Use "abuse of power" in a sentence

1. Abuse of Power

2. Abuse of power?

3. “Article [] “Abuse of power

4. - avoid abuse of power,

5. Abuse of power; and/or

6. Abuse of power by supermarkets

7. Such abuse of power is worldwide.

8. or abuse of power of an official.

9. Victims of crime and abuse of power

10. 12 What a horrible abuse of power!

11. Abuse of Power —Will It Ever End?

12. Why Abuse of Power Is Certain to End

13. Subject: Abuse of power by the Albanian Prime Minister

14. 23 Jehovah will not tolerate such abuse of power forever.

15. “Abuse of Power Leads to Loss of Authority”: (10 min.)

16. With regard to the abuse of power and actual discrimination:

17. That translates to abuse of power and breaking the law.

18. He was arrested on charges of corruption and abuse of power.

19. Doing so helps elders to avoid any possible abuse of power.

20. Corruption is the abuse of power or position for personal gain

21. You yourself have investigated the White House for abuse of power.

22. The abuse of power, wherever it might take place, must be condemned.

23. Furthermore, they provide protection against arbitrary actions and the abuse of power.

24. These include tendencies toward corruption, dishonesty, greed, and the abuse of power.

25. He also is charged with corruption, abuse of power and squandering public wealth.

26. Police abuse of power is another area where nearly every force could improve.

27. In fact, human history is largely a record of the abuse of power.

28. (Genesis 6:5, 11) And what is violence but an abuse of power?

29. He was sentenced in absentia to two years in jail for abuse of power.

30. Jehovah detests slander, loose conduct, the abuse of power, and the taking of bribes.

31. 19 Democrats have always been concerned about the abuse of power, not petty larceny.

32. But multilateralism is a global insurance policy against abuse of power by any state.

33. But it is also a saga of human avarice and the abuse of power.

34. Crime and the abuse of power: offences and offenders beyond the reach of the law.

35. Surely, those words are an assurance that Jehovah God will end the abuse of power.

36. Abuse of power will lead to the loss of that authority and possibly to banishment.

37. They are huge paintings of torture and abuse of power, in the voluminous Botero style.

38. Family violence is an abuse of power within a relationship of family, trust or dependency.

39. Any dictator, from Saddam Hussein to Robert Mugabe, could take pride in this abuse of power.

40. Restrictions imposed on the executive branch of the Government to minimize malfeasance and abuse of power;

41. On April 1, 2001 Yugoslavian authorities arrested Milošević on charges of corruption and abuse of power.

42. God’s use of force has nothing in common with the unjustifiable abuse of power by humans.

43. Increased education and prevention measures, restructuring the reporting process, insulating courts-martial from abuse of power.

44. 24 Ray Flynn and Joe Fisher represent something else, certainly not larceny or abuse of power.

45. The prohibition on eating from that tree, he argued, was unjustified; it was an abuse of power.

46. Abuse of power by Consuls was prevented with each consul given the power to veto his colleague

47. In spite of the Founders’ noble intentions, there has been widespread abuse of power in that land.

48. Two features set Clientelism 2.0 apart from more common types of personalistic Clientelism or simple abuse of power

49. (Psalm 45:3, 4; Matthew 25:31-33) Neither is this simply negative and destructive, an abuse of power.

50. Acts 8:9-24 What abuse of power is described here, and how can we avoid giving in to such wrongdoing?

51. Is it not true that abuse of power is one of the main grievances of the poor and oppressed of the world?

52. Of course, most of us have heard about brutality, corruption, indifference, and abuse of power on the part of some police officers.

53. Eisenhower Cautioned that the federal government’s collaboration with an alliance of military and industrial leaders, though necessary, was vulnerable to abuse of power

54. Mr. Katsav resigned recently as part of a plea bargain that enabled him to avoid being indicted on more serious charges of rape and abuse of power.

55. The Senate on Wednesday voted to Acquit President Trump on impeachment charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress over his dealings with Ukraine, marking the end of the months-long saga

56. Reporters Without Borders claims the media environment in Zimbabwe involves "surveillance, threats, imprisonment, censorship, blackmail, abuse of power and denial of justice are all brought to bear to keep firm control over the news."

57. Recent Examples on the Web: Verb Conflicts of interest are objective situations that arise when a person’s financial interests can be Counterpoised to their public responsibilities. — Matthew Yglesias, Vox, "Trump’s talk of pardoning Manafort is a clear abuse of power," 29 Nov

58. An abuse of power that starts in Absolution Crypt at 71.8 40.39 then finishing the chain that ends with Hunting an Inquisitor at 72.98 52.08 and you can pick up Halls of Atonement: Your Absolution which will reward 49,950 xp 98g 34s 40c and Lord Chamberlain's Cloak You Turn in it back at Absolution Crypt at 71.8 40.39 after completing the dungeon

59. The means mentioned in article 3 (b) are enumerated in article 3 (a) as follows: “the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation”.

60. The recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or reception of persons, including the exchange or transfer of control over those persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation.

61. Trafficking in women and children is defined under Act No. 64 of 2010, the Palermo Protocol and the Child Act, as amended, the Criminal Code, the Civil Status Code and the regulation governing organ transplants as: “dealing in human beings for the purpose of exploitation, through abduction, fraud or deception, or the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or need, by obtaining control over them and limiting their movement for the purpose of forced labour or obliging them to perform illegal acts for profit and obtaining financial reward or compensation, by an individual or organized group, at home or abroad”.