Use "adjective" in a sentence

1. Adjective synonyms, Adjective pronunciation, Adjective translation, English dictionary definition of Adjective

2. Adjective (en adjective) Alabamian ;

3. • Branchiopod (adjective) The adjective Branchiopod …

4. Antimedievalist (American English) or antimediaevalist (British English) also adjectives antimilitarist also an adjective antimiscegenationist also an adjective antimodernist also an adjective antimonarchist also an adjective antimonopolist also an adjective antimoralist also an adjective antinationalist also an adjective antinaturalist also an

5. • Crowing (adjective) The adjective Crowing has 1 sense:

6. • Carinate (adjective) The adjective Carinate has 1 sense:

7. • Bacteroid (adjective) The adjective Bacteroid has 1 sense:

8. • Bragging (adjective) The adjective Bragging has 1 sense:

9. • Algonkian (adjective) The adjective Algonkian has 1 sense:

10. • Anticipant (adjective) The adjective Anticipant has 1 sense:

11. • Accelerando (adjective) The adjective Accelerando has 1 sense:

12. • Aperient (adjective) The adjective Aperient has 1 sense:

13. Another type of Adjective is the quantitative Adjective

14. • Carpetbag (adjective) The adjective Carpetbag has 2 senses:

15. • Bowing (adjective) The adjective Bowing has 1 sense:

16. • Carminative (adjective) The adjective Carminative has 1 sense:

17. • Brummagem (adjective) The adjective Brummagem has 1 sense:

18. • Bimonthly (adjective) The adjective Bimonthly has 2 senses:

19. • Actinoid (adjective) The adjective Actinoid has 1 sense:

20. • Antepenultimate (adjective) The adjective Antepenultimate has 1 sense:

21. • Coaxing (adjective) The adjective Coaxing has 1 sense:

22. • Bilabial (adjective) The adjective Bilabial has 1 sense:

23. * Balefull (archaic) Adjective (en adjective) Portending evil; ominous

24. • Bucolic (adjective) The adjective Bucolic has 2 senses:

25. • Antiknock (adjective) The adjective Antiknock has 1 sense:

26. • Abnaki (adjective) The adjective Abnaki has 1 sense:

27. • Agnate (adjective) The adjective Agnate has 1 sense:

28. • Copulative (adjective) The adjective Copulative has 1 sense:

29. • Cheapjack (adjective) The adjective Cheapjack has 1 sense:

30. • Biweekly (adjective) The adjective Biweekly has 2 senses:

31. • Couth (adjective) The adjective Couth has 1 sense:

32. Adjective [ADJECTIVE noun] Algal means relating to algae

33. • Afghanistani (adjective) The adjective Afghanistani has 1 sense:

34. • Alexic (adjective) The adjective Alexic has 1 sense:

35. • Amygdaloid (adjective) The adjective Amygdaloid has 1 sense:

36. • Aramaean (adjective) The adjective Aramaean has 1 sense:

37. • Antiphonal (adjective) The adjective Antiphonal has 2 senses:

38. • Cyclonic (adjective) The adjective Cyclonic has 2 senses: 1

39. • Connubial (adjective) The adjective Connubial has 1 sense: 1

40. • Aliquot (adjective) The adjective Aliquot has 1 sense: 1

41. • Argive (adjective) The adjective Argive has 1 sense: 1

42. • Collectivized (adjective) The adjective Collectivized has 2 senses: 1

43. • Cesarean (adjective) The adjective Cesarean has 1 sense: 1

44. • Apostolical (adjective) The adjective Apostolical has 2 senses: 1

45. This type of adjective is called an 'Attributive adjective'

46. • Antiphonary (adjective) The adjective Antiphonary has 1 sense: 1

47. Adjective [ADJECTIVE noun] Bristling means thick, hairy, and rough

48. • Amerind (adjective) The adjective Amerind has 1 sense: 1

49. • Chelonian (adjective) The adjective Chelonian has 1 sense: 1

50. Adjective (en adjective) Weighed down with a load, Burdened

51. Adjective [verb-link ADJECTIVE, ADJECTIVE that] If you are Aware of something, you know about it

52. • Biyearly (adjective) The adjective Biyearly has 2 senses: 1

53. • Antiguan (adjective) The adjective Antiguan has 1 sense: 1

54. • Analeptic (adjective) The adjective Analeptic has 1 sense: 1

55. Adjective [usually verb-link ADJECTIVE, ADJECTIVE that] If you are Annoyed, you are fairly angry about something

56. Adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun] Bucolic means relating to the countryside.

57. Adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun] An Anarchistic person believes in anarchism

58. (kəmiːdɪk) adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun] Comedic means relating to comedy.

59. Adjective Breechless having no breeches or trousers; bare-bottomed 3 adjective Breechless without a breech 3 adjective Breechless Ordnance

60. Adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun] Bushy hair or fur is very thick.

61. Adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun] Someone who is Bespectacled is wearing glasses.

62. Contemptible, adjective [Latin]

63. Adjective breathier, Breathiest

64. Adjective breathier, Breathiest

65. Adjective Bloodthirstier, bloodthirstiest

66. Adjective Blotchier, blotchiest

67. (adjective) Blond Scandinavians.

68. (adjective) Constructive criticism.

69. (adjective) Bulbar poliomyelitis.

70. Commiserative (comˈmiserative) adjective

71. (adjective) Attendant circumstances.

72. (adjective) Changeable weather.

73. Adjective beastlier, Beastliest

74. Adjective Blotchier, blotchiest

75. Apostolical (ˌaposˈtolical) adjective

76. Astronomick (obsolete) Adjective

77. Adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun] Compensatory payments involve money paid as compensation.

78. Adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun] An Abortive attempt or action is unsuccessful.

79. Adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun] Cropped items of clothing are shorter than normal

80. Consolatory as an Adjective Definitions of "Consolatory" as an adjective