Use "adjutant general" in a sentence

1. Secretary 2 Adjutant General

2. I even saw the adjutant general.

3. This is my Royal Adjutant, General Benson

4. In 1903 he became an Assistant Adjutant-General.

5. G1a | Maj-Gen Hla Shwe | Deputy Adjutant General | M |

6. Former Adjutant General (promoted from South Western Regional Command)

7. Department of the Susquehanna Williams, Robert, Assistant Adjutant-General.

8. Clacks attended the Adjutant General Course at Fort Jackson, SC

9. Adjutant General (formerly B8a, promoted from South Western Regional Command)

10. During the Hundred Days, he was appointed Adjutant to General Gérard.

11. He was named by Governor William Dennison as the Ohio Adjutant General.

12. From 1902 to 1904, he served as deputy assistant adjutant-general with I Corps, and from 1906 to 1910 as assistant adjutant and quartermaster-general for Cape Colony.

13. After the death of the general at Philippsburg, he served as the general adjutant to Marshal d'Asfeld.

14. The republicans, commanded by adjutant general Conrad Wieland pulled back in the castle.

15. On June 17, 1775, Congress commissioned Gates as a Brigadier General and Adjutant General of the Continental Army.

16. Former Coastal (Tanintharyi Division) Regional Commander Adjutant General and Chairman of UMEHL, d.o.b.

17. On September 11, 1861, Sorrel received his commission as captain and was assigned as General Longstreet's adjutant-general.

18. By 1794, he was adjutant-general (with the rank of chef de brigade).

19. He became Deputy Assistant Adjutant General for Intelligence in South Africa in early 1901.

20. He was elevated to Adjutant General of the U. S. Army with the rank of brigadier general in February 1898.

21. Former Coastal (Tanintharyi Division) Regional Commander Adjutant General and Chairman of UMEHL, d.o.b. 24.06.1951

22. In 1880, he became Adjutant General of the Maine state militia, and served until 1885.

23. He completed the General Staff Course from 1933-1935 and was adjutant to the General Inspector of Cavalry from 1935-1936.

24. On his return to Spain he was appointed adjutant to the Republican General José Miaja.

25. The French Adjutant General Jean Quenin and Colonel Pierre Banel, and the Sardinian Del Carretto were killed.

26. OFFICES AND OFFICERS ‑- STATE ‑- MILITIA ‑- ADJUTANT GENERAL ‑- ASSISTANT Adjutants GENERAL ‑- COMPENSATION.The adjutant general and the two assistant Adjutants general of the state of Washington while on active duty as such officers should each receive pay and allowances prescribed for his military rank by the current federal laws and regulations for an officer of …

27. Greater adjutant stork

28. Lieutenant-Colonel Coleridge Grove, the commandant at Gemai and assistant adjutant-general for boat services, recorded that:

29. In 1882 he became personal adjutant to his uncle, who was then Chief of the General Staff.

30. He had tried to become King Charles's adjutant general and imperial governor of Alsace-Lorraine but was unsuccessful.

31. Who is your adjutant?

32. He was named Adjutant General as a colonel in the Republic of Texas Army on August 5, 1836.

33. In 1786, he was appointed Adjutant general of New York State, which position he held for many years.

34. Headquarters Adjutant; e.

35. Maj. Bacola, my adjutant

36. In Ottawa, the Adjutant General was concerned over the same situation in the 25th Brigade at Fort Lewis.

37. Rising rapidly through the ranks, he was made adjutant to general Solignac in the armée d’Italie in 1795.

38. In a memorandum of 5 May 1952 to the V.C.G.S., the Adjutant-General attempted to outline the problem.

39. Lieutenant Gates is appointed adjutant.

40. Thank you, Sergeant- regimental adjutant

41. The adjutant general of Virginia believed that some means of insuring a speedy response from the militia might alleviate the problem.

