Use "agroforestry" in a sentence

1. Agroforestry synonyms, Agroforestry pronunciation, Agroforestry translation, English dictionary definition of Agroforestry

2. View an Introduction to Agroforestry

3. Moving Agroforestry into the Mainstream

4. Agroforestry may offer valuable mitigation benefits in return for the amount of area in the Agroforestry practice

5. The Agroforestry concentration provides students with the skills and knowledge they need for careers in Agroforestry and range management

6. Whilst Patrick, who is the 2019 President of the European Agroforestry Federation (EURAF), may be able to recognise Agroforestry, it is doubtful whether many others “know Agroforestry when they see it”


8. NREM 301 Agroforestry LectureTravis Idol- 3 2

9. Agroforestry practice and principles — temperate and tropical;

10. Agroforestry for Commodity Production: Ecological and Social Dimensions

11. The Agroforestry Research Trust is a non-profit making charity, registered in England, which researches and educates about Agroforestry and perennial crops

12. This handbook argues for a wide definition of Agroforestry.

13. Agroforestry is a land management approach with multiple benefits

14. Put simply, Agroforestry is where trees interact with agriculture.

15. Evaluating Alnus Acuminate as a component in agroforestry systems

16. Access Penn State Extension’s resources on forestry business and Agroforestry systems

17. Agroforestry Systems is an international scientific journal that publishes results of novel, high impact original research, critical reviews and short communications on any aspect of Agroforestry.

18. Join us this summer from June 28 to July 2, 2021 for the North American Association for Temperate Agroforestry Virtual Conference: Scaling up Agroforestry for Carbon Drawdown

19. Here are some professional resources and organizations Association for Temperate Agroforestry : Their mission is to encourage all who work in agriculture in North America to adopt sustainable Agroforestry practices.

20. Agroforestry is an important step in forestry management and agricultural production

21. Multistrata Agroforestry takes its cues from the defining feature of forests: layers

22. Food forests and agroforestry are parallel approaches that sometimes lead to similar designs.

23. Agroforestry is an ancient, well-established practice that is ready for further expansion

24. Agroforestry ? Trees with fields in between: plentiful, secure productivity Agroforestry is a sysem where farm crops are mixed with trees to supply fodder, fuel, leaf litter, medicinal herbs, fruit, timber, etc

25. Even though the concept is new, Agroforestry has been practiced for thousands of …

26. A free email Agroforestry journal for practitioners, extension agents, researchers, professionals, students, and enthusiasts

27. Agroforestry “is not easy to define but I know it when I see it”

28. Agroforestry describes a wide range of practices that integrate trees, forests, and agricultural production

29. The online graduate certificate in Agroforestry is 100 percent online: no campus visits are required

30. "Agroforestry is the intentional integration of trees and shrubs into crop and animal farming systems to create environmental, economic, and social benefits." USDA factsheets about Agroforestry systems and practices, FAQs, and USDA information contacts.

31. Agroforestry is the production of food, fodder, fibre and fuel whilst creating a forest ecosystem

32. Agroforestry definition is - land management involving the growing of trees in association with food crops or pastures.

33. Agroforestry opens up new possibilities for farmers to earn well while also repairing and restoring unhealthy ecosystems

34. the costs for replanting during the first year after the establishment, regeneration or renovation of an agroforestry system.’

35. Coppice Agroforestry will serve as a detailed manual for foresters, farmers, craftspeople, and land managers describing the history, ecology, economics, design, and management of agroforestry systems based on the repeated harvest of small diameter wood products from resprouting tree stumps.

36. Agroforestry is the method of managing and integrating trees, crops and livestock on a common plot of land

37. Agroforestry is a growing niche area and becoming increasingly important for sustainability in the developed and the developing world

38. Agroforestry is a land use management system in which trees or shrubs are grown around or among crops or pastureland

39. Agroforestry is a land-use system that combines trees, shrubs, or perennial vines with other agricultural crops and/or livestock.

40. Agroforestry is a concept of integrated land use that combines elements of agriculture and forestry in a sustainable production system

41. Breadfruit is an important component in traditional agroforestry systems and can be grown with a wide range of plants

42. According to International Council for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF) “Agroforestry is a system of land use where woody perennials are deliberately used on the same land management units as annual agricultural crops and / or animals, either sequentially or simultaneously, with the aim of obtaining greater outputs on sustained basis”.

43. Simply said, Agroforestry is a term used for trees incorporated into farming systems in many diverse ways and for various purposes

44. A master’s degree in Agroforestry from MU can help you advance your career in this rapidly expanding and globally acclaimed field

45. As of December 2019, INREMP had established Agroforestry sub-projects in 99% of its target areas, covering a total of 14,307 hectares.

46. Read on to see how Agroforestry puts money in the farmer’s pocket and how everyone can benefit from its positive environmental impact.

