Use "aesthetic value" in a sentence

1. The new building has little aesthetic value/appeal.

2. Native workmanship can add a lot of aesthetic value.

3. Popular in commercial settings, Bamboo has eco-conscious and aesthetic value

4. These factors will likely detract from the aesthetic value of the sites.

5. They believe that it has no practical use beyond its aesthetic value.

6. Most are there for aesthetic value in an attempt to raise the product's perceived value.

7. Written and regarded for aesthetic value rather than content Familiarity information: Belletristic used as an adjective is very rare.

8. Bluing is a process usually used by gun owners and firearms manufacturers to improve the aesthetic value of their weapons

9. A work of art, Artwork, art piece, piece of art or art object is an artistic creation of aesthetic value

10. 12 Literary criticism has become a theoretical sermon of inanition, with the ethical and aesthetic value of literary works neglected.

11. Belletristic: 1 adj written and regarded for aesthetic value rather than content Synonyms: literate versed in literature; dealing with literature

12. 1 noun Calligraphist a script, usually cursive, although sometimes angular, produced chiefly by brush, especially Chinese, Japanese, or Arabic writing of high aesthetic value

13. Precision fine Blanking is a specialized manufacturing process that produces parts with extremely tight tolerances and a clean edge, enhancing the aesthetic value of the part

14. The diversity of literary vision offers rhetorical phantasm great space in both form and content , while the aesthetic value of rhetorical phantasm extends the expression vision of literary language .

15. As everyone knows, worship has always found a natural ally in art, because monuments of sacred art have a catechetical and cultic significance in addition to their intrinsic aesthetic value.

16. The denial of anaesthesia is Aestheticism proper (as opposed to moral Aestheticism, described below): that aesthetic value, the evaluation of the beautiful and the ugly, is independent of moral, religious, or political evaluation

17. This balance of simplicity and complexity ensures that one does not tire of a shibui object but constantly finds new meanings and enriched beauty that cause its aesthetic value to grow over the years.

18. It is the birth of what we know as realism, whose origins and intention I spoke about in the last lecture, interest in society at its lowest level and the acquisition of aesthetic value by the sordid, the ugly and the dirty.

19. In short , forests protect our environment , maintain the ecological balance , reduce pollution and noise levels , protect land from erosion caused due to rains and storms , prevent formation of sand dunes and deserts , add to the aesthetic value of the landscape and help tide over our energy problems .

20. I would like to thank the Times readers who posted more than 700 comments to my seven-part essay on the forgeries of Han van Meegeren, “Bamboozling Ourselves.”The responses raised many questions with respect to the historical presentation of the Holocaust in the Netherlands, and to the aesthetic value of Van Meegeren’s forgeries.