Use "acral" in a sentence

1. Thermographics show a normalization of distal acral perfusion defects.

2. Even today, the prognosis of acral-lentiginous melanoma (ALM) remains a controversial topic.

3. We compared the use of CCDS and angiography in studying of acral perfusion.

4. The acral lesions of peripheral artery occlusive disease (PAOD) have unique features as well.

5. Melanoma of the vulva exists in two major types—superficial spreading and acral lentiginous.

6. Focal acral hyperkeratosis is a disorder characterized by hyperkeratotic papules along the border of the hands and feet.

7. The characteristic skin lesions include a periorificial and acral vesiculobullous eruption leading to scaley, sharply demarcated crusted plaques.

8. The relationship between acral ischemia and T-cell-lymphoma is not clear but is discussed in this article.

9. Acral pseudolymphomatous angiokeratoma of children (APACHE) is a pseudolymphoma of posttraumatic origin which was first described in 1988.

10. Gene Amplifications Characterize Acral Melanoma and Permit the Detection of Occult Tumor Cells in the Surrounding Skin Boris C

11. Hand-foot syndrome (also known as hand-foot skin reaction or palmar-plantar erythrodysesthesia or chemotherapy induced acral erythema

12. Therapy with EGFR inhibitors is associated with acneiform rash, painful paronychia, xerosis cutis, acral fissures, hair changes, and pruritus.

13. Disturbances of the acral circulation, organic such as sclerodermia progressiva and functional such as acrocyanosis can be documented impressively.

14. Scabies in contrast to infantile acropustulosis tend to present with more generalized lesions, not being restricted to acral location.

15. The consulting rheumatologist found a history of Raynaud‘s syndrome, acral necrosis of the fourth finger of the right hand, sclerodactylia, and microstomia.

16. Progressive systemic sclerosis (PSS) is characterized in most patients by initially unspecific symptoms like acrocyanosis, Raynaud's phenomenon, general malaise or acral paresthesia.

17. Historically, the disease was subdivided into superficial spreading, nodular, lentigo maligna and acral lentiginous melanoma but many more subtypes have subsequently been added.

18. Within a two years period all children up to 14 years of age who presented with acral vesicles were included in this study.

19. It is characterized by hypertrophy of skin and subcutaneous tissues, bone growth of acral parts of the body and increase of the mass of internal organs.

20. Patients with acral manifestations of systemic sclerosis are ideally treated by a team that includes a rheumatologist, dermatologist, hand surgeon, physiotherapist, and, eventually, a psychologist.

21. The deep-inspiration-induced vasoconstrictor reaction in the vascular bed of acral regions of the skin consists of a series of reflex adjustments of the vascular lumen.

22. We present a unique patient who while on capecitabine developed unilateral acral necrosis which should be classified as a minor form of hand-foot syndrome.

23. Consequently, differential diagnostic considerations should include hand-foot syndrome when acral skin lesions appear, particularly during capecitabine monotherapy. The dosage should be reduced or therapeutic regimen changed.

24. The term Acrocyanosis is a combination of two words - ‘acral’ meaning extremities of the body, such as the fingers and toes, and ‘cyanosis’ meaning blue or purple skin.

25. These forms include the granulomatous form of mycosis fungoides, which is associated with a poorer prognosis, as well as indolent CD8+ lymphoproliferations on the head and at acral localizations.

26. Cowden syndrome-1 is a hamartomatous disorder characterized by macrocephaly, facial trichilemmomas, acral keratoses, papillomatous papules, and an increased risk for the development of breast, thyroid, and endometrial Carcinoma.

27. Anecdotal data exist on the possible protective effects of smoking in oral/genital aphthosis of Behçet’s disease, herpes labialis, pyoderma gangrenosum, acral melanoma, and Kaposi’s sarcoma in AIDS patients.

28. Hence in the initial phase of exercise all regions of the skin are involved in the compensation of the circulatory system, but later on only the acral regions remain in this function.

29. The Bureau-Barrière syndrome is described as an acral ulcer with mutilating osteolysis of the limbs that is nonfamiliar, non-sex-specific, induced by many factors, and elicited by sensory-trophic polyneuropathy.

30. Wounds occuring in the skin as burns, stasis ulcers, cutaneous wounds, donor skin surgery wounds, chemical, mechanical or laser peel burns, chapped lips, cracked nipples, diaper rash, severe cuts, abrasions, sunburn, diabetic ulcers, trophic lesions such as decubitus ulcers, allergic ulcers, dehiscence wonds, acral lick dermatitis (acral lick granulomas in animals), lacerations, and wounds that are traumatic in origin, which are commonly resistant to the natural healing process, may be treated with this composition.

