Use "accretionary" in a sentence

1. In more detail, it describes three types of convergent margins: accretionary, poor or non-accretionary, and destructive

2. In more detail, it describes three types of convergent margins: accretionary, poor or non-accretionary, and destructive.

3. Two types of sedimentary associations exist in the accretionary complex.

4. The post-accretionary period (1.876-1.838 Ga) was characterized by intrusion of juvenile calk-alkaline plutons generated by a successor arc that stitched the diverse pre-accretionary assemblages.

5. There were several pulses of granitoid magmatism during accretionary assembly over 2695 to 2674 Ma.

6. An upper Miocene unconformable surface coincides with accretion and uplift of the Cascadia Accretionary Complex.

7. This orogenic pulse (Shawinigan) is not accretionary, but represents a strongly partitioned, compressive, intraplate reactivation event.

8. An accretionary wedge or accretionary prism forms from sediments Accreted onto the non-subducting tectonic plate at a convergent plate boundary.Most of the material in the accretionary wedge consists of marine sediments scraped off from the downgoing slab of oceanic crust, but in some cases the wedge includes the erosional products of volcanic island arcs formed on the overriding plate.

9. The Minnesota River Valley subprovince is interpreted as a late accretionary addition to the Superior Province.

10. Pre- to Early Variscan metamorphic rocks and intrusive calc-alkaline rocks are constituting the Odenwald accretionary complex.

11. This complex of carbonate environments developed in an island arc, which is now preserved within the accretionary Alexander Terrane.

12. The "Amisk collage" formed in two major magmatic periods that were separated by an interval of intraoceanic accretionary tectonics.

13. The lilypads are flat, accretionary structures rooted to the substrate that are composed mostly of platy calcite crystals.

14. Recent field, isotopic, and geophysical surveys provide insight on the nature, timing, and scale of this accretionary growth.

15. Instead, terranes and the accretionary wedge have been lifted up to form a series of coast ranges and exotic mountains.

16. Authigenic ferrimagnetic iron sulfides, essentially greigite (Fe3S4), are commonly found in gas hydrate-bearing marine sediments of active accretionary prisms

17. Five discrete accretionary events assembled fragments of continental and oceanic crust into a coherent Superior craton by 2.60 Ga.

18. Accretionary and cored lapilli in the tuffs and pillows in the lavas suggest emplacement in a shallow marine environment.

19. In the lower crust and upper mantle, east-dipping reflections are interpreted to delineate a coeval subduction zone and accretionary wedge.

20. A modern accretionary complex underlies the continental slope and shelf and rests against and below the allochthonous Crescent and Pacific Rim terranes.

21. (2) A zone of more reflective lower crust with hinterland-verging fabric may represent "fossil" reflectors from a pre-collisional accretionary phase.

22. They provide the landward-dipping backstop to a large accretionary sedimentary prism formed from the sediments scraped off the incoming oceanic plate.

23. The dominant source for detritus in the Missi Group was the Flin Flon accretionary collage and associated successor arc rocks.

24. The western end of the range is high P/T metamorphoseed Jurassic accretionary complex as part of the Kamuikotan belt.

25. Volcaniclastic mélange block sandstones could be derived from older Tertiary volcanic terranes of the northeast Olympic Peninsula, or from Mesozoic accretionary terranes.

26. Accretionary wedge sediments, which extend landward beneath the volcanic Crescent terrane, comprise two primary units, both of which have shortened through duplex formation.

27. These metamorphic conditions are related to the underthrusting of the thinned European margin into the continental accretionary prism during late Eocene time.

28. Evidence from the seismic data also indicates that fluids from the accretionary prism are being expelled into the sediments of the overlying Tofino basin.

29. In China, a 1.8–1.4 Ga accretionary magmatic zone, called the Xiong’er belt (Group), extends along the southern margin of the North China Craton.

30. The Sydney Lake – Lake St. Joseph (– Pashkokogan) fault similarly demarcates a fundamental boundary between Uchian volcanoplutonic rocks and the English River accretionary prism.

31. Also, faulting at the continental margins caused large-scale concurrent and post-accretionary horizontal translations of hundreds of kilometres of the allochthonous terranes.

32. The Tofino Basin sediments, up to 4 km in thickness, have been deposited on the continental shelf over the accreted terranes and the developing accretionary wedge.

33. Growth in R. culicivorax is associated with extensive nuclear division, and this is believed to be the first report of accretionary growth in nematodes.

34. The northwestern Cascades structural province can be interpreted as an accretionary complex comprising fault-bounded blocks of pre-Tertiary metamorphic rocks of diverse age and lithologic type.

