Use "additional instruction" in a sentence

1. The Savior gave additional instruction to the Nephites about prayer.

2. McKay, has provided additional instruction about the nature and blessings of discernment:

3. * According to verse 13, what additional instruction did Paul give the faithful Saints?

4. What additional instruction does Luke’s account give, and what does its application result in?

5. Elihu’s sound counsel prepared the way for Job to receive additional instruction from Jehovah himself

6. Elihu’s sound counsel prepared the way for Job to receive additional instruction from Jehovah himself.

7. The Seventy later reported their labors to Jesus, and He gave them additional instruction and rejoiced with them.

8. * How can following Jude’s additional instruction in verses 20–21 help us build our lives on the gospel?

9. During the intervals when there was no child crossing, he gave me additional instruction pertaining to the Church.”

10. Newly baptized ones may need additional instruction to help them meet the challenges involved in following Christ. —Luke 9:23, 24.

11. Of course, many other prayers are recorded in the Bible, especially in Psalms, and these can be used for additional instruction.