Use "agnostics" in a sentence

1. It is common for people to be both Agnostics and atheists or Agnostics and theists.

2. Atheists, Agnostics & Secular Humanists of Richmond

3. Do you have friends who are agnostics?

4. Other Witnesses were formerly agnostics or atheists.

5. Browse our collection of 11 Agnostics T-Shirts

6. Subject: Intervention against the persecution of atheists/agnostics

7. Under this demarcation of atheism, most agnostics qualify as negative atheists.

8. Agnostics do not know whether or not God exists

9. The social network for atheists, Agnostics & skeptics.

10. Agnostics are making a simple, observational statement with their beliefs

11. Some secular Jews are agnostics —a few are even atheists.

12. Agnostics are persons who hold beliefs essentially identical to weak Atheists

13. Of or relating to Agnostics or their doctrines, attitudes, or beliefs

14. (Romans 2:14) All —including agnostics— were born with a conscience.

15. Meet Agnostics, Atheists, Humanists and other happy nonbelievers - all for free!

16. 101 Reasons for Non-Belief: For Atheists, Agnostics, and Secular Humanists I

17. Often Agnostics apply this lack of knowledge to the existence of God

18. The Big Book of Quotations for Atheists, Agnostics, and Secular Humanists - Kindle edition by Probulos, I

19. But then again maybe there are as many Agnosticisms as there are agnostics

20. Agnostics are unwilling to make a decision either for or against God’s existence

21. Chapter 13: Do Tell! Stories by Atheists and Agnostics in AA Kit G

22. is a non-profit community for atheists, Agnostics, humanists, freethinkers, skeptics and others!

23. Some Agnostics just cannot themselves decide whether to believe any deities exist or not

24. Despite what agnostics may say, it is possible to discover satisfying answers to those questions.

25. The unfortunate paradox: Agnostics, atheists and seculars all clutching at Muslim faith to secure their political fortunes

26. Agnostics are sometimes looked upon as wishy-washy fence sitters by both atheists and theists; however, most Agnostics feel that it's intellectually indefensible to make a strong assertion one way or another.There is a frequent conflation between the idea of …

27. “Nonreligious” includes: “Persons professing no religion, nonbelievers, agnostics, freethinkers, dereligionized secularists indifferent to all religion.”

28. Among the visitors, you can find professed Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, animists, agnostics, and atheists.

29. Religious ‘nones’, 1 such as Agnostics and atheists, are on the rise in many Western countries

30. Agnostics may be non-committal or generally indifferent to the idea of whether a god exists or not.

31. Speaking more broadly, some Agnostics state that it is difficult to hold any truth with certainty

32. • Most stay-at-home women are Roman Catholics, although a sizeable percentage indicate that they are atheists or agnostics

33. Recent polls and surveys have revealed that atheists and agnostics constitute anywhere from 20% to 27% of the Spanish population.

34. Support was highest among evangelical Protestants and Roman Catholics and lowest among the unaffiliated, atheists and Agnostics

35. Atheists believe there is no God, while agnostics say it's impossible to prove or disprove God's existence

36. Atheists and agnostics conduct their lives as if there were no supernatural influence whatsoever, good or evil.

37. Agnostics are unwilling to make a final statement about the existence of a god in our universe.

38. And it's happening everywhere, among liberals and conservatives, agnostics and believers, the rich and the poor, East and West alike.

39. Atheists, Agnostics, and Freethinkers have won 7% of the prizes in Chemistry, 9% in Medicine, and 5% in Physics.

40. This is a community for Atheists, agnostics, and skeptics to exchange ideas, discuss issues, explore challenges, make friends and have

41. Agnostics believe that we should not believe or disbelieve in God’s existence, because it is impossible to know either way

42. If you are like me, you know many wonderful, committed, engaged atheists, agnostics, who are being very good without God.

43. The Jacksonville Atheists Meetup group is devoted to bringing Atheists, agnostics, humanists, freethinkers, and everyone else together for comradery and support

44. The suggestion by Agnostics is that if we can't get absolute proof, 100% certainty, then we shouldn't accept 99.9999% either, or 90% or 75%

45. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Big Book of Quotations for Atheists, Agnostics, and Secular Humanists.

46. Atheists and Agnostics simply refuse to acknowledge that, rather than being the result of random chance and chemical processes, it was God who created everything

47. Agnostics and atheists chose to believe that our human intelligence was the last word, the alpha and the omega, the beginning and end of all

48. We live in a God-dishonoring world in which teachers of false religion, as well as agnostics and atheists, mock the Creator with their speech.

