Use "active immunity" in a sentence

1. Your body can produce antibodies against certain diseases, giving you active immunity.

2. (i) agents used to produce active immunity, such as cholera vaccine, BCG, polio vaccines, smallpox vaccine;

3. Vaccination for longer and active immunity against this disease may be carried out during April - May as a preventive measure .

4. What does Antitoxin mean? A circulating antibody formed by the body, as active immunity, to act against a specific toxin

5. AIIMS 2004: The treatment of snake bite by Antivenine is an example of (A) Artificially acquired active immunity (B) Artificially acquired passive imm

6. Antiserum is no alternative for a vaccine that produces an immune response and active immunity in its recipients, but it is a fix that could get us out of this pandemic situation with fewer deaths and with a flattened infection curve that keeps the medical system from being overwhelmed.

7. Antiserum is no alternative for a vaccine that produces an immune response and active immunity in its recipients, but it is a fix that could get us out of this pandemic situation with fewer deaths and with a flattened infection curve that keeps the medical system from being overwhelmed.