Use "agrarian reform" in a sentence

1. Agriculture and Agrarian Reform Minister.

2. Minister of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform.

3. Also called Agrarian reform.— Agrarian, adj.

4. • Agrarian reform, social justice and sustainable development

5. Former Minister of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform.

6. Agrarian reform, social justice and sustainable development

7. Agrarian reform, social justice and sustainable development;

8. Tajikistan CIDA's Sector: 100% – Agrarian Reform Implementation:

9. d) Agrarian reform, social justice and sustainable development

10. Former Minister of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform (1986-1987)

11. The Agrarian Reform Law was passed in August 1945.

12. Agrarian reform, redistribution of the agricultural resources of a country

13. The movement also increasingly moved towards a programme of agrarian reform.

14. RA 6389 (Code of Agrarian Reform) and RA 6390 of 1971.

15. Reform of Article 27 of the constitution, relating to agrarian reform.

16. This is particularly true of rural population resettlement and agrarian reform measures

17. He has nationalised the oil industry and passed laws on Agrarian reform.

18. She also appointed three FSLN cabinet members, including one for agrarian reform.

19. A rapid acceleration took place in the implementation of the agrarian reform.

20. Agrarian reform has to be implemented, and economic and social justice must be established.

21. From # to # funds totalling Cr$ # were spent on basic infrastructure in agrarian reform settlements

22. Those changes were further propelled by agrarian reform laws in the 1960s and 1970s.

23. Agriculture, agrarian reform and rural economic development should be top priority areas for EU assistance.

24. The Agrarian Reform Law of 1945 confiscated much of the church's property in the country.

25. In order to achieve these goals, an agrarian reform programme should have three main elements.

26. The difficulty with many agrarian reform programmes has been achieving both social justice and economic growth.

27. Without the mobilization and full participation of social movements there will be no genuine agrarian reform.

28. Without the mobilization and full participation of social movements there will be no genuine agrarian reform

29. This implies challenging existing relations of power and distribution, through for example, engaging in agrarian reform

30. The landmark program of agrarian reform Árbenz enacted as president was enormously influential across Latin America.

31. During this time, the Agrarian Reform program was put into law and land reform program was implemented

32. Therefore, agrarian reform in Paraguay was a prerequisite for the enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights.

33. Actions to create equal opportunities for public servants and beneficiaries of the agrarian reform have been developed, such as, for example, the technical cooperation project “Gender and Agrarian Reform” with FAO, which had the purpose of providing inputs for the development of public policies to diminish the legal, bureaucratic, socio-economic and behavioral obstacles faced by women within the scope of the agrarian reform.

34. But the rebels introduced an equitable tax system and an agrarian reform program, distributing land to poor villagers.

35. To guarantee the State's economic and social stability, the Government of Latvia launched a programme of agrarian reform

36. To guarantee the State’s economic and social stability, the Government of Latvia launched a programme of agrarian reform.

37. Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program Extension with Reforms (Carper) Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program Extension with Reforms, known also as Carper or Carper, (Republic Act 9700) is the amendatory law that extends again the deadline of distributing agricultural lands to farmers for five years

38. The priority in agrarian reform will be to promote sustainable production from an environmental and social point of view.

39. The priority in agrarian reform will be to promote sustainable production from an environmental and social point of view

40. Until 2001, only 12 per cent of those who had received land titles under the agrarian reform were women.

41. ‘Despite mounting calls for Agrarian reform and revisions to the 1960 Agrarian Law there has been little headway in the legal field on this subject.’ ‘Until recently, the legal cornerstone of land tenure was the 1953 Agrarian reform law, which recognized various property regimes subject to …

42. Agrarianism the doctrine of an equal division of landed property and the advancement of agricultural groups. Also called agrarian reform

43. The communists were able to rally much of the village population through their promises of agrarian reform and land redistribution.

44. The agrarian reform had done much to improve the efficiency of agriculture and to ameliorate living standards among the peasantry.

45. In 118 quilombo communities in 45 municipalities and 98 agrarian reform settlements, a total of 17,000 and 19,500 families were targeted, respectively.

46. Too often, agrarian reform is dismissed as an outdated and ineffective policy option, but the evidence does not bear this conclusion out.

47. Agrarian reform, which was effected throughout the greater part of Mexico following the Mexican Revolution of 1917, never actually took place in Chiapas.

48. According to the Secretary of Agrarian Reform (SRA), the inhabitants had voluntarily decided to abandon their homes and return to their places of origin.