35. Clockwise pressure–temperature–time (P–T–t) paths reflect crustal thickening, thought to be related to the early accretionary history of the Trans-Hudson Orogen.

36. Upon incorporation into the accretionary wedge, the clearly defined stratigraphy of the incoming oceanic sedimentary section is destroyed over a distance of about 10 km.

37. Lithoprobe crustal seismic profiles complement the existing geochronologic and geologic databases for northern Alberta and elucidate the nature of late stages of the accretionary process.

38. Interpretations of the timing of accretion have been constrained by comparing faunal affinities, overstep sequences, age and kinematics of inferred accretionary deformational events, and controversial paleomagnetic data.

39. We suggest that sediments of the Southern Volcanic Zone formed an accretionary prism along the southern continental margin of the Abitibi before collision with the Pontiac Subprovince.

40. In South America, a 1.8–1.3 Ga accretionary zone occurs along the western margin of the Amazonia Craton, represented by the Rio Negro, Juruena, and Rondonian Belts.

41. Volcanically active island arcs to the south (Wawa subprovince) were transported northward during this interval and at ~2690 Ma collided with the accretionary complex (Quetico subprovince).

42. The Magog Group is located between the Saint-Daniel Mélange and the Ascot Complex interpreted as remnants of an accretionary prism and a magmatic arc, respectively.

43. These data allowed a reinterpretation of tectonic segments and associated strata of the Pacific Rim and Crescent terranes and the Cascadia Accretionary Complex onshore and offshore Vancouver Island.

44. Humber Zone mélanges are spatially associated with Taconian nappes and believed to be of tectonic origin. Dunnage Zone mélanges are interpreted as relicts of an Ordovician accretionary prism.

45. The Western Ligurian Flysch Units represent an Upper Cretaceous to Paleogene accretionary prism overthrust onto the paleo-European continental margin during the collisional stages of the Alpine orogeny (Eocene).

46. The Makkovik Province is a segment of a Paleoproterozoic accretionary belt (the Makkovik–Ketilidian orogen) that developed on the southern margin of Laurentia at 1.9–1.7 Ga.

47. Comparisons between this reference and the ages of detrital zircons in strata of potentially displaced outboard terranes may help reconstruct the paleogeography and accretionary history of the Cordilleran orogen.

48. Some basic questions about Archean plate tectonics can be addressed by examining accretionary Archean margins, in particular fault zones with significant strike-slip components on the Canadian Shield.

49. Tectonic reconstruction places these and along-strike units in a fore-arc basin bordered to the west by an (eroded) are and to the east by an accretionary subduction complex.

50. The distribution and calculated peak metamorphic conditions of the granulite zone in the Quetico Subprovince are similar to those of granulites in the English River Subprovince and other proposed accretionary terranes.

51. It consists of a strongly deformed pre-Neoproterozoic basement and Neoproterozoic oceanic rocks containing ophiolite, accretionary prisms, arc-related and high-pressure metamorphic rocks dated to 900-520 Ma.

52. Processes leading to the ranked societies of the West Coast are best regarded as an accretionary development pushed by population pressures and concomitant cultural adjustments (Croes and Hackenberger 1988).

53. The WMB is an assemblage of Late Jurassic and Cretaceous rock (some of it as much as 166 million years old) collected in the accretionary wedge (or prism) of a subduction zone.

54. In the Flin Flon – Athapapuskow Lake area, the belt consists of a series of fault-bounded blocks, each having distinct stratigraphic and magmatic affinities, juxtaposed to form an accretionary collage.

55. Differences between synthetic and reference profile are interpreted in terms of a semiquantitative estimate of the relative impact of the horizontal stress component on gravitational compaction in accretionary wedge environments.

56. Tsunami earthquakes mainly occur at subduction zones where there is a large accretionary wedge or where sediments are being subducted, as this weaker material leads to the slower rupture velocities.

57. Our results imply that the belt-like configuration of the subprovinces, emphasized in accretionary models of the Superior Province, is a relatively late feature that overprints older, tectonically significant structures.

58. This new vision of accretionary and translational tectonics in Mexico has profound implications for the study of tectogenesis in the southern Cordillera as well as for the interpretation of Mexico's vast natural resources.

59. The Pope succession limestone has many similarities in tectonic, stratigraphic, sedimentologic, and paleontologic aspects to the Akiyoshi buildup, a representative Panthalassan buildup in a Permian subduction-related accretionary complex in Japan.

