Use "adj." in a sentence

1. Flat-Coated {adj} glatthaarig foil-Coated {adj} folienbeschichtet gold-Coated {adj} goldbeschichtet hard-Coated {adj} {past-p} hartcoatierttech

2. Absurdeste most abundant {adj} häufigste most academic {adj} akademischste most acceptable {adj} annehmbarste most accessible {adj} zugänglichste most accidental {adj} am zufälligsten most accurate {adj} akkurateste most acidic {adj} säurehaltigste most active {adj} aktivste most acute {adj} akuteste most adapted {adj} angepassteste most

3. Derivations: boggish (adj.), boggy (adj.), Bogginess (n.)

4. Last-but-two adj Antepenultime lasting adj durabile, permanente adj permanente, durabile ~ one day adj diurne ~ , durable adj durabile ~ , enduring, permanent adj permanente ~ , enduring, permanent adj permanente (ppr of permaner) last-year n le anno passate latch n pessulo late (be ~) v esser in retardo

5. Seasonally Adjusted {adj} saisonbereinigt split-Adjusted {adj} splitbereinigtstocks value

6. Bicha = adj.

7. Blendend [fig.] [brillant] blinding {adj} [coll.] [fig.] [excellent] Blendend [Laune, Stimmung] sparkling {adj} [atmosphere, mood] Blendend [strahlend] radiantly {adv} Blendend [grell] glary {adj} Blendend hell dazzlingly brilliant {adj} Blendend weiß dazzling white {adj} dazzlingly white {adj} Blendend aussehen to look extremely splendid to

8. Affected {adj} [disposed] gesinnt Affected {adj} [well-liked] beliebt Affected {adj} [manners, speech etc.] geziert manieriert [geh.] Affected {adj} {past-p} [added] beigefügt sth

9. — antistrophic, Antistrophal , adj

10. BeblubberED • Beblubbered adj

11. — Arianistic, Arianistical , adj

12. — Allotropic, Allotropical, adj.

13. Right-Adjusted {adj} rechtsbündig risk-Adjusted {adj} risikogerecht risikoadjustiert risikogewichtetacc

14. Left-Adjusted {adj} linksbündig quality-Adjusted {adj} qualitätskorrigiertmed

15. Anthropogenetic: Anthropogenetic adj

16. — aeronautic, Aeronautical, adj.

17. — antistrophic, Antistrophal, adj

18. — antistrophic, Antistrophal, adj

19. — Atomistic, Atomistical, adj.

20. — astronautic, Astronautical, adj

21. — Biometric, Biometrical, adj.

22. — Arianistic, Arianistical, adj

23. — Autecologic, Autecological, adj

24. Apposable (əˈpəʊzəbəl) adj

25. Airified adj Also sp airyfied [OED3 1837→; air demeanor, haughtiness + -ified suff] old-fash Cf airy adj 1 = airish adj 2

26. Bordered {adj} {past-p} eingefasst Bordered {past-p} angegrenzt Bordered {adj} gerandet mit einem Rand versehen gold-Bordered {adj} goldgesäumtcloth

27. Lead-Coated {adj} verbleitmaterialtech

28. — In Portuguese — Curial adj

29. annexationism— Annexationist, n., adj

30. Inflation-Adjusted {adj} inflationsbereinigtecon

31. Hard-Coated {adj} hartbeschichtettech

32. — Bolshevik, Bolshevist, n., adj.

33. — Adventurist, n.— Adventuristic, adj.

34. Rec tablet bid adj %

35. Rec desktop bid adj %

36. Consanguine Consanguine adj : Consanguineous

37. Fibrin-Coated {adj} fibrinbelegtmed

38. -animalcular, Animalculine, animalculous adj

39. An´tra, Antrums) (L.) a cavity or chamber. adj., adj an´tral

40. Challenged: (chăl′ənjd) adj

41. Enteric-Coated {adj} magensaftresistentmed

42. Alphabetised: Alphabetised adj, British

43. Rec mobile bid adj %

44. [ + obj + adj ] She Clanged …

45. — Anachronistic, Anachronistical, anachronous, adj.