42. He entered the Army as First Lieutenant, Company A, 50th Regiment New York Engineers, September 11th, 1861; was appointed Captain and Assistant Adjutant General of Volunteers, December 23rd, 1862; was assigned as Lieutenant Colonel and Assistant Adjutant General, April 12th, 1864; was Brevetted Colonel of Volunteers, March 13th, 1865, for

43. With the adjutant of the governor.

44. Washington Curran Whitthorne (April 19, 1825 – September 21, 1891) was a Tennessee attorney, Democratic politician, and an Adjutant General in the Confederate Army.

45. Adjt definition: adjutant Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

46. Rick met his adjutant at the hatch.

47. What does Adjutants mean? Plural form of adjutant

48. The adjutant turned away in shame and disgust.

49. When Lt-Gen Tin Oo, who was then the Adjutant General, died in a helicopter crash in Karen State in 200 Thein Sein became his successor.

50. Adjutants Adjutant – “Usually a senior captain (sometimes a major)

51. I'm going out myself with the adjutant to recce training areas.

52. Adjutancy definition is - the office or rank of an adjutant.

53. The king’s adjutant, a high officer, could not believe it.

54. In late 1944, Himmler assigned me as personal adjutant to an SS general who was commander of the Wewelsburg Castle, a 400-year-old fortress near the city of Paderborn.

55. Synonyms: adjunct, adjutant, Aide… Antonyms: disadvantage, drawback, encumbrance… Find the right word.

56. In order to ensure the voluntary nature of recruitment as well as minimum age requirements, the Office of the Adjutant-General, Ministry of Defence, had followed up with periodic instructions

57. 9 synonyms for Coadjutor: adjutant, aide, assistant, auxiliary, coadjutant, deputy, helper

58. There were military Adjutants such as Von Below Hitler’s Luftwaffe Adjutant

59. The adjutant went over to Kit Carson's tent and cleared it out.

60. During the Franco-German War, he served as adjutant of the Lieutenant-General Adolf von Glümer , a Member of Staff of the 13th Division and was awarded the Iron Cross II Class.

61. I want to make sure that Lydia has a reception befitting an adjutant.

62. What does Adjutancy mean? The rank or office of a military adjutant

63. Adjutancy Corps leadership: Elder JoEl Watson, Chief Adjutant Elder Samuel Duncan IV, Episcopal

64. The camp staff was actually formed on 20th August; Colonel V. A. S. Williams, A.D.C., was named Camp Commandant, and was thus removed from his position as Adjutant-General at a most critical time.

65. Conclusion The bibliotherapy is an effective adjutant method of rehabilitation for patients with depression.

66. The camp's commandant was SA-Sturmbannführer Müller and the adjutant was SA- Sturmbannführer Mittag.

67. Hitler's SS adjutant Otto Gunsche poured gasoline over them and set fire to them.

68. The office or rank of an adjutant: His Adjutancy allows him certain privileges.

69. Offer adjutant therapy to accommodative myopia, insomnia, and dark eye sockets and help eliminate fatigue.

70. The National Adjutancy is a vital area of ministry that demands attention and focus. The National Adjutant General should lead a team of people who are united and organized to help make ministry work.

71. Then Geebbels called his adjutant , S . S . Hauptsturmfuehrer and instructed him to fetch some gasoline.

72. I have been shown in the files of the War Department a statement of the Adjutant General of Massachusetts that you are the mother of five sons who have died gloriously on the field of battle.

73. Adjutant: a military officer who is an Assistant and secretary to a superior officer 4

74. During this fight, a divisional adjutant and a commander of the engineer regiment were killed.

75. There was no airfield defence, but the adjutant was happy enough, and apparently quite sane.

76. Adjutancy (plural adjutancies) The state or office of being an adjutant, assistant, or helper

77. 23 synonyms for Aide: assistant, supporter, deputy, attendant, helper, henchman, right-hand man, adjutant

78. And adjutant adjunct professor is higher hired to teach for a limited time, usually one semester.

79. Outside the sergeant - adjutant knelt down beside me where I lay, " Name? " he asked softly.

80. Between October 1868 and May 1869, he served with the Guards Field Artillery as regimental adjutant.