Use "agitation" in a sentence

1. Agitation vessel, agitation method, agitation device, and analyzer comprising agitation device

2. The agitation device may include an agitation chassis assembly and an agitation rack tower.

3. Agitation device

4. An agitation apparatus

5. Agitation symptoms, causes and treatment Agitation is a normal reaction of a person

6. Carpet agitation apparatuses and methods

7. The agitation-type events include: akathisia, agitation, disinhibition, emotional lability, hostility, aggression, depersonalization.

8. Apparatus for ink agitation

9. Friction agitation welding apparatus

10. This betrayed unwonted agitation.

11. For mixing the contents of large vessels, mechanical agitation or agitation by clean compressed air is advisable.

12. 15 None noticed her agitation.

13. Causes of Agitation and Aggression

14. Amitriptyline for post-traumatic Agitation

15. agitation device: mechanical shaker or equivalent equipment

16. The ' agitation ' was no street demonstration .

17. Sample vessel agitation apparatus and method

18. He could not hide his agitation.

19. The agitation for adjusted compensation redoubled.

20. 1 A person who causes or is involved with Agitation; = "Agitator". 2 Something that causes Agitation; = "Agitator"

21. Aerosolised antipsychotic Assuages agitation: inhaled loxapine for agitation associated with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder Int J Clin Pract

22. (b) Agitation device: overhead shaker or equivalent equipment; the agitation device should keep the soil in suspension during shaking.

23. 28 The journalist did not notice their agitation.

24. 25 She-Rachel-mistook his agitation for desire.

25. 22 The boy was beside himself with agitation.

26. He knocked his glass over in his agitation.

27. agitation device: mechanical shaker or equivalent equipment;

28. The presence of Agitation or behavioral changes

29. Dynamic agitation control apparatus, systems, and methods

30. How to use Agitation in a sentence.

31. Seething with agitation, impractical and empty theories

32. Collected: free from emotional or mental agitation.

33. Ante us., Agitate, Agitated, Agitated depression, Agitation

34. Agitation device: overhead shaker or equivalent equipment

35. Depression, insomnia, anxiety, emotional lability*, agitation, nervousness

36. 1 He could not hide his agitation.

37. The constituency agitation had far-reaching consequences.

38. Demonstrated similar and comparable efficacy in treating acute Agitation

39. 13 Dot arrived in a state of great agitation.

40. 8 She was wriggling on the seat with agitation.

41. Agitation can be described as a feeling of annoyance, inner tension, or restlessness. Agitation is usually perceived as a negative emotion

42. Agitation Agitation is an unpleasant state of extreme arousal. An agitated person may feel stirred up, excited, tense, confused, or irritable.

43. Her agitation should be kept to a minimum.

44. Causes … Agitation After Traumatic Brain Injury: Causes, Symptoms

45. 27 The constituency agitation had far-reaching consequences.

46. He made no attempt to disguise his agitation.

47. Dot arrived in a state of great agitation.

48. Agitation following traumatic brain injury: An Australian sample.

49. Agitation complicates the presentation of many ED patients

50. Agitation is an unpleasant state of extreme arousal

51. These reactions may include agitation, confusion, or hallucinations.

52. She was wriggling on the seat with agitation.

53. speech disorder, delirium, acute brain syndrome, agitation, confusion, depression, psychosis

54. The agitation and mental trauma will slow and then cease.

55. 26 Perry's agitation was so great he could hardly speak.

56. 23 Agitation continued after the dissolution of the Short Parliament.

57. Shi Guobao was considered a folk usurious agitation" claw king".

58. The anti-war agitation is beginning to worry the government.

59. Agita definition is - a feeling of Agitation or anxiety

60. After thorough agitation, it is a white, cloudy liquid

61. Agitation is a Teachable Perk unique to The Trapper

62. The sheriff has said he was in great agitation.

63. Dena lit a cigarette, trying to mask her agitation.

64. This agitation tank is much like an electric blender.

65. We cannot go very far with propaganda and agitation .

66. * Feeling anxiety or agitation or having dramatic mood changes

67. 10 He made no attempt to disguise his agitation.

68. 6 There has been mass agitation against the president.

69. A condition that combines psychomotor agitation and aggressive behavior.

70. However, some people also experience Agitation, including symptoms of …

71. 11 He knocked his glass over in his agitation.

72. Periyar once again launched an anti-Hindi imposition agitation.

73. Refined oil production method and refined oil agitation device

74. 17 There even the wicked have ceased from agitation;

75. 9 He arrived home in a state of agitation.

76. 7 She was in a state of considerable agitation.

77. 5 'What do you mean?' she cried in agitation.

78. 4 She was in a state of great agitation.

79. Agitation continued after the dissolution of the Short Parliament.

80. Arrest of Congress leaders was followed by a country - wide agitation .