "coup d'etat" and chanted "Death to the lying government".

11. Ahmadinejad drew tens of thousands of flag-waving backers, including many women in black Islamic Chadors, as he claimed he was the victim of …

12. For Israelis, whose country Mr Ahmadinejad says he wants to wipe off the map, it is not all that reassuring to hear that Iran can "probably" be deterred.

13. Happening now, Iran defiance loud and clear inside the United Nations, the president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, attacking what he calls Arrogant powers and reinforcing his hatred of the United States

14. Iran's questioning of the Holocaust Antagonised and offended many during the former administration of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and while his successor has taken a softer line its position is still

15. Inimicitiae inter homines e variis gentibus in civitates foederatas Americae septentrionalis confluentes ad eorum Assimilationem, quae dicitur, quantam vim habuerint: Iran's new revolution? : president Ahmadinejad and the power struggle in Tehran [Iran's rivalry with Saudi Arabia between the Gulf wars - recenzja] Jerzy Zdanowski, "Arabia Saudyjska"

16. The white-turbaned Shiite cleric, who has held several senior government positions since the 1979 Islamic revolution, said in an interview Tuesday that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, along with the clerics and Revolutionary Guard commanders who support him, will be defeated by what he describes as a Burgeoning movement of ordinary people