Use "administer justice" in a sentence

1. To mete out; dispense: Administer justice

2. We hope that they're going to administer justice impartially.

3. • To help reduce crime and incarceration rates in the communities that administer justice programs.

4. A commissar retains the absolute right to administer justice both on and off the battlefield.

5. It is not the job of the police to administer justice; that falls to the courts.

6. Such a system involves a framework of laws, a police force to enforce them, and courts to administer justice.

7. To give something to someone: Administer drugs/a test The medication was Administered by someone in another room. Administer justice/a punishment It's up to the courts to Administer justice. Administer advice/help Training and Enterprise Councils in the rest of Britain are Administering …