Use "agitprop" in a sentence

1. Left, political, lesbian, feminist agitprop.

2. I ran the DOD's agitprop arm for a decade.

3. It is very difficult to respond to this kind of agitprop.

4. The theatre was run as a collective and produced agitprop pieces designed to educate and persuade.

5. Knowing his experience and common sense I did not expect such an "agitprop" from him.

6. The group worked together with the Left Column, a German agitprop group active in Berlin.

7. In 1929 an Agitprop conference resolved to intensify anti-religious work throughout the education system.

8. The cover resembled the layout of the actual newspaper and the inner pages contained agitprop and humour.

9. He went on to become the chief editor of Agitprop, and cooperated with Pravda until the 1980s.

10. He became an amateur actor with the communist agitprop theatre group "Nordwest ran" directed by Wolfgang Langhoff.

11. He was an Agitprop leader in the KJVD in the Altstadt and later Johannstadt sections of Dresden.

12. Sometimes opponents, rivals resort to fairly unconventional agitprop methods in their political fight, especially on the eve of different elections.

13. !, Gossip, LCD Soundsystem... Their edgy lyrics subtly avoid Edward L. Bernays' school instead of being hypocritical and agitprop-direct.

14. List of words starting with AGIT: agita, agito, agitos, agitate, agitato, agitpop, agitable, agitated, agitates, agitator, agitatos, agitoxin, agitprop, Agitatest

15. A Bolshevik, in the twenties she became famous for her proletarian theatre troupes for children and agitprop in Soviet Russia and Latvia.

16. He moved to Berlin 1925, where he composed for workers' choruses and agitprop groups and collaborated with Brecht (Die Maßnahme, Die Mutter) from 1928.

17. In early 1932 he founded the Spieltrupp Südwest in Stuttgart, a communist agitprop group of lay actors that created controversial pieces about current topics.

18. This is primarily the fault of the British government and media that intimidated their compatriots with fake stories and conducted an active agitprop campaign through egregious methods.

19. He was a member of several agitprop theater groups in Cologne and Berlin, including the Rote Raketen (Red Rocket), Blaue Blusen (Blue Blouse), and the Left Column.

20. The most important thing parents can do to keep their children free and healthy is to block their exposure to the Astroturfed COVID agitprop campaign altogether

21. Some were referred to as agitprop films ("The Factory"), while others were labeled excessively dogmatic in their presentation of views or characterized by the "talking heads" formula of television.

22. One can judge the quality of such an "agitprop" from the "proof", which is so convincing for the Department of State, as Kalashnikov automatic guns were held by some camouflaged protesters.

23. The relations between art and politics prefigured the agitprop (art in the service of political discourse and/or ideology) put in place in the USSR beginning in the 1920s.

24. In the autumn of that year, the original troupe began a tour in Erwin Piscator's theatre in Berlin that provoked a rapid growth of agitprop troupes across Weimar Germany.

25. Their terminology included two terms: (agitatsiya), or agitation, and , or propaganda, see agitprop (agitprop is not, however, limited to the Soviet Union , as it was considered, before the October Revolution , to be one of the fundamental activity of any Marxist activist; this importance of agit-prop in Marxist theory may also be observed today in trotskyist s circles, who insist on the importance of leaflets distribution).

26. Its members also belonged to other art movements and groups during the Weimar Republic era, such as architect Walter Gropius (founder of Bauhaus), and Kurt Weill and Bertolt Brecht (agitprop theatre).

27. From 1920 to 1921, Yefimov designed posters and brochures for the communist organisation Agitprop, finally moving to Moscow in 1922 after his brother, who worked as an editor for Pravda, offered him a job drawing political cartoons.

28. Increasingly concerned that the conventional, mainstream style of his plays was attracting a middle-class audience and not reflecting working-class subject matter, David Fennario turned to writing plays influenced by Bertolt Brecht, agitprop and cabaret.

29. His first project of note, in 1922, was a series of semi-portable multimedia agitprop kiosks to be installed on the streets of Moscow, integrating "radio-orators", film screens, and newsprint displays, all to celebrate the fifth anniversary of the Revolution.

30. Borrowed from Russian Agitprop, shortened from Agitacionnopropagandistskij otdel "Agitation-Propaganda Section (of the Central Committee, or a local committee, of the Communist Party)"; later used for the head of such a section, or in compound names of political education organs, as Agitpropbrigada "agitation-propaganda brigade"

31. But, this August, the crisis was purely man-made – indeed, made by one man. The conviction of three members of the agitprop punk-rock group Pussy Riot for “hooliganism motivated by religious hatred” has turned the three young women into an international cause célèbre.

32. Borrowed from Russian Agitprop, shortened from Agitacionnopropagandistskij otdel "Agitation-Propaganda Section (of the Central Committee, or a local committee, of the Communist Party)"; later used for the head of such a section, or in compound names of political education organs, as Agitpropbrigada "agitation-propaganda brigade"

33. Borrowed from Russian Agitprop, shortened from Agitacionnopropagandistskij otdel "Agitation-Propaganda Section (of the Central Committee, or a local committee, of the Communist Party)"; later used for the head of such a section, or in compound names of political education organs, as Agitpropbrigada "agitation-propaganda brigade"

34. Borrowed from Russian Agitprop, shortened from Agitacionnopropagandistskij otdel "Agitation-Propaganda Section (of the Central Committee, or a local committee, of the Communist Party)"; later used for the head of such a section, or in compound names of political education organs, as Agitpropbrigada "agitation-propaganda brigade"

35. Borrowed from Russian Agitprop, shortened from Agitacionnopropagandistskij otdel "Agitation-Propaganda Section (of the Central Committee, or a local committee, of the Communist Party)"; later used for the head of such a section, or in compound names of political education organs, as Agitpropbrigada "agitation-propaganda brigade"

36. Performance art, often with related installations, has been one of the most significant of the hybrid art forms, variously betraying its origins in the political urgency of agitprop, the high spirits of dada cabaret, the spontaneity of the happening and, in a concern with the processes through which images and ideas acquire meaning or have their meaning eroded, in its relationship with conceptual art.

37. We would like access to documents that cannot be consulted: for example, on the holocaust of Italian military prisoners, who underwent attempts at brainwashing and were held without food, many under worse conditions than in the Nazi prison camps, who died amidst a thousand forms of suffering and under torture, including psychological torture, by the Soviet communist agitprop machinery but sadly also inflicted by Italian communists.

38. With hindsight, however, we must ask ourselves whether the European Union's generous support for the NGOs, which I consider justified in principle and which amounted to EUR 3.7 million, always found its way to the right destinations, all the more so as agitprop arguments to the effect that, for example, Zionism is equivalent to racism, are very much part of the political vocabulary of many States, Syria being one example.

39. The public agitation about the repressed NS past of the Federal Presidential candidate Kurt Waldheim gives ‘Paper Bridge’ an extra twist towards the end: the film changes, if only for a few minutes, from a search for traces that seem to lead to another distant time, into something very contemporary, into a piece of agitprop, for topical reasons; Ruth Beckermann becomes similarly resolute in her dramaturgy fourteen years later in her film ‘homemad(e)’ (2001), where she reacts to a political topicality: the shift to the right in Austria caused by the FPÖ’s participation in the government in February 2000.