Use "ad nauseam" in a sentence

1. Ad nauseam.

2. We discussed it ad nauseam.

3. We hear that ad nauseam.

4. He played the song ad nauseam.

5. We have heard your complaints ad nauseam.

6. This issue has been raised ad nauseam.

7. Sports commentators repeat the same phrases ad nauseam.

8. The listing of such examples could continue ad nauseam.

9. Quite the reverse: only we Europeans are targeted ad nauseam.

10. He talks ad nauseam about how clever his children are.

11. It has been tried ad nauseam year in and year out

12. All these old rules have been taught and repeated ad nauseam.

13. Oh, Elaine, we've covered all of that in the catalog, ad nauseam.

14. Oh, Elaine, we' ve covered all of that in the catalog, ad nauseam

15. Most movies on cable get two stars or less and are repeated ad nauseam. "

16. Caution : Use restraint when asking this question. No boss wants to repeat himself ad nauseam.

17. Caution : Use restraint when asking the question. No boss requires to repeat himself ad nauseam.

18. These questions have been debated ad infinitum, ad nauseam, and still, there is no agreement

19. Chávez also repeats, ad nauseam , the idea that others are to blame for Latin America’s ills.

20. Chávez also repeats,ad nauseam, the idea that others are to blame for Latin America’s ills.

21. We must stop repeating ad nauseam that these aberrant Muslims have “nothing to do with Islam.”

22. Look, we've been over this ad nauseam. I think we should move on to the next item.

23. The “Africanization” of Venezuela has been widely written about and dissected ad nauseam in many books and articles.

24. Where else can such a thought be debated ad nauseam into the wee hours of a boring Tuesday?

25. Many writers tend to work on their personal myths ad nauseam because it sells well and feels so good.

26. Look, I don't wanna be one of those annoying people who keeps talking ad nauseam about what they do.

27. Now, I know from many of you who have been in treatment before, you've probably done this exercise ad nauseam.

28. Not to mention the myriad of other mobile games for tablets and smart phones which recycle the excuse plot ad nauseam.

29. Numerical methods calculate the positions and velocities of the objects a short time in the future, then repeat the calculation ad nauseam.

30. This crossword clue Complained about ad nauseam was discovered last seen in the January 12 2021 at the New York Times Crossword

31. Up to now most of the issues were analysed and over-analysed, solutions were proposed, and discussed "ad nauseam", but never actually implemented.

32. These issues have been debated ad nauseam by this House and by most national parliaments and the outcome is always the same in this Parliament.

33. All the Commission's documents repeat ad nauseam that the internal market will only function well - or function better, if you prefer - with VAT at source.

34. They repeated ad nauseam that the cathedral was constructed as a monument to the victory over Napoleon, the 200th anniversary of which is being commemorated this year.

35. – The dominant forces in Parliament continue their fools’ crusade, promoting ad nauseam the inappropriately named European Constitution, which would strengthen federalism, neoliberalism and militarism in the EU.

36. There is little point in my going over all the various points raised individually and debating them, because they have been debated ad nauseam in the committee.

37. The speeches delivered on countless occasions have repeated ad nauseam the extent of the Nazi crimes, the cruelty of the concentration camps system, and the apalling number of dead.

38. This was not the case, however, as he repeated the familiar Serbian position ad nauseam without even a glimmer of an appreciation that opposing points of view also existed.

39. We are the party with a difference , we have been told ad nauseam , special guardians of the national interest , specially patriotic , and what do we see on the Tehelka . com tapes ?

40. This is money that could have been , as this column points out ad nauseam , much better spent on things that ordinary Indians so desperately need : schools , hospitals , roads , electricity and drinking water .

41. Blocktard A derogatory word for someone who is not technical, yet wants to talk to you about " blockchain " and related technologies ad nauseam, usually as a tactic to sound smart and relevant.

42. And if public safety is such a number one priority as we have heard ad nauseam, what will the solicitor general do to ensure that this type of accountability occurs against such appalling folly?

43. Indeed, the Belgian authorities have referred ad nauseam to the decisive nature of those factors at various points in their documents and arguments but have not defined their character, scope or content, which is surprising.

44. Bluffingly stretchily memorially thuggishly schemingly shitlessly unprovably flurriedly whenceever ad nauseam cockeyedly sharkishly ipso facto slothfully absitively head first aforetimes all-around physics-ly last thing longsomely unguidably neonatally fully well fursonally all-as-one scabrously

45. Federalist thought in terms of European external policy can be summed by a few simple phrases, repeated ad nauseam for years now, in every tone and every form: ' If Europe had not been powerless, Yugoslavia could have been avoided.

46. This situation seems to be as appropriate as any other for me to reiterate something the Council and certainly the Spanish Presidency have repeated ad nauseam, namely that the Treaties on which the Union is based are attributive in nature.

47. Cet été, sur les réseaux sociaux, les Casuistes, à force de le répéter ad nauseam, ont eu gain de cause : Autant en emporte le vent a été expurgé de Netflix à cause de son aspect colonial et raciste (l'adaptation du roman de Margaret Mitchell, met en scène, sur fond de guerre de Sécession, un certain Rhett Buttler, membre du KKK).

48. Cet été, sur les réseaux sociaux, les Casuistes, à force de le répéter ad nauseam, ont eu gain de cause : Autant en emporte le vent a été expurgé de Netflix à cause de son aspect colonial et raciste (l'adaptation du roman de Margaret Mitchell, met en scène, sur fond de guerre de Sécession, un certain Rhett Buttler, membre du KKK).