Use "addled egg" in a sentence

1. Anyone who has ever smelt an addled egg will know just how horrible that would be.

2. Losses of adults and nestlings are described. The chemical analysis of an addled egg of 1967 is given.

3. The Cox Island male and female, both resident from 1990 to 1994, produced very poorly: nil (1990); one live and one dead nestling plus an addled egg (1991); one nestling plus two addled eggs (1992); nil (1993); and two addled eggs (1994).

4. Addled (of an egg) rotten, not producing a chick.Addled Parliament the Parliament of James I of England ( James VI of Scotland), so known because it refused to accede to the king's requests and was dissolved without having passed any good be an Addled egg as an idle bird a person who is l Source for information on Addled: The Oxford Dictionary of Phrase and Fable dictionary.