Use "active channel" in a sentence

1. The TFT disclosed herein is a silicon based TFT in which the active channel comprises amorphous silicon.

2. Simplified Model Anastomosed fluvial systems have facies associations similar to those of meandering systems (active channel, abandoned channel, overbank, splay) but in different proportions and with different geometries

3. 6, the channel with the best high-quality Activeness.On the other hand, the sniffer sensor with Fixed Channel Allocation algorithms on the worst high-quality active channel works worst, only …

4. Extraterrestrial natural channels are found elsewhere in the Solar System than the Earth and the longest and widest of which are the outflow channels on Mars and the channels of Venus many of which are tens of kilometres wide (the network of channels flowing from Argyre Planitia on Mars for example is 8000 km in length and the Baltis Vallis Venus is 7000 km compared to the 6,650 km Nile, the largest active channel on Earth).