Use "act of war" in a sentence

1. Fucking act of war, mate.

2. But that's an act of war!

3. This is an act of war.

4. Federation is an act of war.

5. Sire, this is an act of war.

6. This is an act of war, sir.

7. Obliteration is not a justifiable act of war.

8. What happened here was an act of war.

9. When war threatens, people act irrationally.

10. This could be interpreted as an act of war.

11. Would this cyber assassination constitute an act of war?

12. This act of war was an instrument of national policy.”

13. It was the penultimate act before war.

14. Failure to participate will be considered an act of war.

15. People in my country consider this... an act of war.

16. an act of armed conflict, hostilities, civil war or insurrection

17. And you have committed an act of war against the...

18. Others still consider the war an act of imperialistic aggression.

19. The state of war is regulated in the Act on the Defence of the Czech Republic (Act No

20. Shortly thereafter, the building was destroyed by an act of war.

21. Then we will regard this as an act of economic war.

22. If you shoot, we will consider this an act of war!

23. They regained the vote when the Dominion Elections Act of 1920 superseded the War-time Elections Act.

24. The war of Armageddon is not an act of aggression by God.

25. 5 Soon Jehovah will act as “a manly person of war.”

26. I, Ares, god of war...,... demand your presence at this act of redemption!

27. We go in there with guns blazing, it's an act of war.

28. We can not commit an act of war unless it is lawful.

29. Part of the War on Terror was the introduction of the Patriot Act.

30. The act or fact of going on or persisting: the Continuation of the war.

31. Walker was critical of the War on Terror and opposed the Patriot Act.

32. The bomb is an act of war and wars result in civilian casualties.

33. For all the truth of the Clausewitzean description of war as "an act of force ...

34. In response, supporters of the act declared that the exigencies of war dictated its promulgation.

35. Those responsible for violations of human rights and war crimes act with complete impunity.

36. Correct me if I'm wrong, General, but is that not an act of war?

37. The Act Anent Peace and War (Scots Anent means about or concerning) was an act of the Parliament of Scotland passed in 1703.

38. For many in the South, that act marked the official end of the Civil War.

39. The murder of a Chinese consul on Chinese soil could be construed as an act of war.

40. If we are discovered in Federation territory, it will be interpreted as an act of war.

41. Holocaust denial is the act of denying the genocide of Jews in the Holocaust during World War II.

42. The act of dive Bombing during World War II was a death defying trial of skill and nerve

43. Many lovers of righteousness throughout the world are now preparing for the outbreak of God’s unavoidable act of war.

44. (C.4) Legislative measures for the implementation of treaties The Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act:

45. Dan Glenney, acting Director General of the Canadian War Museum, will act as secretary to the Committee

46. If this was authorized by the Russian government, it is an act of war, and we will respond.

47. This almost precipitated civil war, as the other tribes regarded this as an act of unfaithfulness and rebellion.

48. After the war, he and his wife were granted permanent resident status by act of the U.S. Congress.

49. He said the attack on the Pakistani check posts was intentional and an act of war against Pakistan.

50. Quick aside: It's worth noting that the first big war of the twentieth century began with an act of terrorism.

51. This act of gross betrayal and dishonour did not even bring peace , but has brought us to the threshold of war .

52. Back in California, he was put on trial for conducting an illegal war, in violation of the Neutrality Act of 1794.

53. It is feared that a rash act in one submarine could unleash a fatal nuclear war.

54. The village is named after former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein, in an act of solidarity during the 1991 Gulf War.

55. His Prussian successor Clausewitz added that " War is an act of violence to compel the enemy to fulfill our will . "

56. Act synonyms, Act pronunciation, Act translation, English dictionary definition of Act

57. With the Second Indochina War escalating, Sihanouk's balancing act between left and right became harder to maintain.

58. The League of Nations, established at the end of World War I, was unable to act in the face of the Japanese defiance.

59. In Act of War, heavily wounded soldiers are immobilized and are unable to engage in combat until they receive medical attention.

60. Whatever may have happened, it was treated as an act of war and in these circumstances the perpetrators forfeited all rights.

61. At the time, opinion polls throughout Canada, including in Quebec, showed widespread support for the use of the War Measures Act.

62. Oleksandr Turchynov, Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine, reportedly said that the incident was an act of war by Russia.

63. If anyone you know lived during World War II, ask them if they remember the Lend-Lease Act.

64. When Christ received Kingdom power, his first act was to wage war on Satan in the invisible heavens.

65. The post-war concern about population decline and the high infant mortality rate contributed to the introduction of the Midwives Act 190

66. Acte translate: act, act, act, act, act, deed

67. Abolition definition, the act of abolishing or the state of being abolished: the Abolition of war;the Abolition of capital punishment;the Abolition of unfair taxes

68. 2 9 7) has truly observed of the execution of Charles I., that it was an act of war, and was just as defensible or just as Assailable, and on the same grounds, as the war itself

69. Achinese War synonyms, Achinese War pronunciation, Achinese War translation, English dictionary definition of Achinese War

70. Abrahamic Code Of War; Abrahamic Code Of War

71. Blockade, an act of war by which a belligerent prevents access to or departure from a defined part of an enemy’s territory, most often its coasts

72. The Neutrality Act of 1936 extended the legislation and added an additional ban on making loans or extending credit to Belligerents (nations at war)

73. By the terms of the War Powers Act of 1973, the President is obligated to inform the Congress within forty-eight hours of deploying US forces abroad.

74. Eery act of will is an act of self - limitation.

75. Amtracs of World War II and Korean War

76. President Clinton has said he will act to stop the war spreading to Kosovo, but few in Kosovo believe his promises.

77. After the Vietnam War, Congress passed the Amerasian Act of 1982, which allowed Amerasian children in Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia and South Korea to immigrate

78. War movies were the other first casualty of war.

79. We think in terms of war and interstate war.

80. Korean War - Korean War - Armistice: The battle of the Kŭmsong salient ended the shooting war