31. In 1986 Rongioletti introduced the term acral persistent papular mucinosis for persistent papules on the dorsum of the hands and distal forearms. Skin specimens reveal mucin deposits which resemble those in lichen myxedematosus (LM).

32. Hyperkeratosis and hyperhidrosis of the palms and soles, acral bullae, follicular keratosis, and oral leukokeratosis may also occur. Autosomal dominant inheritance is the rule, although cases transmitted in an autosomal recessive form have also been reported.

33. The anatomical regions recognized as “special sites” are the head and neck, especially the ear, the milk line (axilla, mamae, mamillae, umbilicus, groin), acral regions (palms and soles, knee, dorsum of the foot) and flexural sites.

34. We investigated the effects of iloprost infusion on the acral ulcers and necrosis in patients with five patients with SSc and one with mixed connective tissue disease who had been previously treated with various modalities without improvement.

35. Recurrence rates by pathologic type were 2 of 49 (4%) patients with superficial spreading melanoma, 6 of 30 (20%) with nodular melanoma, and 5 of 14 (36%) with acral lentiginous melanoma, the latter including subungual, plantar, or palmar lesions.

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37. Primary melanomas arising on the mucosal surface of the oral cavity or the anogenital areas have some features in common with the acral lentiginous melanoma, and the term 'palmoplantar mucosal melanoma' is sometimes used to describe the entire group.

38. The high proportion of acral melanoma in Blacks and Asians may be the results of relatively low occurrence of melanomas in other parts of skin, owing to their stronger melanin system to block the carcinogenic sunlight as compared with whites.

39. In dogs, Compulsive behaviors include acral lick dermatitis, flank sucking, pacing, circling, incessant or rhythmic barking, fly snapping or chasing unseen objects, freezing and staring, polydipsia (excessive drinking), sucking, licking, or chewing on objects (or owners), tonguing or licking the air and other forms of …

40. As all other possible influences were excluded, the authors think that the results of this experiment confirm that in the initial stage of vibration damage to the peripheral nervous system the vessel component is an important factor leading to ischemic neuropathy due to acral ischemia.

41. History reveals congenital blistering with acral localization and photosensitivity in childhood. At present, the patient showed wide-spread poikoloderma with reticulate hyperpigmentation, xerosis, proximal synechia between fingers and toes and absence of dermatoglyphics, suggestive for congenital bullous poikiloderma (Kindler syndrome). The diagnosis was confirmed by histology and electron microscopy.

42. Consequently the electrodermatogram is used in neurology to determine passive regions of the skin after peripherous lesions of the nerves, to check the successful elimination of the truncus sympathicus; it is used in internal medicine to measure the acral districal resistance in cases of angiopathies, and it is used in the physiology of labour for studies of heat regulation under bodily strain.

43. IgA vasculitis or cutaneous leukocytoclastic vasculitis), hemorrhagic papules and necrotic plaques which occur in acral areas after cooling indicate cryoglobulinemic vasculitis, hemorrhagic papules and macules which develop in patients who start to feel worse and develop fever should arouse suspicion of septic vasulitis, while the simultaneous presence of ulcerating nodules and hemorrhagic papules without predilection for the lower legs will suggest ANCA-associated vasculitis.

44. For these stereotyped responses it was the location of the stimulus which played a major role rather than the different distribution of muscle tonus or the segmental dermatomo-myotomal correspondence: in the trunk and limb girdles, the sensitive (reflexogenic) zones were localized directly over the respective muscle bellies; in the extremities they were more distally over the tendons and for the finger and/or toe movements, they were shifted toward the acral skin areas of the extremities.

45. The Confederación Empresarial de Comercio de Andalucía, CECA [Retail Business Confederation of Andalusia], as the leader, together with the Asociación de Comercio y Servicios de la Región de Algarve (ACRAL) [Retail and Services Association of the Algarve Region], the City Council of Seville through Sevilla Global and the City Council of La Palma del Condado, are implementing the INTERREG IIIA Fronteira Comercial Abierta [Open Retail Border] project, which consists of a comprehensive plan for socio-economic promotion and to boost transnational trade.

46. The Confederación Empresarial de Comercio de Andalucía, CECA [Retail Business Confederation of Andalusia], as the leader, together with the Asociación de Comercio y Servicios de la Región de Algarve (ACRAL) [Retail and Services Association of the Algarve Region], the City Council of Seville through Sevilla Global and the City Council of La Palma del Condado, are implementing the Fronteira Comercial Abierta [Open Retail Border] project, which consists of a comprehensive plan for socio-economic promotion and to boost transnational trade.