Use "agars" in a sentence

1. Streak onto selective agars and proceed as in Section 7.4.

2. Spread plate to specified selective agars and confirm biochemically and serologically.

3. 7.10.3 From the selective agars, pick typical colonies and subculture on TSI and LIA slants.

4. Selective Plating Enrichment cultures are streaked onto selective differential agars for the isolation of salmonellae (7.5).

5. The broths may be streaked out onto selective agars listed in MFLP-58B and MFLP-61B.

6. Pectins, alginates, carrageenans, gelatines, agars, starch for industrial purposes, except those used in the composition of food for animals including pets

7. The gel strengths of alkali-modified agars showed a strong inverse relationship with increasing temperature of growth in each of the three clones examined.

8. GLOSSARY OF AGARS, BROTHS AND OTHER REAGENTS SECTION N Neutralizing Buffer (Environmental sampling) Basal Medium Potassium phosphate monobasic Sodium thiosulphate Aryl sulfonate complex Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) Distilled water pH 7.2 ± 0.2 Complete Medium:

9. A-pillars abears abkars acars Acetars achars afears affears after-years afterbears afteryears agar-agars ajars alars alcazars almacantars altars alveolars anears anhydrosugars antbears apars appears apsars armbars arrears ars ashlars astars atars auriculars avars avatars axillars azasugars azidosugars bahars bars bazaars