49. Agrarian Reform is very significant for the economy of any country because more than half of the population is employed in the agricultural sector

50. Other measures had been adopted recently to provide administrative procedures and guidelines for the staff of the National Institute for Settlement and Agrarian Reform (INCRA

51. In contrast, agrarian reform has been one of the major means of wealth creation and income redistribution in the newly industrialized countries of East Asia.

52. A t the outset, a lot of the other rebel groups didn't share Fidel's belief that agrarian reform was a core principle of the revolution.

53. In official study materials published in 1948, Mao envisaged that "one-tenth of the peasants" (or about 50,000,000) "would have to be destroyed" to facilitate agrarian reform.

54. Together with six other constituencies of civil society, indigenous peoples were represented in a panel session on agrarian reform and food sovereignty “on equal footing” with government representatives.

55. CIDA’s new assistance program to Tajikistan is based on the NDS and focuses on agrarian reform in the rural areas, where the majority of the population lives.

56. Poverty is even greater in the rural areas, where that State has not carried out genuine agrarian reform and where the effects of the armed conflict are most harmful

57. 6. Calls on the Government of Brazil to keep the debate on issues surrounding agrarian reform open, with the participation of all the social groups concerned, particularly the agricultural workers;

58. Yet I have read that Baathism was more radical, more left, since it did not confine itself to the agrarian reform, but aimed at creating an overwhelming state sector in industry

59. At the same time, the EU reaffirmed its support for orderly and transparent agrarian reform, which respects the rights of all citizens and is compatible with the requirements of Zimbabwe's economic development.

60. As the Minister of Justice, he was responsible for the enactment of the Agrarian Reform Law which provided for the economic independence of the peasants in the newly liberated regions of Serbia.

61. Obviously, the momentum of the People Power Revolution that ousted Ferdinand Marcos in 1986 culminated in the passage of some landmark legislation, one example of which is the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law.

62. He favored universal democracy, equal rights and respect for indigenous populations, and socialist economic policies such as agrarian reform, based on the concept of communal land ownership, and state control of industry.

63. The land belonged to a handful of major landowners, and there was a need for genuine agrarian reform that would give peasants the opportunity to cultivate alternative crops and thus protect biodiversity

64. The 1968–1975 government of Juan Velasco Alvarado introduced radical reforms, which included agrarian reform, the expropriation of foreign companies, the introduction of an economic planning system, and the creation of a large state-owned sector.

65. The # amily Farming Crop Plan established a new credit line for people settled under the agrarian reform who have already used up PRONAF's credit A line without having completed the laying down of their productive infrastructure

66. The arrangement remained in force until 2006, when the Department of Agrarian Reform revoked the stock distribution scheme adopted in Hacienda Luisita, and ordered instead the redistribution of a large portion of the property to the tenant-farmers.

67. Agrarian reform, which varies according to the country concerned, continues to be an essential factor in offering a solution to millions of farmers and day labourers living in poverty, increasing agricultural incomes and production, and thereby improving economic and social cohesion.

68. Agrarian reform, which varies according to the country concerned, continues to be an essential factor in offering a solution to millions of farmers and day labourers living in poverty, increasing agricultural incomes and production, and thereby improving economic and social cohesion

69. DAR is the lead government agency that holds and implements comprehensive and genuine agrarian reform which Actualizes equitable land distribution, ownership, agricultural productivity, and tenurial security for, of, and with the tillers of the land towards the improvement of their quality of life.

70. Land reform has therefore become synonymous with Agrarian reform or a rapid improvement of the Agrarian structure, which comprises the land tenure system, the pattern of cultivation and farm organization, the scale of farm operation, the terms of tenancy, and the institutions of rural credit, marketing, and education

71. 4. Calls on President Ramos and the relevant Philippine authorities as a matter of urgency to pay special attention before the elections in May 1998 to implementation of the law on agrarian reform and to ensure that the delays which have occurred in consideration of the applications for land reform are made good;

72. The purpose of cooperation in this area shall be the pursuance of agrarian reform, the modernisation, privatisation and restructuring of agriculture, the agro-industrial and service sectors in the Republic of Armenia, development of domestic and foreign markets for Armenian products, in conditions that ensure the protection of the environment, taking into account the necessity to improve security of food supply as well as the development of agri-business, the processing and distribution of agricultural products.

73. Calls on the African governments to promote agrarian reform in their countries in order to allow the rural population secured access to land and to production resources, particularly in the case of country families who have no property title; in this context, calls for the Action Plan accompanying the Joint EU-Africa Strategy to put a high priority on the establishment and improvement of land registries, and on the strengthening of legal systems to allow tribunals to effectively enforce property law;