47. Regenerative Agroforestry aims to shift the commodity model from mainstream, mono-crop agriculture, which has deep roots in slavery, human rights …

48. Thanks to its multifunctional properties, Agroforestry is part of the solution to addressing these issues, whether they be environmental, economic or social

49. One edition is sent each month focusing on a concept related to designing, developing, and learning more about trees and Agroforestry systems.

50. Department of Agriculture (USDA) programs provide opportunities for research and outreach to enhance the use of Agroforestry by today’s landowners and communities.

51. Agroforestry practices can also be designed to address other needs, such as mitigating odor, improving pollinator habitat, trapping snow, and producing biomass feedstock

52. TS - Agroforestry is the integration of trees or shrubs and crops on the same area of land. Agroforestry practices are different from most other agricultural practices in that the perennial woody vegetation is managed in coordination with crops to optimize the production of multiple products and ecosystem services in the same space.

53. Blending an overstory of taller trees and an understory of one or more layers of crops, multistrata Agroforestry maximizes both horizontal and vertical space.

54. ‘Whereas scientific research on Agroforestry dates back at most two generations, this indigenous system is centuries, if not millennia, old.’ ‘The one major resource that the area did have to offer was beauty and so the well-treed island was turned into an income-generating campground, which would support an Agroforestry project to

55. Agroforestry systems include both traditional and modern land-use systems where trees are managed together with crops and/or animal production systems in agricultural settings.

56. The Agroforestry Design Tool™ (ADT) helps the user in selecting species and a geometric planting pattern, and in visualizing how the planting will look over time

57. “I think you could make a very strong case that without Coppice agroforestry, we would have never had the industrial revolution in the 1700s,” he says

58. B-Bovid Ltd is a Ghanaian UN-Award winning farming and processing palm oil enterprise created in 2014 and based on social entrepreneurship principles and agroforestry practices

59. Agroforestry is the management and integration of trees, crops and/or livestock on the same plot of land and can be an integral component of productive agriculture

60. Agroforestry is a relatively new word that refers to growing trees together with other agricultural crops and animals, with benefits to plants, animals, people, and the environment

61. Agroforestry is defined as the science and application of producing agricultural and wooden products on the same piece of land, integrating farmers, livestock, trees, and forests at various scales

62. While farmers around the world have used Agroforestry practices for thousands of years, many countries incorporated it into their national agricultural and forestry agendas in the 1980s and 1990s.

63. In its simplest form, Agroforestry can be described as ‘growing trees on farms’ and includes the integration, both ecologically and economically, of the woody elements that may already be present in

64. Permaculture has been applied most commonly to the design of housing and landscaping, integrating techniques such as agroforestry, natural building, and rainwater harvesting within the context of permaculture design principles and theory.

65. Agroforestry can be, for example, scattered trees on pastures, diverse fruit and nut trees in orchards, but even tree plantations like rubber tree forests that resemble jungle or perfectly aligned poplars for biomass production.

66. Agroforestry definition, a method and system of land management involving the simultaneous cultivation of farm crops and trees; agriculture incorporating the growing of trees:Agroforestry ensures a continuous food supply, some continuous economic return, and the avoidance of soil degradation

67. Agroforestry is a practical and low-cost means of implementing many forms of integrated land management (which seeks to reduce human impacts on land), and it contributes to a green economy by promoting long-term, sustainable, and renewable forest management, especially for …

68. Agroforestry is a collective name for land-use systems and technologies where woody perennials (trees, shrubs, palms, bamboos, etc.) are deliberately used on the same land-management units as agricultural crops and/or animals, in some form of spatial arrangement or temporal sequence.

69. Agroforestry is a mixture of components that consist of woody plants (timber, clump, palm, bamboo, and other cambium-borne plant species) with agricultural plants (seasonal species) and/or cattle, which set in temporal a arrangement and spatial arrangement as well (Sardjono et al., 2003).

70. Agroforestry is a term for practices where trees are combined with farming, as well as for the interdisciplinary subject area embracing land use systems, at a range of scales from that of the field to the planet, that involve interactions amongst trees, people, and agriculture

71. Agroforestry, or forest gardening, is the practice of growing of trees, shrubs, herbs, and vegetables together in a group mimicking a forest, or within an existing forest, with each plant providing the others benefits like shade, protection from predators, life-giving humidity, and nutrients.

72. The School of Biological Sciences is the leading institution in Fusarium research in Malaysia.Agrobiology programme is in line with the Malaysian Agricultural Policy (1998-2021) that focuses on the introduction of integrated agricultural approaches based on agroforestry, mixed farming, rehabilitation of marginal land, recycling of organic matter, mulching, cover cropping, composting, organic farming, soil and …

73. An Afforested plantation composed of trees planted to shelter farmland and agricultural crops from the effects of wind, potentially reduce soil erosion, or serve as a source of fuelwood or income in an arid or semiarid agricultural environment is commonly called a shelterbelt.In this context, shelterbelts are commonly established as an element of an agroforestry system.