49. Atheists and agnostics have been around since before there was a word thought up to describe them, and throughout history, many have been reviled and revered

50. 3 Atheists (and to a lesser extent, agnostics) are on a par with Catholics and Protestants in correctly answering questions about Catholicism and Protestantism

51. Like the first two schools of Agnosticism, apathetic agnostics also believe that there is no proof that a higher power does or doesn’t exist

52. Agnostics, or Apostates, and may reflect what has been identified as “post-Christian spirituality” (cf., Houtman & Aupers, 2007) or “holistic subjective-life spirituality (cf., Heelas, Woodh

53. However, many Agnostics believe that it is impossible to prove either the existence or the non-existence of God with the current level of human knowledge -- perhaps forever

54. Agnostics assert that it’s impossible for human beings to know anything about how the universe was created and whether or not divine beings exist.

55. Agnostics at the core stress that it is impossible to prove or in some cases even comprehend the existence or non-existence of a higher power

56. “We Agnostics” is the fourth chapter of Alcoholics Anonymous, or the fifth if you include “The Doctor’s Opinion.” By this point in the book, Bill W

57. Sometimes they become atheists, sometimes they just become Agnostics and sometimes they just become angry hurt rebellious believers who believe in god but won't serve god

58. Atheism and agnosticism are not mutually exclusive; atheist Agnostics tend to believe that there is no higher power but acknowledge that it is impossible to prove the non-existence of one.

59. Weak Agnostics would say, “Well, I don’t know if there is a God but there is a possibility that someone else might know -- but, hey, that someone else is not you!” Both groups of Agnostics hold to Huxley’s founding principle that it is wrong to go beyond the limits of one’s intellect and thus spend their lives with hearts in constant

60. Many Agnostics (including myself) are quite as doubtful of the body as they are of the soul, but this is a long story taking one into difficult metaphysics

61. The truth can appeal to those with either limited or advanced education, to those involved in political pursuits, and to professionals, atheists, agnostics, and even to notorious wrongdoers.

62. AA Beyond Belief provides a space for Agnostics, atheists and freethinkers in Alcoholics Anonymous to freely share their experience, strength and hope with each other and AA as a whole.

63. Seven-in-ten Atheists and agnostics know that Catholicism teaches that purgatory is the place where souls are purified before entering heaven – about the same share as Catholics who

64. Weak Atheism, agnosticism and skepticism are all "I don't know" theological positions, with weak atheists subscribing to atheistic presuppositions, true agnostics "sitting on the fence," and skeptics capitulating to ignorance.

65. The term “Bedevilment” is a clue as to the religious nature of the “solution” being offered here. It is part of a plea for agnostics and atheists to turn to God to solve their problems

66. As editor of the magazine "Die Integrierte Gemeinde", Wallbrecher aroused the interest of agnostics like Gerhard Szczesny and theologians like Joseph Ratzinger, who supported the path of the KIG within the Catholic Church since then.

67. Among those we continue to try to help are people who are deaf, blind, lonely, or physically or mentally impaired, as well as those who are drug addicts or alcoholics, and even those who are agnostics or atheists.

68. Are there different kinds of Agnostics? Can agnosticism deepen appreciation for God—what it would take to believe in God and what it would mean if indeed there were a God? A robust, energetic agnosticism is a credit to God if there is one.

69. According to the European Court of Human Rights (hereafter the "Court"), it is one of the most vital elements that go to make up the identity of believers and their conception of life but it is also a precious asset for atheists, agnostics, sceptics and the unconcerned.

70. Nevertheless, while Agnosticism claims to "sit on the fence," many agnostics are "practical atheists," in that they actively pursue the atheistic lifestyle; that is, they tend to subscribe to moral relativism and live out their lives without any concern for ultimate accountability

71. Nevertheless, while agnosticism claims to "sit on the fence," many Agnostics are "practical atheists," in that they actively pursue the atheistic lifestyle; that is, they tend to subscribe to moral relativism and live out their lives without any concern for ultimate accountability.

72. Accordingly, I have created this web site as a virtual rallying point and clearinghouse for all Atheists, agnostics, and other "godless" people who call themselves "pro-life." Though I am a Republican and a conservative (both social and economic), I intend for this site to be nonpartisan and nondiscriminatory

73. Christian Agnostics practice a distinct form of Agnosticism that applies only to the properties of God.They hold that it is difficult or impossible to be sure of anything beyond the basic tenets of the Christian faith.They believe that God or a higher power might exist, that Jesus may have a special relationship with God, might in some way be divine, and that God might perhaps be worshipped.

74. This would again result in reserving protection for a predefined list of religious communities while not appropriately taking into account the right to freedom of religion or belief of those individuals or groups who do not, or do not seem to, fit into the setting of theologically accepted religions, such as members of other minorities, individual dissenters, minorities within minorities, atheists or agnostics, converts or people with unclear religious orientation.