Use "adls" in a sentence

1. functional limitations and activities of daily living (ADLs)

2. One such law is the Administrative Driver's Licence Suspension (ADLS) that Ontario introduced in 1996.

3. Cherishing Family’s provides attendant care services to those who need help with ADLs as well as daily chores

4. In income maintenance and assistance with ADLs, tighter financial conditions impose some stresses on the high discretion model.

5. Activities of daily living (ADLs or ADL) is a term used in healthcare to refer to people's daily self-care Activities

6. Objective To explore the rehabilitation effect of nursing interventions on the myodynamia and activities of daily livings(ADLs) of the patients with hemiplegia caused by cerebral infarction.

7. Bimanual coordination is a task-specific and active assembling procedure where two hands are restricted to act cooperatively by virtue of mutual coupling [].For typically developing (TD) children, the process of acquiring Bimanual skills develops through environmental exploration and object manipulation during activities of daily living (ADL or ADLs), such as learning to unwrap a piece of