60. The following collision of the eastern portion of the Altaid collage with the Siberian craton formed the Mongol–Okhotsk suture zone, which still links the accretionary wedges of central Mongolia and Circum-Pacific belts

61. This first part of the experiment was successfully completed in November after 56 days of drilling at five sites along the trough's accretionary wedge (the undersea mountain range formed where the tectonic plates meet).

62. Cambro-Ordovician (600 to 440 million years ago (Ma)), meta-sediments (acoustic basement), and the accretionary wedge of Mesozoic (225 to 65 Ma) and Cenozoic ( 65 Ma) sediments which form the Scotian Basin.

63. The final accretionary event involved addition of the Minnesota River Valley terrane (MRVT) from the south, and deposition and metamorphism of synorogenic turbidites of the Pontiac terrane during the ~2.68 Ga Minnesotan orogeny.

64. The following collision of the eastern portion of the Altaid collage with the Siberian craton formed the Mongol-Okhotsk suture zone, which still links the accretionary wedges of central Mongolia and Circum-Pacific belts

65. This as well as the following mission will revisit the drilled sites in order to take continuous samples from the upper section of the active accretionary prim and across the plate boundary faults.

66. The immature, juvenile layered gneiss in the Teton Range probably represents an accretionary prism or fore-arc basin onto which high-pressure rocks containing a mature sedimentary sequence were thrust at 2.67 Ga.

67. It studied how accretionary material comprising rocks and iron-rich metal melted and separated out the metallic portion from the rocky portion to form the core and the silicate mantle (magma ocean) respectively.

68. The Border Ranges fault system of southern Alaska, the fundamental break between the arc basement and the forearc accretionary complex, is the boundary between the Peninsular–Alexander–Wrangellia terrane and the Chugach terrane.

69. Identification of Late Cretaceous oceanic basalts within an accretionary complex in the eastern Argolis Peninsula extends the history of the Neotethys beyond Late Jurassic ophiolite emplacement, previously believed to be the result of continental collision.

70. Some of these faults possibly developed in the Mesozoic, when these deposits were in the accretionary wedge; the cross-cutting NE and NNE-striking faults that form the various basins resulted from a subsequent change to transtension.

71. The first widespread inception of this duality at 2.71–2.65 Ga in the Superior and Slave Provinces, Canada, and in India and Australia, may reflect one of the first supercontinent aggregations involving accretionary, “Cordilleran style” tectonics.

72. The Leventina Nappe represents one of the lowermost exposed units in the Alpine nappe stack and corresponds to a slice of the European margin that was entrained into the Alpine continental accretionary prism during the Tertiary tectonic event.

73. Still further in the southeast (around Todtmoos) is a range of exotic inclusions: gabbro from Ehrsberg, serpentinites and pyroxenites near Todtmoos, norite near Horbach), which are possibly the remnants of an accretionary wedge from a continental collision.

74. The Beardmore–Geraldton greenstone belt lies between the Wabigoon volcanic arc (Onaman–Tashota terrane) and the Quetico metasedimentary subprovince and thus has an important bearing on the accretionary model that has been proposed for the amalgamation of these terranes.

75. Cherts, radiolarites, and radiolarian Cherts are one of the most important components of accretionary complexes, and much used in the reconstruction of imbricated sections of ocean plate stratigraphy, and of the palaeogeographic and tectonic settings of ophiolitic mélanges

76. The Chikyu team's work is expected to generate key scientific knowledge of past earthquake activities and development processes of the Nankai Trough 'accretionary prism', which is a wedge formed from sediments that gradually build up on a non-subducting tectonic plate.

77. Seismic and hydrologic observations of the Nankai accretionary wedge décollement, Japan, show that overpressures at depths greater than ∼2 km beneath the seafloor could have increased to near lithostatic values due to sediment compaction and diagenesis, clay dehydration, and shearing.

78. Undoing the compactional effects caused by imbricate stacking of wedge slices, a synthetic pre-accretion porosity depth profile was developed, which bears strong resemblence to a characteristic profile from a reference drillhole in front of the Barbados accretionary complex.

79. It includes the Anvil assemblage and the narrowest portion of the Yukon-Tanana terrane (the Nisutlin assemblage), and is defined by post-accretionary faults: the Big Salmon fault to the west and the d'Abbadie fault system to the east.

80. Cherts, radiolarites, and radiolarian Cherts are one of the most important components of accretionary complexes, and much used in the reconstruction of imbricated sections of ocean plate stratigraphy, and of the palaeogeographic and tectonic settings of ophiolitic mélanges