Use "adam and eve" in a sentence

1. Adam and Eve.

2. We watched over Adam and Eve.

3. Adam and Eve dwelt in paradise.

4. The Devil tempted Adam and Eve.

5. You know, like Adam and Eve, Adam.

6. 4 Adam and Eve dwelt in paradise.

7. Adam and Eve lived in a paradise.

8. “Adam and Eve [through the Fall] became mortal.

9. When first married, Adam and Eve were sinless.

10. How did Adam and Eve become Satan’s accomplices?

11. How were Adam and Eve led into disobedience?

12. Were Adam and Eve merely allegorical (fictional) persons?

13. Consider our first human parents, Adam and Eve.

14. Tragically, Adam and Eve failed to obey God.

15. Jehovah wanted Adam and Eve to live forever.

16. Then He placed Adam and Eve on the earth.

17. 10 Sadly, Adam and Eve chose to disobey Jehovah.

18. Adam and Eve suffered the disastrous results of sin

19. How did Satan drive a wedge between Adam and Eve?

20. Abel’s parents, Adam and Eve, were likely beautiful, dynamic people.

21. When Adam and Eve died, they returned to the dust.

22. 9 Sadly, though, Adam and Eve failed to obey God.

23. Satan did not want Adam and Eve to obey Jehovah.

24. 'Adam and Eve disobeyed God and ate the forbidden fruit.

25. Adam and Eve passed that debt on to their offspring.

26. Adam and Eve Were the First to Come to Earth

27. But the happiness of Adam and Eve did not last.

28. What was the outcome for Adam and Eve when they sinned?

29. Because Adam and Eve were obedient, the Holy Ghost led them.

30. * See also Body; Death, Physical; Fall of Adam and Eve; World

31. * See also Fall of Adam and Eve; Mortal, Mortality; Resurrection; Salvation

32. It was because Adam and Eve had a collision with God.

33. Consider Abel, son of the first human pair, Adam and Eve.

34. God gave our first parents, Adam and Eve, a perfect start.

35. All mankind inherited imperfection from Adam and Eve and, hence, are sinners.

36. 29 Adam and Eve tried to hide their nakedness with fig leaves.

37. “Many feel that the Genesis account of Adam and Eve is fiction.

38. What delightful prospect lay before Adam and Eve upon their being created?

39. He generously let these provisions remain even after Adam and Eve rebelled.

40. 5 Adam and Eve now had sin deeply etched in their genes.

41. In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve were married by God.

42. Jehovah told Adam and Eve to have children and fill the earth.

43. Adam and Eve had children, and people became many on the earth.

44. This was true of Adam and Eve and also of Judas Iscariot.

45. (b) Why was the disobedience of Adam and Eve a serious matter?

46. It shows a carving of Adam and Eve under an apple tree.

47. Offspring of Adam and Eve will comfortably fill the earth under God’s Kingdom

48. Cain and Abel were the first and second sons of Adam and Eve

49. Adam and Eve kept the first commandment to multiply and replenish the earth.

50. Adam and Eve were the first of God’s children to come to earth.

51. (Romans 5:12) Instead of living forever on earth, Adam and Eve died.

52. (Genesis 3:1-6) Adam and Eve followed Satan and disobeyed Jehovah God.

53. 2 Jehovah showed love for humans even before he created Adam and Eve.

54. Exiled to life outside the garden, Adam and Eve found their existence hard.

55. 16 And Adam and Eve, his wife, ceased not to call upon God.

56. Adam and Eve, according to the fable, wore the bower before other clothes.

57. What question was not answered immediately after the rebellion of Adam and Eve?

58. We believe Adam and Eve were this planet’s first humans and first Christians.

59. (Acts 14:15) Jehovah created everything, including the first human couple, Adam and Eve.

60. (b) Adam and Eve needed to live by what, in addition to material food?

61. The rebellion of Adam and Eve affects each of us in a personal way.

62. 1:22-31) Consider the example of Cain, the firstborn of Adam and Eve.

63. Abel definition is - a son of Adam and Eve killed by his brother Cain.

64. It was after their act of disobedience that Adam and Eve brought forth children.

65. As sinful descendants of Adam and Eve, we deserve “the wages [that] sin pays.”

66. □ Did God’s purpose for the earth and man change when Adam and Eve sinned?

67. (b) Mention some of the laws that governed the activity of Adam and Eve.

68. * See also Damnation; Devil; Fall of Adam and Eve; Hell; Salvation; Sons of Perdition

69. All people are carnal, or mortal, because of the Fall of Adam and Eve.

70. There was no question that he was stronger than Satan or Adam and Eve.

71. Adam and Eve were evicted from a section of the earth that was a paradise.

72. Adam and Eve were the first of Heavenly Father’s children to come to this earth.

73. Further, God gave Adam and Eve the mandate to “fill the earth and subdue it.”

74. Tell how people beginning with Adam and Eve looked forward to Christ’s coming to earth.

75. Adam and Eve were created perfect, and all their children would have been born perfect.

76. Explain that Adam and Eve were the first two people to live on the earth.

77. (See also Adam and Eve; Garden of Eden; Tree of Knowledge of Good and Bad)

78. 6. (a) How do you feel about the rebellious course taken by Adam and Eve?

79. By their act of rebellion, Adam and Eve showed that they did not trust God.

80. The tree would indicate to Adam and Eve that they would always need Jehovah’s direction.