46. Anweisung: Command-controlled {adj} befehlsgesteuert: Command-oriented {adj} befehlsorientiert: on Command {adv} auf Kommando: sb

47. /bloch ee/, adj., blotchier, Blotchiest

48. Psychology Definition of Biogenic: adj

49. Psychology Definition of Aposematic: adj

50. j identifies adj (JavaScript) tags

51. Anterograde (ˈæntərəʊˌɡreɪd) adj

52. Adversarial. ( ˌædvɜːˈsɛərɪəl) adj

53. Albuminous — [al byo͞o′mənəs] adj

54. Adj , blowsier, Blowsiest, blowzier, blowziest

55. See definition of Brightest adj

56. Aristotelian (adj.) also Aristotelean, c

57. Barely furnished {adj} kümmerlich möbliert: Barely furnished {adj} notdürftig möbliert: Barely intelligible {adj} kaum verständlich: Barely one: kaum einer: traffic Barely passable {adj} [roads, ways etc.] schwer passierbar / schwerpassierbar [Straßen, Wege etc.] Barely perceptible {adj} kaum vernehmbar

58. Cocksure (adj.) also cock-sure, 1510s, "certain, confident," from cock (n.1) + sure (adj.)

59. Bellied (adj) having a belly; often used in combination Bellied, bellying, bulbous, bulging, bulgy, protuberant (adj)

60. Great experience at Coles purchasing an A400 with a custom adj stock and adj butt plate

61. Capable (of) {adj} imstand [bes

62. Convolute (kŏn′və-lo͞ot′) adj

63. Adj , blowsier, blowsiest, blowzier, Blowziest

64. Constrained by [sth] adj + prep

65. Bathyal — [bath′ē əl] adj

66. Anticous. ( ˈæntɪkəs) adj

67. Apocarpous /ˌæpəˈkɑːpəs/ adj

68. [ + noun/adj ] He was Adjudged

69. UK, informal (female advice columnist) (prensa) consejera sentimental nf + adj mf : consultora sentimental nf + adj : columnista consejera nf + adj : Brenda is an Agony aunt for a daily newspaper

70. Agrioso [adj] PR: 388: General: related to a food or drink that has turned somewhat sour: Agrioso [adj] PR: 389: General: sour (food) amarroso [adj] PR: 390: General: expired (food) añejo [adj] CR CL PY: 391: General: left over (food) amanecido [adj] HN NI AR: 392: General: bitter (food) amarroso [adj] PR: 393: General: very spicy (food) bravo

71. مشتقات: Architraval (adj.), architraved (adj.) • (1) تعریف: in architecture, the lowermost beam resting directly on supporting columns

72. Constrained by [sth] adj + prep (limited: by laws, means) (legalmente) restringido/a adj adjetivo: Describe el sustantivo

73. Agrioso [adj] PR: 13: General: related to a food or drink that has turned somewhat sour: Agrioso [adj] PR: 14: General: somewhat white: blancuso [adj] CU: 15: General: somewhat white: blancuzo [adj] CU: 16: General: somewhat drunk: acelerado [adj] GT HN SV PA DO PR CO VE AR: 17: General: somewhat drugged: acelerado [adj] GT HN SV PA DO PR CO VE

74. Attuned to [sth] adj + prep (sensitive to, aware of [sth]) sensible à adj + prép : conscient de adj + prép : Babies are Attuned to their mothers' voices

75. Covenanting (adj) belonging to a covenant

76. Adj, blowsier, blowsiest, blowzier or Blowziest

77. Blagueur adj adjectif: modifie un nom

78. Albumineux adj adjectif: modifie un nom

79. Autocratique adj adjectif: modifie un nom

80. Attachant adj adjectif: modifie un nom